Sunday, November 27, 2016

Opciones Binarias De Metatrader 4

Cómo utilizar Metatrader 4

Presentamos una breve descripción de cómo utilizar la plataforma MetaTrader 4. Si está buscando una guía para MetaTrader 5, desplácese hasta el final del artículo o haga clic aquí.

1. Lea & # 8216; Ayuda & # 8217; instrucciones

Asegúrese de leer las instrucciones (ayuda) sobre el programa. No toma mucho tiempo; Sin embargo, eliminará la mayoría de las preguntas sobre cómo trabajar con el terminal de Metatrader. Para ello, pulse el botón & # 8220; F1 & # 8221; En el teclado o haga clic en el & # 8220; Help & # 8221; En el menú superior del terminal.

2. Configuración del menú y del espacio de trabajo

Hay una imagen de abajo en la que los menús y ventanas del programa se dan a una de las especies, que es conveniente para la mayoría de los comerciantes. Usted puede configurar el terminal a un formulario conveniente para usted. Le explicaremos cómo hacerlo gradualmente.

Todas las ventanas y paneles en Metatrader 4 pueden ser arrastrados por el ratón y colocados en la ubicación correcta. Al tirar de una esquina o borde de la ventana puede cambiar el tamaño. Puede ajustar el color del campo, las líneas, las velas, etc. Puede personalizar el espacio de trabajo y guardarlo en su perfil. Por lo tanto, es fácil crear varias vistas diferentes, por ejemplo, por el número de herramientas, y luego establecer el perfil deseado pulsando un solo botón. Para obtener más información o cambiar la configuración de un campo, haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón y verá un nuevo menú.

3. La Vigilancia del Mercado & # 8221; Espacio y crear la lista de instrumentos financieros.

Con el fin de acelerar el terminal y reducir el tráfico de Internet, algunos instrumentos comerciales deben ser eliminados de la lista de herramientas adicionales. Para ello, haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en el campo "Vigilancia del mercado", véase la Figura 2. Esta es una lista indicativa de herramientas, cada agente tiene su propia y puede diferir de lo que ve en la Cifras.

Figura 2. Ocultar todos los símbolos en MetaTrader4

En la barra de menú, seleccione & # 8220; Ocultar todo & # 8221; Y haga clic en él con el botón izquierdo. Una larga lista de la mayoría de los símbolos desaparecerán, dejando sólo aquellos que tienen cartas abiertas. Ahora puede pasar a la lista de las herramientas necesarias. Para ello, haga clic en "Símbolos" en la Fig. 2.

Figura 3. Creación de una lista de herramientas en MetaTrader 4

Aparece una nueva ventana con grupos de instrumentos:

Figura 4. Grupos de instrumentos financieros en MetaTrader 4

Vamos a seguir creando la lista de herramientas.

Si hace clic en el ratón en una cruz delante de un grupo de instrumentos financieros, se abrirá y veremos una lista de herramientas que incluye el grupo.

Figura 5. Lista de herramientas de un grupo en MetaTrader 4

Al elegir la herramienta adecuada y hacer clic en Mostrar & # 8221 ;, la herramienta se agregará a la lista en el & # 8220; Market Watch & # 8221 ;. Este procedimiento puede repetirse varias veces y seleccionar las herramientas deseadas. Si hace clic en el & # 8220; Propiedades & # 8221; , Se abrirá con las propiedades básicas de la herramienta. Así, hemos creado una lista de instrumentos.

Aunque la lista de instrumentos financieros puede ser almacenada, puede crear varias listas diferentes y utilizar algunas de ellas según sea necesario. MetaTrader 4 incluye una lista de algunas herramientas listas.

La lista de herramientas de gestión (selección, ahorro y borrado) nos está ya pasando por alto a través del menú de la Fig. 3. Para ello, seleccione la línea & # 8222; Set & # 8221 ;, luego & # 8220; Guardar como & # 8221; O & # 8220; Borrar & # 8221; O seleccione el conjunto correcto de herramientas de la lista.

4. Cartografía, ajuste del formato de visualización

Veamos nuevamente la Fig. 3. Si hace clic en el elemento de menú & # 8220; Ventana de gráfico & # 8221 ;, esto generará un gráfico de la herramienta seleccionada en el & # 8220; Market Watch & # 8221 ;. La apariencia de las cartas será tal como se especifica en la plantilla estándar. Para personalizar la apariencia del gráfico según sus preferencias, haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en el espacio del panel y seleccione & # 8220; Propiedades & # 8221; & # 8211; La línea inferior del menú o presione el botón "F8" en el teclado. Se abre un panel mediante el cual se puede seleccionar el esquema de color preferido y personalizar el color de cada elemento del gráfico: fondo, vela y algunos de sus elementos, el color de las líneas. La configuración es muy fácil, ya que verás inmediatamente los resultados de tus cambios. Así que puede personalizar cada cuadro con espacio individual, y si desea guardar la configuración de los nuevos gráficos automáticamente, se abre de la manera que te gusta. Como hacer esto?

A la derecha, haga clic en el cuadro de campo para espaciar, entonces veremos el menú (ver Fig. 6.). Seleccione la línea & # 8220; Plantilla & # 8221 ;.

Figura 6. Seleccionar, guardar o eliminar la ventana del gráfico de plantillas en MetaTrader 4

En un menú adicional a la derecha, seleccione & # 8220; Guardar plantilla & # 8221; Y guarde la plantilla bajo un nuevo nombre. Posteriormente, puede seleccionar la plantilla en cualquier gráfico, y así darle todas las propiedades preconfiguradas. A la derecha, vemos una lista de plantillas de menú, y puede elegir una de ellas y ver cómo cambia el gráfico. Tal vez algunos de estos patrones serán útiles para usted.

Necesidad de guía para la nueva versión & # 8211; MT5? ¡Lo tenemos!

El análisis de la dinámica de precios de los instrumentos financieros es el componente más importante de la negociación exitosa. En MetaTrader, 5 desarrolladores han intentado dar tantas capacidades analíticas como puedan para los comerciantes.

Ofrece a los comerciantes tres tipos de gráficos como antes: línea, candelabros y barras. Los operadores pueden utilizar 38 indicadores técnicos incorporados, 39 objetos gráficos y muchos indicadores MQL5 para realizar análisis de datos. Todas estas herramientas analíticas pueden combinarse de diferentes maneras: los objetos pueden aplicarse a indicadores, construir indicadores a partir de otros indicadores, etc. Por conveniencia, los indicadores se dividen en grupos: tendencia, osciladores, volúmenes, Bill Williams y otros. No hay habilidad para crear grupos propios y mover las luces entre ellos.

El historial de citas en MetaTrader 5 se almacena en el marco de tiempo de minutos (M1) y todos los gráficos se basan en ellos. Esta solución ha aumentado el número de plazos de hasta 21 para analizar las cotizaciones, puede utilizar cualquier período de minuto a mes. La principal limitación de los plazos es su multiplicidad: una hora debe tener períodos enteros de minutos. Esta regla satisface los siguientes plazos: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M10, M12, M15, M20 y M30.

El almacenamiento de datos históricos en el MetaTrader 5 es muy económico. Por ejemplo, un historial minucioso de cotizaciones de GBPUSD por diez años ocupa aproximadamente 10 megabytes. Una vez que el comerciante descargó esta historia, puede construir todas las cartas del instrumento de M1 a MN1.

En términos de apertura de pedidos, MT5 tiene muchas innovaciones. Pero el diálogo en sí ha permanecido prácticamente sin cambios. Además de las reglas generales de ejecución de órdenes dadas por el corredor, el comerciante puede especificar condiciones adicionales en la Política de Ejecución & # 8221; (Sólo en el mercado de valores) ventana de pedido.

Gráficos MetaTrader

Los inversores que utilizan gráficos para operar con supervisar sus operaciones de Forex y operaciones de futuros utilizando MetaTrader gráficos. La ventaja añadida de utilizar gráficos Metatrader es que el inversor puede administrar varias cuentas en un momento dado. Además, el uso de MetaTrader gráficos no tiene ningún costo que puede ser un gran ahorro para usted a largo plazo. Este software libre se puede encontrar en la mayoría de los corredores de Forex.

Aquí está una mirada a lo que una carta de Metatrader parece.

MetaTrader gráficos vienen con indicadores personalizables utilizando el lenguaje MQL, además de todos los demás scripts. En la actualidad, MetaTrader Chart 4 es el tipo más comúnmente preferido, aunque también hay otro tipo conocido como MetaTrader 5 paquete de gráficos. La mayoría de los corredores de Forex sólo son capaces de ofrecer MetaTrader 4 cartas en este momento. De cualquier manera ambos son útiles herramientas utilizadas en el comercio de divisas extranjeras y el sector de opciones binarias.

Existen numerosos intermediarios MetaTrader a través de los cuales uno puede ir y descargar este software. Esta herramienta ofrece al inversor del mercado financiero la forma más eficaz de analizar el mercado. Los gráficos de MetaTrader pueden tener el par de divisas que el inversor está negociando para mostrarse en la interfaz en tiempo real. De esta manera, el inversionista puede tomar decisiones oportunas con respecto a qué vender o comprar en el mercado de opciones binarias.

Los gráficos de MetaTrader proporcionan a inversionista maneras de supervisar y de analizar el progreso de cualesquiera pares de la moneda extranjera en los cuales las inversiones se han hecho. Independientemente de la hora del día o de la noche, estos gráficos siguen mostrando y exponen los factores que afectan a estas inversiones dando así la oportunidad de invertir. Los gráficos de MetaTrader han demostrado durante la última década como una fuente completa para todas sus necesidades de gráficos.

Los gráficos de MetaTrader pueden ser utilizados por comerciantes de opciones binarias para ayudarles a tomar decisiones basadas en si el precio de sus activos subyacentes subirá o bajará. Esto es especialmente crucial en relación con la vida de ese comercio en particular. Los operadores de opciones binarias pueden estar capacitados para conocer de antemano las proyecciones de sus opciones o el valor aproximado de sus activos subyacentes después de que se haya alcanzado el plazo para ese comercio específico.

Al final del día, el operador de opciones binarias está interesado en maximizar sus beneficios. Como tal, los gráficos de MetaTrader proporcionan una manera a través de la cual estos objetivos pueden ser alcanzados con un mayor nivel de precisión. Esto se debe a que estos gráficos pueden ayudar con la predicción de precios durante un período de tiempo. El inversor o comerciante puede analizar estos gráficos para los pares de divisas que están negociando y determinar de manera concluyente lo que las tendencias generales serán como. Esto hace que estos gráficos MetaTrader muy importante para el operador de opciones binarias de Forex.

Publicado el 14 de abril de 2015 | De John Kane

Trading de opciones binarias de Metatrader 4

Metatrader 4 es la plataforma de comercio de Forex más popular del mercado y se ha convertido en una herramienta helfpul para la comunidad de opciones binarias. Con un fondo pequeño en Forex me encuentro tomando ventaja de esta plataforma de comercio constantemente. También ayuda que cuando el comercio de opciones binarias mi enfoque es generalmente todavía pares y no las materias primas o los índices.

Yo uso MT4 en conjunto con mi asistente de libre comercio y software de opciones binarias para obtener señales fuertes que puedo confiar.

Dicho esto, pensé que hoy te presentaría a metatrader 4 si no lo has usado y señalas algunos de los aspectos básicos que probablemente deberías saber si vas a usar esta plataforma. Primero lo primero, usted querrá ir en Google y buscar MT4 y luego su área. Así que buscaría algo como MT4 Nueva York, o el noreste para asegurarse de que tengo una plataforma cerca de mi ubicación. Esto asegurará que el precio de alimentación es rápido y fiable, ya que no ha llegado a ser tan lejos para los datos para viajar.

Después de encontrar la mejor plataforma para usted el siguiente paso es descargar e instalar. Este es un proceso muy simple si usted no entra en su propio camino y confundirse usted no tendrá ningún problema en absoluto. Simplemente déjelo en la carpeta predeterminada y no se encontrará con ningún problema.

Tan pronto como usted entra en MT4 usted tendrá que crear una cuenta con el corredor asociado con MT4. Nunca tendrá que depositar fondos con este corredor es puramente una cuenta de demostración que puede utilizar y probar con.

Mis opciones binarias MT4 Tradestation

Este es un video que hice en mi primer informe de ingresos de 2015. Le muestro cómo uso MT4 y qué papel juega en mi trading de opciones binarias.

Organización de Metatrader 4 para opciones binarias

Los siguientes pasos que tomo después de configurar mi metatrader 4 para usar los gráficos de opciones binarias son organizacionales. Verá que hay un puñado de opciones que aparecen en la parte superior izquierda de la página (Archivo, Vista, Insertar, Gráficos, Herramientas, Windows, Ayuda). Siempre es una buena idea pasar un tiempo revisando estas opciones para ver si hay algo que te gustaría cambiar. Lo primero que haré es crear mis cartas. Así que haré clic en ver en la parte superior izquierda y luego haga clic en el reloj del mercado. A continuación, voy a esperar haga clic en la ventana del reloj del mercado y haga clic en mostrar todo. Esto no es algo que tengas que hacer, si ves los pares que quieres usar ya en el reloj del mercado, entonces empieza a hacer clic en ellos y arrastrarlos al área abierta en el medio (es gris).

Después de sacar todos los gráficos que quiero en el área gris voy a empezar a tomar los marcos de tiempo que quiero que cada gráfico para ser. Así que voy a hacer clic en la vista en la parte superior izquierda, luego ir a las barras de herramientas y haga clic en la periodicidad (si no tiene una marca de verificación en él). Una vez que esta barra está disponible comenzaré a hacer clic en cada gráfico separado y luego haga clic en el marco de tiempo deseado, para los sistemas que uso y el análisis que uso en el mercado de opciones binarias Generalmente me enfoco en los plazos H1 y M5.

El último paso de la organización que me gusta tomar en mi metatrader 4 para las opciones binarias es hacer clic en la ventana en la parte superior izquierda y luego hacer clic en Windows. Esto automáticamente organizará sus cartas y las cuadrará para arriba perfectamente en el centro de su pantalla.

Configuración de opciones binarias MT4

Después de organizar finalmente mis cartas, lo siguiente que hago es ir a las herramientas en la parte superior izquierda y hacer clic en las opciones. La primera pestaña que examinaré es la pestaña Eventos MT4 porque quiero asegurarme de que recibo alertas emergentes y notificaciones. Esto es porque yo uso un montón de opciones binarias comercio señal de software y quiero saber a través de alertas de sonido cada vez que una señal viene a mi manera. Así que iré a la pestaña Eventos de MT4 y simplemente haga clic en habilitar.

Aún en el área de pestaña de opciones me moveré a la pestaña de asesores expertos y haga clic en permitir importaciones de DLL porque todos los sistemas de comercio de opciones binarias que uso que requieren MT4 utilizan importaciones de DLL para proporcionar señales actualizadas. Usted verá que hay una advertencia que dice que esto es potencialmente peligroso, pero sólo lo uso con aplicación de confianza por lo que esto no es una preocupación para mí.

En cualquier ficha de opciones hay otras dos pestañas útiles, la pestaña de notificaciones que puede activar si desea que el software de opciones de Forex o binario envíe notificaciones push (SMS) a su teléfono celular. Similar a eso es la pestaña de correo electrónico donde puede obtener señales enviadas directamente a su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico. No he probado las notificaciones push, pero he estado leyendo algunos artículos en línea y parece que es un proceso bastante simple. Podría escribir un método sobre esto en el futuro.

Extra MT4 Opciones de opciones binarias

Si desea cambiar el aspecto del gráfico, puede hacer clic con el botón derecho en el gráfico y hacer clic en Propiedades. En la parte superior aquí en MT4 te darás cuenta de que hay esquemas de color predefinidos que puedes usar o puedes seleccionar los colores exactos que prefieras. También hay 3 tipos diferentes de gráficos que puede utilizar, gráficos de líneas, gráficos de barras en las cartas de velas más populares. Usted puede cambiar esto fácilmente y metatrader 4 haciendo clic en la opción de gráficos en la parte superior y, a continuación, haga clic en candelabros. Si realmente quieres ver los candeleros de cerca, haz clic con el botón derecho en el gráfico y haz clic en Zoom in.

Espero que usted aprenda una cierta información útil sobre metatrader 4 y este artículo le proporcionó bastante información para conseguir comenzado con esta plataforma y comenzar a utilizarla en su comercio binario de las opciones.

Método de opciones binarias gratuitas

Mi método paso a paso para las ganancias de opciones binarias fácil. Mi nombre es John Kane y he juntado uno de mis fáciles métodos ganadores.

Este método sólo requiere un software y un corredor y se puede configurar en menos de 30 minutos.

Si un novato o un profesional de esta guía gratuita puede ayudarle a empezar a ganar con opciones binarias de inmediato.

Binary Today es un sitio de revisión de opciones binarias de vanguardia con el objetivo principal de proporcionar herramientas útiles e información sobre corredores, señales, estrategias y más. Esperamos desarrollar una gran comunidad de comerciantes exitosos y condenar a los vendedores que no son responsables de sus acciones o respetuoso con sus clientes.

Informes de ingresos

Con el fin de mantener la máxima transparencia ahora proporcionar un informe mensual sobre mis cifras de comercio:

Acerca de

Las opciones binarias que negocian son una afición de la vida larga dada vuelta para mí. Ahora mi enfoque es mantener la comunidad honesta. Soy un usuario ávido del software binario de las opciones así que entiendo cómo diagnosticar y proporcionar la penetración valiosa. Hay muchos deshonrosos desarrolladores de productos binarios en Internet, he hecho mi deber señalarle en la dirección de la victoria.


Nuestro podcast recién lanzado del binario hoy está disponible, echa un vistazo a los últimos episodios aquí:

&dupdo; 2013 Binario Hoy

Inscríbete a mi boletín de noticias

Herramientas gratuitas

Nuevas estrategias & amp; Métodos

Estudios de caso & amp; Ejemplos comerciales

Ingrese su correo electrónico para unirse a mí hoy!

Opciones binarias para MetaTrader 4: Instrucciones de instalación

Las siguientes instrucciones le explicarán cómo instalar las opciones binarias para la plataforma MetaTrader 4.

Para iniciar el comercio de opciones binarias que necesita para descargar e instalar la plataforma MetaTrader 4.

A continuación, descargue e instale software adicional - Opciones binarias para MT4.

Cómo crear y autorizar una cuenta demo

Iniciar opciones binarias para MT4.

(Fig.1) Abra el formulario de autorización y cree la cuenta haciendo clic en "Crear cuenta demo".

(Fig.2) Establezca la contraseña de la cuenta en el cuadro "Contraseña", corrija su elección marcando la casilla "Guardar información de la cuenta" y presione "Crear".

Seleccione el servidor comercial:

Para la cuenta de demostración, seleccione Servidor de demostración (Demostración AL). Para una cuenta real, seleccione Real server (AL-Real).

Si utiliza más de un terminal MetaTrader 4, en la primera ejecución se buscarán y mostrarán todas las versiones. Elija la terminal AL Trade 4. Configure su elección marcando la casilla "Recordar mi elección y no mostrar esta ventana en el futuro".

La próxima vez que inicie sesión, el terminal de la compañía se abrirá automáticamente.

• Su terminal está preparado para intercambiar opciones binarias.

Seleccione las herramientas de negociación

AL se abre después de llenar los datos de la cuenta en Opciones Binarias para MT4.

Seleccione "Market Watch".

Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón y seleccione "Mostrar todo".

Los activos del comercio de opciones binarias incluyen el término «bo» (EURUSDbo, USDJPYbo).


MetaTrader 4 es una plataforma de comercio de renombre mundial y el estándar de la industria para Forex, CFDs y comercio de metales. MT4 es la plataforma de negociación preferida por su interfaz fácil de usar y características personalizables, permitiendo a los comerciantes ejecutar sus estrategias con facilidad.

La ventaja clave de MetaTrader 4:

Aplicación de comercio móvil disponible

Alertas de precios, Señales y Noticias de Mercado

Comercio Forex, Opciones Binarias, Metales y CFDs

Paquete avanzado de gráficos y & amp; análisis técnico

Uso pleno de todos los Asesores Expertos (EAs) e Indicadores

Opciones comerciales binarias

MT4-Binary lleva la plataforma MetaTrader 4 a un nuevo nivel combinando comodidad e innovación, permitiendo a los clientes intercambiar Opciones Binarias. Los clientes también pueden automatizar sus operaciones con el uso de Asesores Expertos e Indicadores Personalizados.

Comercio de hasta 12 + instrumentos de opciones binarias, todos directamente en la plataforma MetaTrader 4.

Mantente conectado

Manténgase conectado y administre su cuenta comercial mientras viaja con la plataforma de comercio más popular del mundo MetaTrader 4 (MT4). ¡Acceda a su cuenta y vea los precios en tiempo real mientras negocia en los mercados financieros desde cualquier parte del mundo!

Automatice su negociación con asesores expertos

Automatice su negociación con el uso de asesores expertos, indicadores personalizados y secuencias de comandos. El comercio automatizado con MetaTrader 4 ha crecido en popularidad y evolucionado alrededor del entorno de desarrollo MQL4. La comunidad MQL4 ofrece a los comerciantes nuevos y experimentados acceso al código para los programas MQL4.

Asesores expertos son tan eficaces como su capacidad para ejecutar operaciones de manera eficiente y MT4-binario rápido, la ejecución de grado institucional.

Herramientas analíticas

La plataforma MT4 viene con un paquete de gráficos avanzado que incluye 9 marcos de tiempo, que van desde un minuto a un mes, y 30 + indicadores técnicos que le permiten realizar análisis técnicos y fundamentales para optimizar su comercio.

MT4-Binary MetaTrader 4 plataforma ofrece noticias en directo directamente a través de Dow Jones Newswires. Dow Jones Newswires son reconocidos como una fuente confiable de información exclusiva sobre las tendencias del mercado global.

Obtenga una cuenta gratuita de DEMO

Indicadores de opciones binarias y estrategias gratuitas

¡Indicadores, gráficos y estrategias gratuitos para opciones binarias abajo! Sigue leyendo..

En referencia a las opciones binarias, los indicadores son cálculos formulados que miden el volumen y el precio de un activo subyacente. Estos indicadores nos permiten conocer la tendencia, los movimientos futuros de precios, la volatilidad de precios y el impulso. Los Indicadores de Opciones Binarias pertenecen a la categoría de Análisis Técnico & # 8217; Ya que el enfoque principal es el comportamiento del precio como opuesto al análisis fundamental que trata de los efectos económicos y financieros sobre los activos subyacentes. A continuación encontrará algunos de los indicadores de opciones binarias más populares utilizados con operaciones a corto plazo, como 60 segundos, 5 minutos, 10 minutos y 15 minutos de negociación. Todos los indicadores son compatibles con MT4 solución de gráficos gratuitos.

En el siguiente video de YouTube, revisé mis 5 recomendaciones recomendadas para la creación de gráficos gratuitos. No olvide desplazarse hasta el final de esta página para obtener una lista de indicadores y estrategias gratuitas para opciones binarias.

Las 5 mejores opciones binarias GRATIS!

Estrategias de opciones binarias favoritas de Mike & # 8217;

Estrategia de Oro de Mike Aprenda cómo operar la opción de Oro usando un método simple, esta es una estrategia exitosa que usé a lo largo de los años con una gran tasa de éxito de más de 70 ITM

Indicador del MACD de Mike + Estrategia Un indicador muy popular y por todas las razones correctas, en este artículo te enseñaré cómo usarlo para aumentar tu tasa de éxito y minimizar las pérdidas.

La mejor estrategia de Fence + Bollinger Bands Usted no quiere perderse mi estrategia de comercio de vallas, que es ampliamente utilizada y también conocida como la estrategia de doble ganancia & 8217 ;.

NUEVO VIDEO & # 8211; Extended 30 minutos Estrategia de comercio de vallas y opciones binarias Consejos de nuestro Facebook Signals Group Admin Afzal. Mira este video extraordinario por uno de los mejores comerciantes que he tenido la oportunidad de conocer y trabajar con orgullo!

Lista de indicadores por 60 segundos y operaciones a corto plazo

Pivot Points Indicador utilizado para determinar el soporte real y los niveles de resistencia basados ​​en niveles de mercado pasados.

Bollinger Bands ® Indicadores utilizados para medir la volatilidad del mercado en un período de tiempo dado.

Indicadores intermedios y avanzados

SMI Ergotic La función principal de este indicador es determinar si el valor de un activo está sobrecompuesto o sobreventa. El Indicador Ergotic SMI funciona muy bien junto con el Indicador TSI, la combinación de los dos indicadores puede producir una tasa ITM muy alta según lo reportado por los comerciantes avanzados e intermedios.

Indicador de Nube de Ichimoku No confunda con un personaje de Anime, el Ichimoku podría indicador y la estrategia es para los comerciantes AVANZADOS SOLAMENTE! Puede tomar un tiempo para envolver su mente alrededor de este indicador, pero cuando lo hace, rápidamente se dará cuenta de por qué muchos comerciantes exitosos ver este indicador como el Santo Grial de comercio en línea!

Indicador Trix El indicador TRIX es un oscilador de línea central que oscila desde valores exponenciales creados por la acción de precio del activo seleccionado. La principal función de este indicador es determinar si el activo que se está viendo es sobrecompuesto o sobrevendido, lo que hace es medir el impulso generado por los diferentes niveles de precios.

Estrategias y técnicas de opciones binarias gratuitas

Estrategia de 15 minutos para las opciones binarias Aprenda a operar más de 15 minutos en el modo correcto & # 8217; Por Tim Lanoue.

Estrategia de Horario Intra-Trading El reconocimiento de las horas de negociación ideal mejorará drásticamente su tasa de ITM. Ideal para comerciantes con un horario flexible.

Estrategia de Nube de Ichimoku Después de leer el artículo anterior sobre el Indicador de Ichimoku, aprender a implementar y aprovechar este indicador con la Estrategia de Nube de Ichimoku!

10 Minute Trend Trading Estrategia Puede ser difícil de detectar las tendencias de más de 60 segundos, pero con la Estrategia de Negociación Tendencia de 10 minutos puede tomar ganancias súper rápidas cada 10 minutos!

Novice 10 Minuto Binario Opciones Estrategia Está empezando con opciones binarias? Aprende a dominar fácilmente una estrategia rentable y sencilla para las opciones binarias.

La mejor estrategia de 5 minutos! Una estrategia intermedia para las opciones binarias que rinden beneficios% 70-% 80, probado más de 500 oficios!

¡La Estrategia ATR! Un indicador independiente que se puede utilizar como una estrategia de generación de alta ganancia de la señal idealmente para los oficios de 30 a 60 minutos.

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Opciones binarias en Meta Trader 4

El relativamente nuevo campo de opciones binarias está creciendo rápidamente. Leverate, un proveedor de soluciones para corredores de divisas, introduce una plataforma para opciones binarias que se integran en la popular plataforma MT4 popular entre los cambistas.

Creo que 2011 verá más comerciantes y más proveedores entrar en el campo de opciones binarias. Esto es también un resultado de las nuevas limitaciones en el comercio forex estándar, y el desarrollo de las opciones binarias.

Leverate lanza su primera plataforma integrada de opciones binarias MT4

Aproveche al Premium Forex Broker Solutions Provider se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de la primera plataforma de opciones binarias que está integrada con la plataforma MT4. La plataforma de opciones binarias es la cuarta plataforma ofrecida por Leverate como parte de su solución de marca privada como una cartera compartida con un único inicio de sesión y contraseña para intercambiar y actualizar a través de las cuatro plataformas; Proporcionando así al corredor una ventaja competitiva distinta frente a otros corredores en el mercado, así como una expansión de su cuota de mercado.

La plataforma de opciones binarias es la más reciente adición a la oferta de Leverate a clientes de Label Private después de su cliente MT4, Web Trader y Mobile Trader. Como la primera plataforma de opciones binarias que es totalmente compatible con la plataforma MT4 y que ofrece una cartera compartida entre todas las plataformas, el comerciante puede utilizar su cuenta comercial existente y sus datos de usuario y contraseña actuales para acceder a la plataforma de opciones binarias.

La plataforma está basada en web, por lo que no es necesario descargar, los comerciantes sólo necesitan acceso a Internet. La plataforma intuitiva es completamente personalizable y está soportada por un avanzado sistema de gestión de contenidos que permite al cliente diseñar el sitio web que aloja el motor de comercio con sus especificaciones exactas con la máxima facilidad.

Leverate ofrece una solución completa llave en mano para los clientes que buscan establecer una correduría de Forex premium; Además de la gama completa de soluciones que ya forman parte de su solución de marcas privadas, Leverate ahora puede ofrecer la plataforma de Opciones Binarias, que incluye el motor de comercio, el front-end basado en la web, el CMS, y la gestión de riesgos e integración sistema de cobranza. El director de desarrollo de negocios de Leverate, Lior Shmuely, explica por qué el comercio de opciones binarias se ha convertido en un importante vehículo financiero,

"El mercado de opciones binarias que ha visto una explosión masiva en popularidad en los últimos años es atractivo tanto para principiantes como para comerciantes profesionales. Esto se debe principalmente a su simplicidad y límite de riesgo; Un operador sólo necesita tener un sentido de la dirección que el mercado está tomando y los pagos fijos significan que los inversionistas tienen una exposición limitada al riesgo ".

Leverate, así como sus clientes de marcas privadas, son la única empresa que ofrece una Plataforma de Opción Binaria integrada MT4 y como resultado están muy bien situados en el mercado. Leverate Ventas & amp; Director de Marketing, Juan Jutgla comenta,

"Hemos estado en la vanguardia del mercado Forex por un tiempo ahora. Al agregar opciones binarias integradas MT4 a nuestro paquete existente de plataformas MT4, Web Trader y Mobile Trader, estamos ayudando a crear corretaje de servicio completo. Con una cuenta de trading, los corredores pueden ofrecer acceso a decenas de activos a través de Forex, Commodities, Stocks e índices ".

Leverate ofrece soluciones de vanguardia impulsadas por una tecnología innovadora. Leverate ofrece a los operadores del mercado herramientas y servicios comerciales como soluciones de etiquetas blancas completas, Liquidity Bridge, feeds en vivo y web & amp; aplicaciones móviles. Docenas de corredores de todo el mundo confían en nuestras soluciones y servicios para aumentar los volúmenes de operaciones, lograr la máxima precisión y exactitud con los feeds del mercado y prevenir el fraude. En línea con nuestro compromiso con nuestra creciente base de clientes, Leverate continúa desarrollando nuevas soluciones y tecnologías innovadoras que responden a la evolución de las tendencias del mercado y generan un mejor valor para nuestros clientes

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Descripción general de MetaTrader 4 para opciones binarias

Es hora de dar a los operadores de opciones binarias una herramienta útil en la realización de análisis técnico al negociar opciones binarias. Mientras que los corredores de opciones binarias le proporcionan gráficos que le permiten ver las tendencias generales de precios, se necesita una plataforma de gráficos más versátil si se desea obtener información más precisa. Una plataforma de gráficos flexibles también es importante para el operador de opciones binarias para incluir muchos indicadores que pueden ayudarles a tomar decisiones más informadas.

Una plataforma de gráficos popular utilizada por millones de comerciantes es MetaTrader 4, conocido como MT4 para abreviar. MT4 es una plataforma de comercio electrónico ampliamente utilizada. Es utilizado por traders especulativos tradicionales, así como por operadores de opciones binarias. MT4 fue desarrollado por MetaQuotes Software y lanzado en 2005. El software, que utiliza tanto un cliente como un componente de servidor, está licenciado para corredores que proporcionan el software a sus clientes.

El componente del servidor es ejecutado por el intermediario y el software del cliente se proporciona a los clientes de los intermediarios, que utilizan el software para transmitir los precios en tiempo real a través de gráficos. El software también permite al comerciante para realizar pedidos, así como administrar su cuenta. Si tiene Microsoft Windows en ejecución en su sistema, entonces debería ser capaz de utilizar MT4. Sin embargo, algunos corredores proporcionan sus propias variantes personalizadas desarrolladas MT4 para Mac OS.

El MT4 ofrece a los usuarios una multitud de herramientas para facilitar el comercio, incluyendo gráficos superiores, automatización y capacidades de ejecución de órdenes. El comercio eficaz y eficiente es lo que resulta cuando un operador de opciones binarias utiliza la plataforma MT4. MT4 está disponible para su descarga en Internet, y el primer paso para utilizar la plataforma es, por supuesto, descargar el instalador y configurarlo en su sistema.

MT4 Navegación

Cuando abra MT4, la pantalla se verá similar a esto:

En la parte superior izquierda verá la ventana Market Watch.

Aquí puedes ver las cotizaciones Forex en tiempo real.

Directamente debajo, usted verá la ventana del navegador.

Esta ventana le permite un acceso rápido a todas sus cuentas Forex, indicadores, scripts y asesores expertos.

A la derecha, verá la ventana Gráfico.

La ventana Gráfico puede mostrar gráficos de línea, bola y candelabro.

En la parte inferior de la pantalla verá la ventana Terminal, donde podrá ver posiciones abiertas, historial comercial y correo MT4.

La ventana de vigilancia del mercado

Si la ventana de vigilancia del mercado no aparece en su plataforma, puede presionar CTRL-M. O seleccione Ver -> Vigilancia del mercado. Además, puede hacer clic en el botón Market Watch en la barra de herramientas para mostrar la ventana del reloj del mercado.

MT4 mostrará todos los pares de divisas disponibles para su comercio. Los precios en rojo son los que han marcado abajo, mientras que los precios en azul son los que acaba de hacer tictac. En la parte inferior de la ventana Market Watch, puede ver una pestaña que dice tick chart. If you wish to see a tick chart, just click the currency pair that you wish to view and click the tick chart tab.

Going back to the symbols tab you can perform a variety of actions through the Market Watch window. By right clicking on any of the currency pairs, you will produce the context menu.

From here, you can open a new chart window or execute a new order. You can also modify the Market Watch window to show the high and low prices for the day, as well as the time of the latest quote.

The Navigator Window

The Navigator window is the control center of MT4 where you will perform the majority of your functions. The account button allows you to login to the different Forex trading accounts that you may have. The indicators button will allow you to open all of your indicators. By simply dragging the indicator into the chart, a parameters box will be displayed. Here you can select your preferred parameters, and once complete, the indicator will appear on the chart.

One of MT4’s best features is the ability to implement trading robots onto your account. Robots, also known as Expert Advisors allow you to employ trading strategies without having to manually place orders. The robot does it automatically. Similar to indicators, all you need to do to implement the Expert Advisor is to drag the robot into the chart.

To activate the robot, make sure that the checkbox for “Allow live trading” is ticked. You will also see several other options in this parameters box, including the option for your robot to go Long only, short only, or perform long and short trades.

Once you implement an Expert Advisor on a currency pair, you should see the Expert Advisor name on the top right corner of the chart. If you have enabled live trading, you will see a smiley face next to the name.

The button on the toolbar labeled Expert Advisor can turn all active robots on or off with a single click. An ‘X’ beside the name of the Expert Advisor means that the robot has been stopped.

Below the Expert Advisor button is the Custom Indicators button.

In there you can see other indicators other than the preset ones provided by the platform. They function in a similar fashion as the other indicators.

Finally, you can see the Scripts button.

Scripts allow your account to perform certain functions. For example, the delete_pending script will delete any pending orders in a given chart.

The Terminal Window

The Terminal window appears at the bottom of the screen with six tabs: Trade, Account History, Alerts, Mailbox, Experts and Journal. Traders can click each tab to become familiar with the type of information that appears in each tab.

The “Trade” tab, for example, is where open orders and trades can be viewed, including the symbol, trade entry price, stop loss levels, take profit levels, closing price and profit or loss. The “Account History” tab, on the other hand, lists all of the activity that has occurred, including closed orders.

MT4 provides tools and resources that allow traders to analyze price, place and manage trades, and employ automated trading techniques. The binary options trader may not be able to use all the functions provided by the tool, but can be very helpful nonetheless. We advise that you download a copy of this tool today to assist you with charting and strategic techniques that will help you in your trading.

We also have a list of top binary options brokers for you to choose from. You can check them out to start trading binary options today.

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Trading Binary Options MetaTrader 4

MT4 Binary Options

As binary options growing popularity the demand among traders grows for market transparency and platform functionality. Until recently many binary option brokers would solely rely on trading systems from a few select trading system providers. Some called into question the accuracy of the pricing from these brokers. Some traders have gone to great lengths to compare Forex brokers pricing with that of their binary option platforms. It doesn’t take long to find forum posts of dissatisfied traders who feel they have been wronged by their Binary Options broker due to a lack of price transparency.

Many traders have also recently been developing automated systems to trade binary options based on parameters set to the underlying for Forex pair. These traders would then need to find a way to have the trade copied over to the binary option broker. This is all being done without the trader’s knowledge as to the accuracy of the pricing at the binary option broker.

Now traders have the ability to trade binary options MetaTrader 4 with a few select brokers. The product that allows you to trade binary options Meta Trader 4 is called FX Lite and it is an additional install with the broker’s Meta Trader 4. After installing FX lite you can launch the product right from your desktop. After launching the product the layout will be the same as that of your brokers MT4 with one distinct difference. You will now be able to trade binary options in the same account as your Forex trading account.

Binary option symbols can be found in the market watch window with other products offered by your broker. The binary options trade window is the same as a Forex trade window. To place a trade first Locate the pairs with “BO” after the Forex pair and double-click on it. Instead of the MetaTrader 4 trade window you will see the binary options trade window appear. Here you can select the investment amount and the expiry time. The expiry count down will display on the binary option trading window.

Aside from the fact that pricing is displayed in the same platform and updates in real time and the fact that the trades for the Forex pairs and the binary options are in the same account traders can really appreciate having all of the tools and functionality of their MetaTrader platform.

To learn more please visit www. clmforex. com

Trading Forex and Derivatives carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing substantially more than your initial investment. Also, you do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets. The effect of leverage is that both gains and losses are magnified. You should only trade if you can afford to carry these risks. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary

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Binary Options

Binary Options

Leverage on one of the most exciting instruments to trade on; Binary Options! Binary options is a great new and extremely simple instrument to trade in the markets.

What are Binary Options?

Binary Options offer a very simple, direct way of trading on the various instruments, where the payoff is a fixed amount and so is the loss.

It isn't relative to the amount of distance the market has moved. With conventional instruments

If the market has moved against you 100 pips, your loss will be magnified by 100 pips and the longer you wait, the more you will lose.

With Binary Options, the logic is simple. You simply place a trade whether the market is going up or down, and within the fixed period, if that happens, your trade will complete!

Choose Your Instrument

With over 100 instruments to trade, you can choose to trade on a combination of any binary options off the main underlying instrument. From Forex currency pairs, Gold, Indices, or even commodities, there is a binary options on everything possible. Pick on anyone to place your trade

Choose Your Time Period

From an instant trade setup of about just 60 seconds to a longer term, sophisticated trade of about 1 week, there are various different timeframes to suit your trading system/strategy. Choose a timeframe that fits your style.

Allocate your Risk

Your trade size starts with as little as $1 USD. You can trade on a higher amount depending on the risk you have allocated.

Binary Options Demo Account

One Platform, multiple possibilities

Trade with the market leader, where you can place your Binary Options trades even within the same MT4 platform. Trade all instruments, such as FX currency pairs, Indices, commodities, stocks and binary options, all within the same platform!

Direct Market Feed, No Manipulation

The price feed that streams for your binary options trades are the same price feeds that stream to our MT4 platform, across all instruments that are traded by fund managers and other institutional traders as well. The prices you get are EXACTLY the same all across the board, no manipulation, 100% transparent. Your trades, your wins!

Highest Payouts!

Get paid up to 85% payout on your trade amount each time you win, generous payouts, everytime, all the time!

Quality Education, to bring the best out of every opportunity

Contrary to popular belief, binary options can be a very profitable and sustainable money making instrument, especially when trading with other instruments to complement your trades!

Learn Binary Options from the Master himself.

Abe Cofnas is world leader in binary option trading and analysis. His books "Sentiment Indicators" and "Trading Binary Options: Strategies and Tactics", are recognized as breakthrough works in this area.

Today his 'BinaryDimensions' newsletter shows readers how to break the market down to its most basic forces. and how binary options can play those forces easily and inexpensively. Abe ranks among the top Foreign Exchange (Forex) traders working today. Not only has he written four books on the subject, but he has also written 110 pieces for Futures Magazine's Forex Trader column since 2001.

Using the best methodologies from several fields, Cofnas provides NoaFx, state-of-the art webinars and coaching for their binary option traders.

Binary Options Expert Advisor

NoaFX has integrated Binary Options EA into its MT4 trading platform. This means, you can now trade Binary Options on MT4 using our brand new Expert Advisor (EA).

Some of the advanced features of the new and improvised Binary Options EA include:

Swiftness: Binary Option Expert Advisors (EA) is easy to use, quick on results and saves time.

Single platform: Binary Options is seamlessly integrated into a single trading platform which requires the installation of only the MT4 Platform and the EA.

Placing multiple orders: The updated version of Binary Options EA gives users options to place multiple trades at one go.

Order Type: Unlike the previous Binary Options platform, the updated Binary Options EA gives the users to choose between Market Order and Pending Order

Trade around the clock: Traders can trade Binaries by enabling EA at any time of the day.

FAQ on Binary Options & Expert Advisor

1. What is a Binary Options?

It is one of the options wherein you get a fixed payout on your trade placed at that particular time. If the trade is a winner you make profits or else you make losses.

2. What is the difference between forex trading and binary trading?

With the forex market, every time you enter into a trade you risk the entire amount of money in your trading account, while with binary options your risk is always limited to the amount you committed to that specific trade. Also, while trading forex, there is no time limit to the trade. The trades can go on for minutes or even weeks. In Binary options, you know the time limit on the trade when you enter the trade.

3. What are the different momentums while placing the trades and how do we analyze this?

The trades with shorter duration like anything less than an hour, need detecting momentum changes and the trades with longer duration which are an hour and more needs attention to market sentiment.

4. What are the uses of binary options?

Binary options can be used as a separate form of investment and trading. It can also be used to offset or hedge the risks that are involved when you enter into a forex trade. When you are long EURUSD, you can hedge that risk by being short on EURUSD through binary options.

5. What is the timeframe for a Binary Options Trade?

At NoaFX, we cater to the requirements of a wide range of traders ranging from the scalpers to the positional traders. That is why we have a variety of time period starting from 1 minute to a week.

6. What is the margin that I should keep while trading the binary options?

There is absolutely no margin requirement. It is all cash. The risk the trader takes is only the amount chosen by the trader when entering the trade.

7. Is your Binary Options Platform integrated with my MT4 account?

The binary options trades can be placed in the same MT4 platform and you can trade all instruments, such as FX currency pairs, Indices, commodities, stocks etc. The account that you use for Forex trading and for binary options is the same. The platform is the same and you basically have a two-in-one account so that you can trade both easily and can manage the risks in both in a much better and transparent manner.

8. How are the returns if I choose the binary options?

Binary Options always offers a fixed return. The maximum returns 70-85% when an option expires "in the money".

9. What is the minimum and maximum amount of investment per trade?

At NoaFX, the minimum limit for placing a binary options trade is $1 and the maximum investment amount per trade is $1000.

10. Do I need to register for this? How do I go about it?

Yes, you do need to register if you want to open a binary options account. Please click here to download binary options account opening guide.

11. How do we interpret the colors that appear on the trading platform?

Green indicates a higher rate than the previous trading day's closing level. Red indicates a lower rate than the previous trading day's closing level.

12. How to manage the risks?

One of the biggest advantages of options trading is that you know the risk and the returns when you place a trade. This is not available in any other kind of trading as the risks can be endless unless you have strict control over your trades and your emotions. You can manage the risks by setting your investment amount per trade at a level that you are comfortable with and you can never lose more than your investment amount.

13. What is Odd/Even bet type in BO?

In Binary Options, one can also trade on the last digit of the currency value either going ODD or EVEN within a selected time frame. If the last digit of the number is 0,2,4,6 or 8 then it is Even and if it is 1,3,5,7 or 9 it is Odd .

14. What is Binary Options Expert Advisor?

By incorporating Binary Options trading into the NoaFX MT4 platform, traders can now utilize the most popular feature of MT4 – Expert Advisors (EAs). Binary Options EAs allow traders to automate their Binary Options strategies thus removing emotions from trading decisions.

15. How is Binary Options different from Binary Options EA?

Unlike the previous Binary Options platform that required two different platforms for trading Binaries, the newer and upgraded version of Binary Options EA has integrated Binary Options into a single trading platform, thus requiring the installation of only MT4 Platform and the EA plugin.

What more, Binary Options EA lets you to place multiple orders simultaneously making trading a lot more faster. Also, unlike the older Binary Options platform, the upgraded BO EA allows you to choose between Market Order & Pending Order.

16. Can I upgrade my platform to Binary Options EA?

Yes, if you are already using the older Binary Options platform, you can easily switch to the new Binary Options EA.

17. How can I upgrade my existing BO platform to the new Binary Options EA?

In order to upgrade to the new Binary Options EA, you will be required to install EA plugin into your device. Existing users can either access the EA plugin via their Client Area or could write to us at [email protected] New users, on the other hand, would first need to register for a New Account in order to install the EA plugin into their trading device.

Realise your trading potential with.

Binary Options

NoaFX offers a simple way to trade binary options. All you need to do is to assess the likely direction of an asset will be over a period of time.


NoaFX Knowledge Center will be available for you to gain an understanding of the markets and strategies in order to increase your trading success.


Be in the know with insights of trades from NoaFX. Daily market reviews, analysis and insight in the world of trading.

Account Types

We offer a variety of trading accounts and you will see one that suits you. Whatever your level is, we have an account size for you.

Home page Self Study Forex Articles Trading Binary Options on MetaTrader 4

Trading Binary Options on MetaTrader 4 Forex Brokers Article

Taking advantage of Binary Options MetaTrader 4 software gives investors some interesting choices. Binaries are different from other investments as they do not buy any quantities of futures or commodities. A binary refers to making a choice between two options and if the right choice is made, a specific payout is given. To be able to make these choices effectively, having the right software is essential. This is where this program is so valuable. It automates many of the functions associated with binary trading.

Anything that makes trading binary options easier is a good resource. There are not many other software products available that help investors find opportunities they can profit from. Having alternatives is always important and this is another resource to help investors profit in uncertain economic times. Binaries are an exotic form of investing that can be complicated. Maximizing the opportunity to understand the process and profit from unique chances depends on having the right resources. A software package designed to help with this type of investing will be helpful. In the process, a bid is made that a certain price of a stock, commodity, or almost any other investment, will be reached by a specific time. If the price is reached, the bid pays off. If it does not, the bid is lost.

Using binary options trading can be risky and only those who are familiar with what is at stake should get involved. Because of the risk, it is even possible to leverage the risk with the pay off. Choices that seem likely to be achieved may pay off less than the cost of the bid. Managing the complexities of these choices is much easier with software like MetaTrader 4. It is even possible to buy and sell the bids, which complicates the process even more. The software however will manage all the trades without any problems.

Access to a binary options broker is essential to success. Brokers will need Meta Trader 4 to offer the best service. This is a far more complicated type of trading and investing than most casual investors are familiar with. They will need the reassurance that they are working with experienced professionals who can give them the guidance they need. Brokers will need every advantage to balance the risk of binaries with the possible pay offs. This is another strategy to protect investors by staying as diverse as possible and having MetaTrader 4 will give brokers and investors the best chance for profit.

To learn more please visit www. clmforex. com

FX LITE Binary Options Client

System Overview

The FX LITE Binary Options Client is a revolutionary software system that allows clients to trade Binary Options on the MetaTrader 4 (“MT4”) trading platform. Traders can now harness the power of the award-winning MT4 trading platform to analyze market conditions and execute Binary Option trades. MT4 offers a number of impressive analytical tools that can be used to help traders analyze price dynamics, price trends and price velocity. Forex traders around the world have come to trust MT4 for its custom charts, extensive analytics, custom indicators and auto-trading functionality via Expert Advisors (EAs). Now Binary Options traders can too.

Download and installation instructions

When Save or Run dialog appears in your browser click Save.

Warning dialog might appear similar to the one below. Click Actions.

SmartScreen Filter dialog will appear. Click More Options and select Run Anyway option.

Choose installation directory (or leave the default choice) and click Next button.

Confirm installation by clicking Next button.

Wait until installation process copies all necessary files to the local hard drive.

Once setup is complete, click Close button to dismiss setup wizard.

Program shortcuts will be installed under All Programs/Binary Options Trading folder in Start menu.

MetaTrader 4 Platform Forex Brokers

Why Use MetaTrader 4 Brokers?

Traders are instantly drawn to the MetaTrader 4 platform and it has become a wildly popular trading platform for forex, CFD's and futures traders.

Customers are assured reliable online trading features, real time quotes, advanced analysis and access to all the top financial news and events on a regular basis. All this is offered in the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal.

MetaTrader 4’s platform is geared for a global audience, offering international and multi-lingual support so that everyone is catered for. В Although the entire look of the platform is one of class and sophistication, it is, in fact, very easy to use and all traders, from complete novices with no knowledge of trading, to veterans who have been in the industry for years, will be able to enjoy the MetaTrader 4 platform.

The free-of-charge program has built in technical indicators which allow traders to analyze securities’ quotes.

Traders are also able to manage multiple accounts simultaneously through the MegaTrader 4 MultiTerminal.

For those traders who are always on the go and wish to do their trading from the palms of their hand, the MetaTrader 4 for iPhone is a handy application that can be used on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with iOS 4.0 and higher. A trading platform for smartphones and tablets powered by Android OS 2.1 or higher is also available.

Atención al cliente

As an international provider of high class trading services, MetaTrader 4 encourages questions and queries from customers, with support offered out of offices around the globe, including Cyprus, China, Singapore, Australia, Turkey, and Brazil.

Customer support is available around the clock, from anyone wanting to open a new account with MetaTrader 4 to those who are already experienced traders and need a question answered.

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How to Trade Binary Options Metatrader 4

Binary Options MetaTrader 4

Binary options have become one of the most popular products to trade in 2014. Binary options trading is no also being offered by regulated brokers. These brokers have answer the calls from their customers to add binary options.

One of the most exciting developments regarding binary options trading has been the integration of binary options MetaTrader 4. Traders can now trade binary options with the ever popular MetaTrader 4. Traders can now trade forex, CFDs, binary options, and spot gold all on one platform.

While there are many met a traitor for brokers out there you would need to find one of the select brokers that offers binary options on MetaTrader 4. One of the advantages of being able to trade binary options MetaTrader 4 is the fact that you can try out a demo and not have to deposit real funds. Another great thing is that with most brokers the demo environment is exactly the same as the live trading environment.

Trading binary options MetaTrader for gives you complete market transparency along with all the advantages that MetaTader 4. Expert advisors can allow you to automate your binary options trading system.

To learn more about trading binary options on Meta Trader 4 please visit: www. clmforex. com

Trading Forex and Derivatives carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing substantially more than your initial investment. Also, you do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets. The effect of leverage is that both gains and losses are magnified. You should only trade if you can afford to carry these risks. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary. A Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) for these products are available from Core Liquidity Markets Pty Ltd to download at this website or here, and hard copies can be obtained by contacting the offices at the number above. Please also note that your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Disclaimer: Core Liquidity Markets refers to Core Liquidity Markets Pty Ltd. Core Liquidity Markets is an Australian firm registered with ASIC, ACN 164 994 049. Core Liquidity Markets is a Corporate

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Alexa Rank

Metatrader4 (or simply MT4) is a trading platform that provides all the tools and resources you needed to become a successful Binary Options traders. MetaTrader 4 provides its software to over 300 companies and banks around the world, all of them serving literally millions of traders around the world. This article contains a complete overview of all the features included in MT4. Find out here why you should use Metatrader 4 for binary options!


Traders using just the charts provided by the brokers can't conduct technical analysis due to their lack of tools and depth. This can only be achieved by using proper charting software provided by applications such as MetaTrader4. Customers can trade faster and monitor the all the markets on a second to second basis, with the system automatically handling all trades. MT4 allows you to set your custom indicators, alerts, trading signals and to fully customize the tools you need for your personal trading strategy.


MT4 is a charting package that you can download for free once you open a demo account with a broker. After you have registered with one broker and opened a demo account (it’s free), you will see MT4 screen with the default 4 currency pairs. The easy-to-use interface helps traders, experts and newbies alike, to make the most of the powerful features offered by MT4. You can configure the terminal to a convenient form for you and, obviously, you can customize your charts with your own preferences. You just need to right-click and select “Properties”. You can also choose other features as candlesticks or bar-chart or line chart. Once you’ve found for yourself your preferred chart layout, you can save it as a template. Furthermore, you could select your desired timeframe right at the toolbar (e. g: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 day, etc. ).

For those traders who are always on the go and wish to do their trading from the palms of their hand, the MetaTrader 4 for iPhone is a handy application that can be used on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with iOS 4.0 and higher.


- Forex pairs - Commodities - Indices - Stocks


Indicators are important financial technical analysis which can be added to the chart in order to help traders to make trading decision. This is a fundamental feature of MT4 charting platform. You will find all the indicators categorized under different types, like trends indicators, oscillators indicators or volumes indicators. One of the most known indicators for binary options are the Bollinger Bands. To get the Bollinger Bands up on a chart, click on Insert – Indicators – Trend – Bollinger Bands.


MetaTrader 4 includes a range of functions that are intuitive and user friendly:

The ability to determine entry and exit points

Download your past trading statements

Real time profit, loss and account balance

Creating and/or Installing tailored Expert Advisors (EA)

Database Management and Import/Export functions


Binary options brokers use SpotOption or other web-based platform. Anyway, you can download Metatrader 4 for free and use it for your technical analysis and your strategies for binary options .

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Metatrader 4 for Binary Options – Download Guide

Hello BO Traders,

I have had a few requests for help with MT$ or Metatrader 4. It really is very simple and FREE. Just by using advanced charting you are leaps and bounds ahead of 80%of binary traders = congrats

Please visit http://www. to download MT4 it is really easy to navigate and I am sure you wont have any problems.

Below is a great video I found that walks you through installing MT4 on your Windows PC. If you are an Apple baby and want a guide on Mac install you can find it Here

Thread: Binary Options on MetaTrader 4

Binary Options on MetaTrader 4.

MT4 Brokers can now offer Binary Options trading to their Forex clients! TradeTools FX is the only software company to offer Binary Options trading alongside Forex within the MT4 client terminal. MT4 is the most popular Forex trading platform in the world with millions of users. Traders can utilize the full functionality of MT4 including developing Custom Indicators, Scripts and Expert Advisors to trade both Forex and Binary Options!

08-01-2013, 02:52 AM

Lurker with Promise

snx a lot =) defiantly will try this one

08-02-2013, 04:08 AM

Lurker with Promise

Just tried out the demo account for Binary Options on the Meta Trader 4 charts and I LOVE it. Two thumbs up! check it out www. tradetoolsfx. com

08-02-2013, 07:15 AM

Great to see that there is such type of software developers! I will test it for sure. From the video it looks very good and practical tool for mt4 integration of the binary options!

Binary Options Trader

The B. inary O. ptions T. rader (BOT) is a fully automated, algorithmic trading system designed specifically to trade Binary Options symbols in the Meta Trader 4 platform. What is unique about the BOT system is there is no intervention required by the user - it's totally automated! At the same time, users can adjust the settings to suit their trading needs. Parameters such as investment amount, expiry time, pair symbol, time to trade, and 'reverse signal' are all manageable by the user. Several suggested templates are included but users are encouraged to modify the settings according to their trading needs. Checkout how the signals look on the chart:

This EA is the world's first fully automated EA for Forex Binary Options in Meta Trader 4. If you do not have an MT4 account for Binary Options, members receive information on choice brokers offering BO in MT4. We also offer an alerts-only system in case you want to use our system with your existing non-MT4 Binary Options broker.

Features include

Trade how you want - choose the pair, time frame, expiry, and investment amount

Several suggested templates included

"Reverse Signal" function

Trade only certain sessions

Use as a plain alert system for trading with non-MT4 brokers

Fully automated - once you enter your desired settings, the Expert Adviser automatically places trades for you, 24 hours a day, when the market is open

As a subscriber, you will receive:

Constant updates and improvements to the system

Education materials

eBooks about trading Binary Options

User manual to trade Binary Options in MT4

Special members only BO offers

Order Today!

Flexible Membership Plans to suit your trading needs

preguntas frecuentes

What is the accuracy?

The accuracy depends on how the EA is loaded. It's possible to use the EA on a 1 minute time frame with 60 second expiry, which would generate many trades but less accurate. We've found the best combination is a mid time frame and expiry, such as 15 minute or 30 minute. Accuracy can be as high as 90% when using the mid time frames. Also this varies by pair.

Are signals continuously generated throughout the 24 hours?

Sí. The EA generates signals 24 hours a day when the markets are open. However, we've added a feature 'trade during certain times' which allows traders to select what session they want to trade in. We've found the more active sessions, such as London, produce a higher accuracy level.

Do you offer a managed account service?

No, not at this time. We provide the EA which traders can use at their discretion. The EA is fully automated, but the trader decide what expiry, time frame, and pair to use. For this reason we do not publish results, as they vary greatly from trader to trader.

Do you publish results?

Because the results vary so greatly, we feel that it would be misleading to publish results of an individual client. Also, some clients may not like their results to be published.

Can I use this system on a non-MT4 binary broker?

Absolutamente. However, you would not have the benefit of automation. Once an alert is generated, you would need to place the trade on your binary broker.

Do I get the code of the system?

BOT Members license the EA and have unlimited use. The code is not included - it can be purchased separately.

What are the terms of the license?

Monthly subscription - unlimited use on your own accounts. That means one license per person. You can use it on multiple trading accounts (not at the same time though). You may not sell it, sub-lease it, or use it to operate a managed accounts program.

Are there any guarantees provided?

We do not guarantee results, or how the system may perform on some brokers vs. others.

What pairs can I use this on?

The BOT can be loaded on any pair provided by your broker. Some brokers offer different pairs. BOT members can use as many pairs as they want.

What pairs are recommended?

Traders have good experiences with majors, especially GBP crosses.

What timeframes and expiries are recommended?

We've found that the 15 minute, 30 minute, and hourly expiries generate the best results. But the 5 minute (expiry / chart) combination is by far the most popular. However, each broker offers a different set of expiries so you would need to check what expiries are available at your broker.

What broker do you recommend?

We are broker neutral, so we do not publish a list of brokers publicly. However, for members we do have relationships with brokers that can facilitate a live account, We have relationships with these MT4 brokers.

The EA is locked with the MQLLock. com service. A bridge linking MQLLock and members area was built that synchronizes user data. If you are a vendor or other Forex signal provider this bridge can be purchased - see the full package here .

Are all brokers the same?

No - each broker controls Binary Options settings such as the expiries and pairs offered. Other settings that are individually changed by each broker means that trading conditions will vary from broker to broker.

Can I use this EA on normal spot Forex pairs?

No - the order entry mechanism has been programmed specifically for Forex symbols with the bo suffix. Binary options trade differently than spot Forex pairs.

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Binary Options

Introducing CORE Binary Options Trading

Binary Options trading is one of the fastest growing segments of the Financial Industry for active traders around the world. Core Liquidity Markets utilizes a revolutionary software system that allows clients to trade binary options on forex, metals, and other products, directly from your Core Trader MT4 Platform.

Want to get started with Binary Options?

To get started with Binary Option you need to have the Core Liquidity Markets MetaTrader4 Trading Platform. Then simply install this Binary Options add-on . For installation instructions please visit our Binary Options Support Page

Core Liquidity Markets provides advanced trading tools, making Binary Options smarter and more exciting

Will the Euro close higher than a certain value in the next hour? Take a limited risk position with an "Up" option! That's all there is to it. It's Easy!

Limited risk is one of the reasons why Binary Options trading is so popular. With our low collateral requirements, traders can capitalize on opportunities in both volitile and flat markets.

RISK WARNING: Trading Forex and Derivatives carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing substantially more than your initial investment. Also, you do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets. The effect of leverage is that both gains and losses are magnified. You should only trade if you can afford to carry these risks.

Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary. A Financial Services Guide. Margin FX PDS, Binary Options PDS. and CFDs PDS are available from Core Liquidity Markets to download at this website, and hard copies can be obtained by contacting the offices at the number above.

Please also note that your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. Any advice provided to you on this website or by our representatives is general advice only, and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should therefore consider the appropriateness of our advice before making any decision about using our services. You should also consider our PDSs before making any decision about using our products or services.

Note that the information on this site is not directed at residents in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Note that www. clmforex. com, www. clmforexasia. com and www. clmforexeu. com are owned and operated by Core Liquidity Markets Pty Ltd. You must be 18 and older to open a Live Trading Account.

DISCLAIMER: Core Liquidity Markets refers to Core Liquidity Markets Pty Ltd. Core Liquidity Markets is an Australian Firm registered with ASIC, ACN 164 994 049. Core Liquidity Markets is a Corporate Authorised Representative Number 443832 of GO Markets Pty Ltd AFSL 254963 the Authorizing Licensee and Principal.

Copyright © 2016 Metaforex Consulting Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Trade Binary Options Directly on MT4!

The No.1 MT4 Binary Options Plugin

Key Features of the MT4 Binary Options Plugin:

Trade Binary Options on MT4 using our plugin

Speedy One Click Trading (< 2s Trade Execution Time)

Works with StockPair and Banc de Binary brokers

Easy to Set Up

No Need to Open Your Broker’s Website in a New Window

How it Looks when Installed on Your MT4:

Successful trade confirmation:

Benefits of the MT4 Binary Options Plugin:

The MT4 Binary Options plugin saves you time and effort by trading directly from your MT4 platform. This avoids you having to analyse charts on MT4 and then place your trades on your broker’s web-based platform in a new window, which can cost you time and money. Users can either get the MT4 Plugin for free by signing up to a partner broker or pay a one-time fee of $99. You’ll then have life-time access and be able to place unlimited trades via MT4.

How it Works:

1. Once you download and install the MT4 plugin, simply attach it to your charts and you’ll be able to trade directly on your account from Mt4. 2. Whenever you add the MT4 plugin to your chart it will automatically trade the correct Forex pair on your broker (if the Forex pair isn’t supported then it will show the default currency). 3. Choose the expiry time and amount to trade using the drop down window and then click UP or DOWN. This will place the trade directly with your broker. You’ll also receive a trade success confirmation after each trade.

About our Team

The team behind MT4BinaryOptions. com also runs Investoo. com, the world’s biggest online trading school with 300+ video lessons to choose from. Our team has extensive experience trading binary options and developing leading tools for traders.

ClickBank es el minorista de productos en este sitio. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc. a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

MT4 Binary Options Plugin

Binary Options Education

Chapter 1 – The World of Global Trading

Successful trading is an art form. Successful traders focus on the art of trading. They invest wisely, because they understand the laws of trading. They know when to invest, where to invest and how to protect their investments. One of the most common mistakes made in trading is jumping right in to the market, without understanding where it’s going, and without knowing the signs that the market provides. It’s kind of like jumping into the water without knowing how to swim: the odds are against you.

Trading these days is done mainly in the short term, in what is known as day trading or aggressive trading, meaning that trades are bought and sold within a short time frame. Day trading is done with highly liquid assets, meaning that the value of the traded asset can change a great deal in a short time. This enables large, quick profits, and is therefore more attractive to most traders. Long term trading is called passive trading, and involves trading in time frames of months or years, in the hopes that the value of the invested asset will increase over time. Global trading is done by buying and selling various products. All of these products can be defined under the umbrella terms of assets, or financial instruments.

Let’s list the most popular financial instruments.

The first instrument is: Currency pairs

Currency pairs are currently the most traded assets in the world. They refer to the ratio between the currencies of two different countries. The first currency in the pair – the one on the left – is the base currency, while the one on the right is called the counter currency. In trades involving currency pairs, the trader buys or sells the base currency at the current market price, and then takes a profit or a loss according to the movement of the base currency relative to the counter currency.

In today’s market, not only currency pairs but also commodities and raw materials are traded, including metals such as gold, silver and iron, and agricultural products such as corn, coffee, rice and wheat.

A futures contract is an agreement which states that a certain product will be bought or sold at some time in the future, at a predetermined price. Oil has a potential for future profits, since as countries develop, the demand for oil grows higher and higher. The price of oil is mainly influenced by varying levels of supply and demand. Crude oil is the main source of energy in the world today, and has become more and more popular over the past 50 years among traders of various kinds.

Stock indices provide information about the performance of certain groups of stocks.

A stock index has a value that changes according to the total performance of the group of stocks represented by it. The index can be, for example, the weighted value of all stocks in the group. Indices can be invested in the same way as single stocks, with returns that are proportional to the change in the index.

Supply and demand form the foundation of economics – To understand this principle, we need to understand that as demand for an asset increases . or as its supply decreases . the asset’s price will rise, and vice versa.

The following is an example that illustrates this principle:

Let’s say a farmer has 5 regular customers. Each day, his chickens lay 10 eggs. One day the chickens only laid 5 eggs, although the same number of clients wants to buy eggs, there aren’t enough eggs for everyone making his clients more willing to pay more for each egg, resulting in an increase in the price per egg. In other words, the supply decreased (less eggs), but demand did not decrease, resulting in an increase in the value of the eggs.

This can also go the other way around:

Let’s say that one day, the chickens decided to lay 15 eggs. So now, the supply has increased, but the demand remains the same. In order to be able to sell all the eggs, the seller must lower the price of the eggs. In other words, the supply increased, causing a decrease in the value of the eggs.

Demand is also subject to change – for example, if one day the chickens lay their usual 10 eggs, but fewer customers come to buy them. The seller may find himself left at the end of the day with unsold eggs, requiring him to lower their price.

In other words, the supply remains the same, but the demand decreases, so the value of the eggs also decreases.

The following is an example from the global trading market:

If a poor economic statistic is announced in Britain, many traders will want to sell the British Pound. In other words, the supply of Pounds will increase, resulting in a decrease in the currency’s value: a decrease in the value of the British Pound.

Another example: if a crisis in an oil-rich Arab country is announced, the price of oil will increase, due to fears that the supply of oil will decrease as a result of the sensitive developments in the region.

What is a binary option?

A binary option, meaning an option of either 0 or 1, is a quick and simple method of trading in which the trader has only two available options. The trader invests a certain amount of money and decides whether he believes the asset’s price will rise or fall during a predetermined time frame. If the trader is correct, he immediately receives the amount he invested, with the addition of his earned profit. If he turns out to be wrong, the invested amount will be lost. When trading on a simple, easy to use binary option trading platform, the maximum profit and loss amounts for each trade are displayed, along with a time frame for their expiration. Binary options are one of the easiest ways to trade. They enable the trader to earn high returns in short time frames, and therefore have become very popular among traders from all over the world.

Traders who make guesses without any advance knowledge can really only be called gamblers. Only when a trader has acquired knowledge of the market, can he actually be considered as making an educated, well-founded decision that carries a high chance of success.

This is exactly the purpose of this course – to provide you with the knowledge, rules and tools needed to succeed in this type of trading. Trading in binary options is rapidly becoming one of the most popular ways to invest, no matter what your financial goals may be. Whether you are interested in short-term investing, or aim to expand your investment portfolio, trading in binary options will suit you well.

The following are several concepts and components related to binary options:

In the Money – A financial term denoting that the option is profitable.

Out of the Money – A financial term denoting that the option is not profitable.

At the money – A financial term meaning the option expires at exactly the same level as it was at the time of the initial purchase, in this case the full investment amount will be repaid to the investor. Execution price – The asset’s price at the time the trade was executed.

Expiration price - The base asset’s price at the options’ time of expiration. This price determines whether the option is in the money, out of the money or on the money.

High – This option grants the trader holding it a profit in the event that at the expiration time the price is higher than it was when the purchase was made.

Here we can see the market price, if we think the option will expire in a higher price we will click ‘High’.

Low – This option grants the trader holding it a profit in the event that at the expiration time the price is lower than it was when the purchase was made.

Here we can see the market price, if we think the option will expire in a lower price we will click ‘Low’.

Touch/Touch Up/Touch Down – A type of option which grants the trader a profit whenever the asset’s price reaches or passes a predetermined level even once during its lifetime.

Here we can see the market price, if we think the option will reach the target price we will click ‘Touch’.

No Touch – A type of option which grants the investor a profit whenever the asset’s price does not reach or pass a certain predetermined level.

Here we can see the market price, if we think the option will not reach the target price we will click ‘No Touch’.

Inside Boundary – “Inside Boundary” options are binary options which grants the investor a profit when the asset’s value is within the predetermined boundary at the time of expiration.

Here we can see the market price, and the upper and lower target prices. If we think the option will expire inside the boundaries we will click ‘IN’.

Outside Boundary – “Outside Boundary” options are binary options grants the investor a profit when the asset’s value is outside the predetermined boundary at the time of expiration.

Here we can see the market price, and the upper and lower target prices. If we think the option will expire outside the boundaries we will click ‘OUT’.

Binary options exist for several types of financial assets, including forex, commodities, stocks and indices, and offer several advantages:

Simplicity – will the price close above or below? Binary options are easy to understand, and are traded with full transparency. The trader only needs to consider the asset’s market price. Limited risk and predetermined returns. A binary option’s returns are predetermined and therefore the potential risk, as well as the potential profit are known in advance.

Binary options are adaptable to most of the widespread trading strategies and methods.

Binary options are issued 24/5. Traders have the option to trade at any time, since binaries exist for a wide variety of global assets, from stock exchanges throughout the entire world.

Advantages of the trading platform

All of our clients receive, free of charge, a variety of tools to help them to trade effectively and profitably. The platform is innovative, and offers clients an easy, intuitive way to trade in leading financial markets – including forex, commodities and indices. The trading platform is 100% online, which allows traders to trade immediately, from anywhere in the world, with no need to download or install any additional software. We combine an unparalleled variety of binary options and, using our breakthrough technology, offer speed and precision for a wide variety of trading arrangements. In the past, trading required a deep understanding of the financial markets and their complex lexicons. Our intuitive platform enables our clients to trade and profit immediately due to its simple trading process and user-friendly design. Our platform is optimized for online trading in binary options. Binary options are the quickest, most effective way to convert your financial knowledge into signification profits.

Chapter 2 – Trading Psychology & Capital Management

Psychology is a critical component of trading

Calm traders are better traders. The more emotional you are, the higher the chances that you will make mistakes while trading. The actions of trading are simple to perform, but are very difficult psychologically. The difficulty lies in accepting rules that don’t always seem logical, and in sticking to the rules strictly and consistently. Optimal trading is when your actions are completely disconnected from emotions, using rationality only; however this situation is practically impossible. So, want to know how remain calm while trading?

Join us for a lesson where we will learn about how psychology affects your trading, how to identify emotional states, and how to trade in the right state of mind.

Before I provide tips on keeping the rules, I will explain the difficulty involved by providing a quick explanation of the way the brain works. The brain is divided into two hemispheres: the right hemisphere, and the left hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the analytical part of the brain. This part is responsible for all things objective, scientific, logical, rational and intellectual. The right hemisphere of the brain is the part that is imaginative, artistic, intuitive, sensitive and emotional. It also lacks any sense of time. Therefore, each time we act logically, we are using the brain’s left hemisphere. The worst time to solve problems is when you’re using the right hemisphere – when you are experiencing an emotional storm.

Here is a simple, important technique that will help you to use the rational part of your brain and disconnect from your emotions. Your trading platform includes a display area that shows the current profit and loss status for your open positions. You must remove this information from your view at all times – simply ignore this display area, or remove it. The changing profit and loss display is the trader’s emotional barometer. The only thing that should interest you is the bottom line – the profit or loss at the moment of closing the trade. Don’t deviate from your strategy because of the displayed changes.

It’s important to know how to identify an emotional trader. When trading emotionally, you will be nervous and tense; you’ll sweat, and will be very hesitant. If you notice these symptoms occurring, stop everything. You cannot be an effective trader in this state. Get away from the computer, have a glass of cold water, make a strong cup of coffee, and try by all means necessary to disconnect from what’s going on in your computer at the moment. Music, meditation or a dance are also possibilities – whatever will help you disconnect and calm down. It might sound irrational to just go and leave everything in the middle of a losing trade, but you can’t influence the market trend, and you can’t take a calculated, logical action in this state, so best to relax, since only then will you be able to come back and trade effectively.

One of the most important rules in trading is to trade calmly and rationally. Don’t let your emotions take over and divert you from your chosen strategy. If you need to change plans, it’s very important to change them from a place of understanding and calm regarding your substitute plan, rather than from a place of fear and confusion. The indecision of fear is the best way to ensure repeated losses.

Traders tend to stay in losing trades because, as long as they haven’t exited the trade, the loss is still only “on paper”, and has not yet become “real”. The moment you leave the trade, the loss is realized, and the money is gone. Traders who know how to take real losses will be wise enough to exit failed trades early, and to plan and move on to other trades which have higher chances of success.

We all want to be successful traders. But success in trading depends a great deal on your mental attitude towards trading. Luckily, an “attitude” is not an inborn trait that stays with you for a lifetime – it’s something that can be changed. To succeed, you must avoid the traits that characterize unsuccessful traders. These include:


Lack of confidence


Jumping from one technique to another


Constantly being connected to the computer

Lack of capital management knowledge

Fear of recognizing losses

Trading with these traits will result in near-certain losses.

Your chances of success will increase considerably if you’re able to adopt the following traits:




Remaining logical and rational


Enjoying the trading itself

Knowledge of proper risk management


Calm acceptance of losses

These traits can turn trading into a fun game, where the chances of winning are higher.

To become a successful trader, you must:

Learn and understand the rules and principles of trading.

Learn how to manage your capital strictly and wisely.

Plan a trading strategy that is appropriate for the market condition, based on knowledge and technical analysis, which we will cover later in the course.

Try to reach a stage where the trading system is working for you.

Identify your weak traits, and work to overcome them.

Important rules that will help you psychologically:

It’s absolutely necessary to learn how to trade properly. If you’ve reached this lesson, you’re already on the right track. The information you’re learning will calm you down, and will give you tools to handle the situations you will invariably encounter.

It’s important to identify where your trading actions are coming from – the left or right hemisphere. If you are being emotional – stop everything, calm down, and only go back to trading once your hands have stopped sweating. Don’t stay glued to the computer – you probably have a lot of other things to do anyway, so take some time to take care of those as well. The market is constantly moving, whether you’re looking at it or not. Execute your trades according to the strategy you’ve created, and then go about your business.

2 types of investments

Each investment type includes the elements of chance and risk. Chance is the profit on your investment, and risk is the loss of some or all of your investment.

There are 2 types of investments:

Passive investment: in investments of this type, the chance is greater than the risk, but the returns will usually be low relative to the investment.

Aggressive investment: in investments of this type, the chance is lower than the risk, but the returns will usually be high relative to the investment.

Another important way to reduce risk is to distribute your investment over a broad range of trades. Proper, rational management of your finances, including distribution of your investments, will make the difference between a successful investment, which can be managed over time, and a failed investment, which will clear out your investment portfolio in no time. Proper capital management will preserve your capital over time, enable you to trade more calmly, and greatly minimize the damages you incur during losses, which are an inseparable part of trading.

As I’ve already said, losses are an inseparable part of trading. However, losses can certainly be minimized. Proper capital management focuses on keeping your losses low and your profit potential high. Statistics have shown that the maximum loss that an experience trader can allow himself to lose in a single trade, without harming his profit potential, is 5% of total capital. An investor who risks, say, 25% of his investment portfolio on a single trade, is practically ensuring that he will lose his entire investment portfolio after a short series of losing trades. Series of losing trades is something that happens from time to time to even the most experienced traders.

This mistake results from attempting to earn a large amount over a short period of time. Greed is the trader’s worst enemy.

Proper exposure management can be implemented based on one of two rules. Stable investment with low risks – using the strict 5/15 rule for risk management: 5/15 refers to the investment percentage in a single trade, relative to the investment’s percentage out of the entire portfolio.

For example . if an investor has a $10,000 account, he can allow himself to risk up to 5%, meaning $500, on any single trade, and up to $1,500 of the entire portfolio. In other words, if the investor risks $500 on a single trade, he can concurrently open a maximum of 2 other trades, at an additional risk of 10%. The total risk of all open positions must not exceed 15%.

Aggressive trading with high risk – this involves the more permissive 10/30 rule for risk management:

The more permissive rule allows the trader to risk up to 10% on each trade, with a maximum of 30% of the entire portfolio. This rule is intended for traders who prefer aggressive trades, or for traders with small accounts, in order to provide them a certain degree of maneuvering room.

For example, if an investor has a $10,000 account, he can risk a maximum of $1,000 on any single trade, and up to $3,000 of the entire portfolio. In other words, if the investor risks $1,000 on a single trade, he can open a maximum of 2 other trades concurrently for an additional risk of 20%, with the total risk of all trades being no more than 30%. In general, the permissive rule is considered to be the highest level recommended for risk management. It’s best to try gradually reducing total exposure down to the stricter level of the 5/15 rule.

The exposure management process leads directly to the next stage of the allocation management. In effect, the rules of exposure management dictate to the investor the size of the trades he can open.

For example, a passive investor with an account of $10,000, who manages his portfolio according to the 5/15 rule, can risk up to 5%, meaning he will not lose more than $500 per trade. If for example he places a stop loss order 100 pips from the entry point, the investor can open a trade of up to $50,000. Similarly, an aggressive investor who uses the permissive 10/30 rule will be able to risk up to 10%, meaning $1,000 per trade, and therefore will be able to open a trade of up to $100,000.

Chapter 3 – Market Analysis

There are two basic types of market analysis:

Fundamental analysis – This type of analysis tries to predict future market movements according to a country’s economic news.

Technical analysis – This method analyzes current market movements in comparison to past market movements. In other words, it tries to predict future trends using past movements, with the help of indicators provided by your trading platform.

Fundamental analysis evaluates the economic position of countries, and the ways in which economic news affect the value of their currencies and equities, or the value of the goods exported by those countries. The economic news published by a country’s economists has a great deal of influence over market movements. Since the USA is the largest economy in the world, it is very important to follow it.

Fundamental analysis is based on macro-economic data that is provided for that country or currency, where each country or economic block ie: Euro Zone, releases a number of particularly significant and important statistics every month. These announcements often have an effect on the currency’s strength. Below are a number of particularly important types of news announcements, which have a particularly strong influence, and usually cause very strong fluctuations in currency markets:

Gross domestic product

Retail sales

Employment/unemployment rate

Interest rate decisions

Minutes from the most recent interest rate meeting

Speeches made by influential figures in the market

IFO business climate survey

PMI - Purchase Managers Index

CPI - Consumer Price Index

ZEW - Sentiment Index (Relevant only in Europe)

Market announcements are indicators of an economy’s performance. Experienced traders know how to incorporate these announcements into their strategy. It’s important to note that, before an announcement is made public, forecasts for that announcement are made by experts. In many cases the value of the underlying asset reflects the forecast, but when the actual announcement differs from the forecast, the market can become much more volatile and interesting.

The following is an example which illustrates the effect such an announcement can have on the market:

On April 27, 2011, an announcement was made regarding a decision taken for the interest rate in the USA. The forecasts predicted a reduction of 0.25 percent, but in reality the interest rate remained the same. This resulted in support for the USD, as can be seen with the asset’s rise in value on the chart.

Technical analysis is the study and investigation of the market’s “behavior” using charts. Trading systems enable traders to analyze the market using various types of charts. Chart analysis requires the development of visual skills. To develop these skills, let’s first learn about the three most common types of graphs:

A line chart is the most simple and basic of the three types of charts. It is created by connecting various price units over a given time period. Each point only represents the closing price. The line connecting all the points creates a chart that helps to identify trading trends, as well as support and resistance levels.

Technical analysis usually requires more specific information than that provided by a line chart, so this chart is less appropriate for in-depth analysis.

A bar chart includes lines that present different price levels over a given time frame, distributed on a graphical diagram. These lines denote the following information:

High price – this is the high point of the bar, representing the maximum bullish power for that bar.

Opening price – displayed to the left of the bar’s body, representing the price when the bar opened. A bar’s opening price is usually identical to the closing price of the preceding bar.

Closing price – reveals the results of the fight between the bulls and the bears over the course of that bar. The closer the closing price is to the high price, the stronger the bulls’ victory over the bears over the course of that bar.

Low price – the low point of the bar, representing the strongest point the bears reached over the course of that bar.

The distance between a bar’s high and low points signifies the intensity of the battle between the bulls and the bears. A short bar indicates a calm, quiet market, whereas a long bar signifies a volatile, stormy market.

The Japanese candlesticks chart is similar to the bar chart in that it also represents the closing, opening, high and low points for that bar, but using a different display, which helps identify various trading patterns.

The difference between the charts is that, in the Japanese candlesticks chart, the closing and opening prices are enclosed in a rectangle.

The use of different colors illustrates the increase or decrease in price over the course of the bar. This is the most common type of chart.

The market movement is made up of three main series of trends:

Major trend – all the trends that appear in the weekly, monthly and yearly time frames. The major trend is a trend that has been going on for several months, and may continue for five years or more.

Secondary trend – all the trends that appear in the daily time frames. A secondary trend will usually continue for about two weeks, and may continue for up to half a year.

Minor trends – all trends appearing in the intraday time frames (from one minute to several seconds). Minor trends continue for at least a day, and may last from up to a month.

Several special terms have been created to describe concepts in the global trading market. The following are the most important terms to know:


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First page

BinarySweetSpot 3 is a very accurate Metatrader 4 indicator made for Binary Options. If you want to, this can help you to change your way of living to the better. If you follow the rules it can even bring economic independence to you and your family. But there is no easy way to make money!

Don’t trust everything you see on the internet, 99% of the offers are often scams that will only empty your wallet and make the scammers richer. Our indicator together with the manual and a calm mind will make you a top Binary trader!

Subscribe to our Newsletter to get latest news and updates about our software and other related information.

Add us on Skype! Search for Binarysweetspot. com Read the latest news in our blog!

Please allow up to 12 hours for us to send you the indicator specified for your trading account. Use the form below to let us know your Metatrader MT4 account number or Email it to support@binarysweetspot. com

What happens after purchase?

Use the form below to send us your Metatrader account number and we will send you the custom made indicator within 12 hours (normally within 10 min – 2 hours). When you have everything going you will see the expiration date in the top left corner of Metatrader. All you have to do when it is about to expire is to make a new purchase and you will get a new file with a continuing date from when your old indicator stops working. So if you buy it while you already have an ongoing subscription, you will get a new file with the right amount of days. Go for the 1 year subscription if you don’t want to do this every 2 months. You will of course get the latest version every time you make a new purchase or you can request it if you already have our software (Do not include the “Non-Expire version).

Binary Options

So what are Binary Options? Well, it is very much alike ordinary Forex trading. You trade with the option to decide if market is going up or down and the interesting thing with binary options is that you are in for just a moment and what ever the market rises or falls, the return is the same. Hopefully you already know much about Binary Options and know how difficult it can be, even if you for a brief moment think it is easy. Actually only a few percent of the traders ends up above break even. It is at this point BinarySweetSpot makes the difference. With our indicator and easy to use manual you WILL end up being more “in the money” that “out of the money”. You will be one of the 5% that makes it! We don’t like to talk about a winning percentage but rest assured that you will win more than 70% of the trades if you follow the manual by the book.


To be able to use our software, you need the free of charge Metatrader. There is a bunch of different brokers that offers their own version. Our favorite is Traders Way. Please make a fresh install via the link . To make trades you need to have an account at a Binary Broker. We highly recommend MarketsWorld. com. They have very fast withdraws, normally the next day. Also they don’t attempt to call you hundreds of times which is a very common issue at many brokers. We recommend using Microsoft Windows 7 and a new fresh installation of Metatrader. If you have any questions or trouble installing Metatrader, please use our guide. Click here! Our software is distributed as a zip so you need to know how to extract a zip-file. Most Microsoft Windows version has this built-in.


Get 2 months (at least 62 days) for $49 or go for a whole year for only $199 . There is no reason to tag this software with a high price. BinarySweetSpot is yours for only $49 / 2 months .

What can BinarySweetSpot do and what will you get?

We have made a number of different indicators and combined it to one. We also use the free Support/Resistance indicator that is made by Andrew Sumner and it comes of course together with BinarySweetSpot indicator and manual where everything is explained. Unlike many other indicators you will get alerts in many ways. If you like to have it on e-mail you can choose it and if you like to have the alerts to your smartphone you can choose it. And of course you will get the alerts the traditional way direct in Metatrader. There are NO repainting! The indicator even tells where it did the alert (green little line on the candle and yellow line for the SweetSpot alert). When/if all is pointing in the right direction it’s time to make a trade. So, how many alerts does it give? Well, it depends of course but it is often about 4 to 10 signals per day and pair . Thanks to our alerts via mobile app and mail, you won’t need to sit in front of your computer all day but it has to be turned on and have Metatrader going. As long as you are a member/subscriber you will have the ability to chat with us on Skype and we can answer questions quick and help you with any setting. We are always developing our software and you will of course get the latest version every time you make a new purchase. You can even ask for the latest software if you have a longer subscription. The Support/Resistance indicator made by Andrew Sumner is used with his permission. It is free for everybody and you can read more about it here: www. stevehopwoodforex. com

Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

I'm new to binary options and came across your post which I find very helpful. I have few questions and hope you can enlighten me further:

- Can you please advise where I can find the Average volume indicator you mentioned and if possible one which can be used with Meta Trader 4. - You mentioned that news are the worst enemy for binary trading. Can you please advise where I should go to get these news and what do you look in particular before you start trading.

Think these would be all for now and hope to hear back from you soon.


Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

Can any one share an Indicator with alerts for MT4 based binary options.

I have MT4 and I am trading with CTOPTION for execution. Hasta aquí todo bien. but it's mainly luck.

Does anyone can share his success with MT4 Charts / Indicators and up/down binary.


Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

Can any one share an Indicator with alerts for MT4 based binary options.

I have MT4 and I am trading with CTOPTION for execution. Hasta aquí todo bien. but it's mainly luck.

Does anyone can share his success with MT4 Charts / Indicators and up/down binary.

Hello, If you are interested in working with me and my friend, you can get in touch with me and I will share our good result with you.

Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

Guys As far as I see sixtysecond trade is more or less and adx indicator that shows +DI and - DI crosses (try it out and you will see that signals are the same - some difference may happen because of the price - I do not know what price is that indicator using. I was using close and then the entries are almost identical). There are already some indicators in this thread https://www. forex-tsd. com/indicators. ts-signal. html that can give alerts when - DO and - DI are crossing


Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

Guys As far as I see sixtysecond trade is more or less and adx indicator that shows +DI and - DI crosses (try it out and you will see that signals are the same - some difference may happen because of the price - I do not know what price is that indicator using. I was using close and then the entries are almost identical). There are already some indicators in this thread https://www. forex-tsd. com/indicators. ts-signal. html that can give alerts when - DO and - DI are crossing

PS: It uses values of - DI and +DI one bar from the future. that is why it is different than the original ADX. All the rest is the same

Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

Yep, binary options are fast food trading! Hugh Briss explained it properly in #19. They want you to lose money faster and they don't have any patience with losers anymore. Trade corporations? traderush would be the least evil when there is no possibility to change the decision about your art of trading. Good luck (you will need it). Hermes


Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

Maybe this indicator helps

What pairs do you suggest for BOB. I will appreciate your input and help with Binary Option Buddy


Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

What pairs do you suggest for BOB. I will appreciate your input and help with Binary Option Buddy

I do not trade binary options (I think that binary options are too risky - for me of course). Posted that indi because I found that someone was recommending it for binary options

Re: Best Indicator for binary options trading.

What I believe is, Binary Options are not Gambling, just like 400

500 levarage play in a certain time frame. 60sec binary is a joke. Brokers made it to rip money off from customers, You watched Youtube jokes too much, don't dream about it. I believe no indicators or systems will help you at all. I am trading(not Betting as some small minded saying) 5

30min binary Options using K-Signal, and Ablesys 7.0, confim with NITRO and Agency Advisor 2. I don't want lose money so. they work for me very good. I triesd so many Free, $5. $50s they just didn't work. I found very good indicator for free but. also found members are calling it for Super Signals What I found was an original. Shouldn't dream make a big money without invest some money. K-Signals and Ablesys can't be share, they have a total control of them as well as Advisor 2. sorry


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

Binary Option Gym MT4 Free

Please note that this free version has some fix limited settings:

Expiring time . closing of the 3 min candle.

Payoff . 70%.

Investment per trade . $25.

Please refer to the Full Version of Binary Option Gym to have full freedom to change the settings.

Binary Options

The Binary Option Gym is an utility for you to test your Binary Options (BO) Strategies without the need for investing money or signing in with a broker. It is not a robot nor it advises you with entry or exit points. But it consents to simulate the behavior of manual investing in Binary Options.

It is a tool that may make a professional Binary Option Trader of you or. it might show you that Binary Option is not your best field, without having wasted any money!

the Buy button when you think the price is going to raise,

the Sell button when you think the price is going to drop.

So relax, have fun and learn how to act with Binary Options.

Binary Options

A Binary Option (BO) is a type of short-term, fix-high-return investment. You have to take only 3 decisions to invest in a Binary Option:

Will the price go Up or Down?

By when?

How much to invest?

That makes Binary Options very easy to understand and accessible to the new traders. But BO are also highly risky: when you lose, you lose more money than what you make if you win.

But with BO you MUST know what you are doing . or you might exhaust your account very, very quickly!

For that reason we developed this tool for you to practice, test, workout your best strategies and money management tactics. So you can become an expert and a successful Binary Options Trader without risks.


The Binary Option Gym indicates:

The Pair

The current price (green increasing, red dropping)

The Server Current Time in the "hh:mm:ss" 24 h format

The number of trades currently open. You may open up to 29 concurrent trades.

The number of closed trades that you have won, lost or were a tie ( W L T ).

The net balance, meaning how much you are making or losing. Note that this number may become negative if you lose more money than winning.

The current winning rate, computed as W / ( W+L) %. Tie trades are not considered as they should not affect your net balance.

In the ToolBox, Experts Tab, all the changes in the settings, opening and closing trades are printed.

You might find there the details of all your actions and all your closed and still open trades with their expiring time.

Graphical Aids

If the expiry time is within the window, you will see a vertical red line plotted to show the current expiry time.

When you press the Buy button, a horizontal green line is plotted to mark the entry price and a rising blue arrow is plotted on the opening time and price.

If you press the Sell button, a horizontal red line is plotted and a dropping red arrow is marked on the opening time and price.

A dotted line joins the opening arrow with the relative closing mark.

Winning trades are marked with a golden star at the closing price and time.

Losing trades are marked with a gray cross at the closing price and time.

You may customize some of the colors etc… through the setting dialogue box. The dialogue box is self-explanatory. The "Print" is referring on printing in the Tool Box, Experts Tab.

Binary Options for MT4

The following instructions will explain how to install the Binary Options for MetaTrader 4 platform.

To start trading binary options you need to download and install the MetaTrader 4 platform.

Then download and install additional software – Binary Options for MT4.

How to create and authorize demo account

Launch Binary Options for MT4.

(Fig.1) Open the authorization form and create account by clicking on “Create demo account”.

(Fig.2) Set the account password in “Password” box, fix your choice by checking the box “Save account information” and press “Create”.

Select the trading server:

For demo account, select Demo server (AL-Demo). For real account, select Real server (AL-Real).

If you use more than one MetaTrader 4 terminal, at the first run all the versions will be searched and displayed. Choose terminal AL Trade 4. Fix your choice by checking the box "Remember my choice and do not show this window in the future».

The next time you log in the company’s terminal will open automatically.

• Your terminal is ready to trade binary options.

Select the trading tools

AL Trade terminal opens after filling the account data in Binary Options for MT4.

Select "Market Watch".

Right-click, select "Show all”.

The assets of binary options trade include ending «bo» (EURUSDbo, USDJPYbo).

Binary Options

Binary Options

If you think that FOREX trading is too complicated, why not try Binary Options? This financial instrument is ideally suited if you don’t have any experience trading financial markets or just learning the ropes. You don’t have to sit and wait for big market moves or trade big volumes to make a profit here. All you will have to do is guess where the market is going. Even if it is a micro move, that lasted less than a pip, you will be able to make some profit. The most important thing here is that this move happened during a time period defined by your option. Option execution depends on a type of the option in question.

The access to the trading platform: webterminal, without installation.

Minimum investment amount is $10 and maximum $250 per trade.

Payout for one contract is minimum $0 and maximum $250 per trade at expiration.

The max position size is $1000.

High / Low

You need to guess where the market price will be at option expiration e. g. above (Call options) or below (Put options) the current market price. If your forecast turns out to be true, you can earn up to 80% of your initial investment. If the option expires at precisely the level of the strike price, then the initial investment is returned in full.

One Touch

If the price touches one of the offered levels when the market goes up (Call options) or goes down (Put options) prior to the option expiration, you will be able to earn up to 100% of your initial investment.

Range High / Low

If the price stays within the bounds specified by the option of this type, you can earn up to 100% of your initial investment. If the option expires at precisely the level of the range’s boundary, then the initial investment is returned in full.

Options on Demand

You will need to make a forecast of where the price is going to be at expiration relative to current market price. This option type allows you to determine when it expires. If your forecast proves to be correct eventually, you can earn up to 75% of your initial investment upon expiration of the option. If the option expires at precisely the level of the strike price, then the initial investment is returned in full.

How to get started?

If you are a new client, you will need to register first or if you are an existing client, you will need to log into your FX Choice profile.

Open an account for trading Binary options

Fund your account

Start the trading platform

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Binary Options on any TradersWay MT4 Live account

Now Binary Options trading is available for all clients who have live MT4 accounts with TradersWay.

September 8, 2014. TradersWay, a prime on-line FOREX and CFD broker. is pleased to announce a great extension to our product range – Binary Options Trading. The Binary TradersWay platform is integrated with TradersWay MetaTrader 4, providing our clients with great opportunity to trade binary options on the same MT4 Live account as they use to trade Forex and CFDs.

Following our mission to provide the widest trading opportunities, TradersWay added Binary Options trading platform to its product line. The platform offers a great range of trading instruments including traditional binary options, Pairs, Long Term and 60 Seconds on all major currency pairs, commodities and stocks.

Binary options trading is one of the easiest and most profitable ways to earn money today. With binary options, all you need is a basic understanding of price direction, and you can trade. The trader never purchases an asset, he just predicts if the price will rise or fall.

The main benefits are the following:

Controlled Risk – Binary Options are actually have the lowest risk involved, because you know exactly how much you stand to lose, and how much you can profit. Your loss can never exceed your initial deposit.

Simplicity – What is easier than up or down? You don’t need any previous experience to successfully trade – just a general sense of market movement.

Profitability – Standard binary options give you up to 85% return on your investment. However, with products such as One Touch, you can even earn 550%.

Availability – Binary Options are issued around-the-clock.

Hedging opportunities – You can hedge other positions that you have in currencies or stocks, to eliminate further loss.

TradersWay Binary platform is web-based meaning you can login to your account and trade on any device that has an internet connection. Moreover, thanks to the platform integration with TradersWay MetaTrader 4, our clients can trade binary options from any live MT4 account, with no hassle mixing multiple products on one account.

If you already have a live TradersWay MT4 account with at least 5USD on it, you can login to Binary TradersWay with your account credentials and start trading straight away.

Australia’s GO Markets introduces binary options on MT4

Australian Forex broker GO Markets has beefed up its product offering on MetaTrader 4 and its clients can now trade binary options on the ubiquitous platform, echoing the current advancement toward incorporating the binary options and FX asset classes on one platform rather than using a shared wallet to provide two platforms via a common CRM.

The broker is currently focusing on the widely known and simple digital options, which are binary options in which traders forecast the direction in which the price of a given asset will move (“up” or “down”) and get to profit/lose depending on whether their forecast is right/wrong. The lineup of expiration times for GO Markets’ Binaries is pretty diverse, ranging from 1 minute to 60 minutes, with the service rather affordable too, as the minimum stake is at $5.

Being located in Australia, GO Markets is well positioned to provide binary options to clients in the nearby Asian continent, in which there is a notable proportion of traders with a strong appetite for binary options and the quick-fire trading experience that it offers.

GO Markets was the subject of merger and acquisition activity two years ago, drawing attention to the potential value of Australian FX brokers, in its acquisition by Japanese investment bank AIP. subsequently being sold to PYX Financial just a year later.

At that particular time, LeapRate’s research concurred that the entirety of Australian FX firms had a total monthly combined trading volume of less than $50 billion, however in the relatively short time that has ensued, deliverable FX firm OzForex prepared its IPO last year at an astonishing $439 million. whilst compatriot retail FX trading firm Pepperstone engaged with US investment bank Berkshire Capital in order to prepare its IPO.

With GO Markets’ latest addition to its service, no separate account is necessary for binary options. Existing traders may subscribe for the new service via their live MetaTrader 4 account.

The simplicity of binary options trading for GO Markets’ retail client base may lead to higher volumes, especially bearing in mind the target market. It is therefore no surprise that so many FX trading firms have also sought to launch such services, with one of the latest to join the group being Cyprus-based RoboForex.

By integrating binary options into an FX trading platform, the debate as to whether binary options can be classified as a financial product or a gaming product gains further ground. Platform provider TRADOLOGIC recently launched two land-based terminals aimed purely at the gaming market, whereas retail FX firms are taking binary options further toward being a tradable financial asset class.

GO Markets is now following in the footsteps of its former sister firm Vantage FX, which has long since boasted the offering of binary options and Forex trading on a single platform (MetaTrader4).

Whilst Vantage FX has moved on with a recently announced partnership with MXT Global, GO Markets is focusing on its independence. At the time of purchase by its new owner PYX Financial Group Limited, a corporate decision was made in November 2013 to propel the retail operations of the Australian business, a claim that the firm is fulfilling.

Binary options traders can now enjoy all the benefits of a MetaTrader binary platform

Diversity is one of the characteristics of foreign exchange and trading platforms are no exception, with so many brokers competing for customers. Over time, the most effective forex platforms endured and became immensely popular with names such as Metatrader being known even by those who don’t trade at all. Now that SpotOption introduces a metatrader plug-in, binary options traders can enjoy the same benefits as their peers who are specialized in trading currency pairs.

Metatrader is more stable than proprietary platforms

Progress is inevitable and online brokers will always try to come up with something new to outshine the competition and to better serve the interest of their clients. Among the first things that the latter will demand from the trading platforms is stability, because millions of trades are performed on a daily basis and crashes are simply unacceptable. As with any other software, there are many things that can go wrong and that’s why it is important for the customer service to be excellent. Technicians need to be capable of solving any issue fast, so that it won’t send shockwaves that affect orders placed by the traders.

Proprietary binary options trading platforms are the interface between the software powering them and the user and with many traders being rookies, it is important for the transition to be seamless. Having said this, traders should be able to place an order with nothing more than a few clicks and have no doubts about what they are doing. Metatrader 4 is widely regarded as the pinnacle of technology in this industry and with this plug-in developed by SpotOption, many traders are expected to switch to Metatrader.

No technical glitches or delays with Metatrader

Things get increasingly complicated when the trading platforms have to accommodate binary options signals, sent by human traders or robots. Time is of the essence in these cases and there should be no delays at all, so that the user will not miss out on a profitable chance, simply because the platforms failed. In most cases, brokers are making it possible for their clients to receive the signals on their smartphones and by using mobile trading, to place the orders. This perk was not available a couple or years ago and that’s why the trading platforms themselves need to be adjusted every now and then.

Beside these major makeovers, binary options platforms need to be kept up to date, so that downtimes would be virtually inexistent and high latency only a myth. Customers are entitled to expect nothing but the very best and those brokers who can’t grant access to the best trading platforms will lose their clients. The benefit of using a proven platform such as Metatrader is that technical difficulties are rare and the solutions are well-known. By incorporating charting software and a constant stream of news, a platform becomes more attractive and at the same time increases the chances a trader has to place winning orders.

Brokers News

CLM Offers Binary Options Trading on Metatrader 4 Platform

Core Liquidity Markets (CLM), the broker registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), has just announced that it will offer trading with binary options directly on the Metatrader 4 (MT4) platform.

The move offers a raft of advantages for traders as they can use the popular platform to trade both Forex and binary options – and it's always more convenient to do this from a single platform. However, fellow traders, make sure that if you want to trade with a binary option you select a symbol with the suffix “bo”.

CLM is apparently seeking to take advantage of the growing interest of traders into this type of trading instruments – they are relatively simple to tackle. All you need to do is to pick the symbol from the MarketWatch panel on the Metatrader 4; select the time of expiration of the option and the direction into which you believe the price will move. The broker offers some quite lucrative conditions: for example, each bet starts from as low as $5, while the leverage reaches 1:400. If the binary option expires "In the Money," you will get a certain payout – you can see the size of this payout in the Trade terminal.

You can test the new service with a demo account or make use of a live account straight away – this will require that you deposit at least $250 initially.

Regarding the new offering, Michael Markrian - managing partner at Core Liquidity Markets, stressed the advantages that trading on MT4 provide to traders, including the friendly interface and the intuitive design. The decision of CLM runs contra to that of other brokers like Alpari. which have opted to offer their proprietary platforms dedicated solely to binary options trading. But the Australian company is really ambitious – Markrian says it aims “to emerge as the most preferred Forex and binary options broker”.

For a full list of binary options brokers, click here .

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What is MetaTrader?

By - November 2, 2012 5:50 pm

MetaTrader is a trading platform developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. designed for service organizations with dealing of Forex, CFD and Futures markets. It is a full-cycle complex that is for the dealing service organization. MetaTrader 4 does not require additional software. It runs on the Windows platform and other operation systems are not supported.

As for November 2012 the widely used version is the fourth and the fifth released. The first, second and third versions are not used or supported.

The official release of the online trading platform MetaTrader 4 took place on 1 July 2005. The platform includes the following components:

MetaTrader 4 Server

the core of the system, the server part. Designed to process user requests on trading operations, invoicing and order execution. It also broadcasts quotes and news, keeps minutes and archives. Runs as a service. No independent interface. The manufacturer recommends to organize a dedicated server platform using Windows Server, which in addition to MetaTrader 4 Server no more runs. Practice shows that the parallel run on the same hardware from any other program drastically reduces the stability of the MetaTrader 4 Server. The use of each copy is licensed separately.

MetaTrader 4 Administrator

designed to remotely manage server component in the form of specifying settings, settings of financial instruments, databases and so on. It has little capacity transactions with client accounts. Platform Windows 8/Vista/XP/2000. License to use an unlimited number of copies of the license which included in the server.

MetaTrader 4 Manager

designed to handle trade inquiries and manage customer accounts. Platform Windows Vista/XP/2000. License to use an unlimited number of license copies included in the server.

MetaTrader 4 Data Center

is a dedicated proxy server, designed for increasing a scalability and security of the platform and can be an intermediary between the server and client terminals. Use is not mandatory, but it is appropriate for local area networks with multiple clients, allowing to minimize the quotations and stories traffic. It can be installed in one of these places. It can also be used to reduce the load on the server. In this case, using a dedicated machine for client terminals becomes an alternative server. Platform Windows 8/Vista/XP/2000. No license required.

See our other Metatrader articles and info:

MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal

is the client part which is installed on the trader’s computer. Designed to provide trade operations and technical analysis in real time. Several types of orders for immediately operations or with additional conditions (when the price is agreed). Provides a view of current events, broadcast by the server is part of the complex. Internal C-like programming language MQL4 allows to program trading strategies, indicators and signals. It is possible to provide a fully automated trading, when the program-adviser not only displays the image and signals, but also sends commands to the opening/closing deals. Using the programming options are not necessarily – there are 50 basic indicators, each of which can be further adjusted. The client terminal is designed to work with any MetaTrader 4 Server without reference to pre-address. Platform Windows 8/Vista/XP/2000/98. No license needed.

MetaTrader 4 Mobile

offers a controlling of trading account via mobile devices such as cell phone or PDA (mobile trading). Without a license it can be used only with some servers. For each server it uses a separate version of the program, which is not able to change the server. When you purchase a license, it can work with any MetaTrader 4 Server without reference to pre-address.

MetaTrader 4 for iPhone

offers the trading account management using smartphones based on Apple iOS 4.0 and higher, it has support for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Free installation from the AppStore. Possible connection with the trading server only for those brokers who have paid the appropriate service to developers. The program includes 30 technical indicators, all types of orders, the audio signals (Alerts).

MetaTrader 4 for Android

offers control trading account with smartphones based on Android version 2.1 and higher. Free installation from Google Play. Possible connection with the trading server for only those brokers who have paid the appropriate service for developers. The program includes all types of orders, support for three types of graphs, 7 timeframes, support plates.

The platform is focused on margin trading. There is the ability to trade CFD. But the platform is not designed for full-scale work on the stock market or to conduct operations without marginal conditions:

You can not put your own application to the market to see for the other merchants;

You can not see the list of applications available on the market;

No mechanisms with options;

There is no possibility to connect an additional source of quotes and news;

No mechanisms of the work in a national currency (the report on the client terminal is always formed in English, indicating USD as currency).

Why Use MetaTrader4

MetaTrader 4 is the most popular and convenient platform for the Forex in the world. For each tool there are 9 different timeframes available: M1 (one minute), M5 (five minutes), M15 (fifteen minutes), M30 (30 minutes), H1 (one hour), H4 (4:00), D1 (one day), W1 (one week), MN (one month). Also you have an opportunity to configure timeframes that are not specified in MetaTrader 4. Period Converter will help make the desired timeframe.

MetaTrader 4 includes over 50 technical indicators that make life easier for the trader. And it helps make technical analysis, to find favorable terms for entry and exit points for the market. Of course there is the option to add your indicator. MetaTrader provides the ability to print out the information we need on the paper. This is needless to say that MetaTrader is the best trading platform for traders.

MetaTrader4 trading functions also meet all the needs of the trader. MetaTrader terminal supports the following types of order execution: immediate execution and pending orders (sell stop, buy stop, sell limit, buy limit). So in MetaTrader traders can put pending orders, conduct an immediate order execution (opening and closing of the market), put trailing stops, take profit and stop-loss. There is a very handy feature of the terminal, which allows to trade directly with the timetable of the asset. MetaTrader has a tick chart, which can be extremely useful when trading with small time frames.

One of the major challenges facing the MetaTrader 4 – is the security of making transactions. Data exchange between the platform server and a client terminal is encrypted by 128 bit keys. This is enough to ensure safety.

TradeToolsFX rolls out Binary Options Trader robot for MT4

TradeToolsFX, the developer of software solutions for online trading, has announced the release of a new product that will enable binary options trading on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. The novelty is an expert advisor (EA) – as you know, this is how robots designed for the MT4 platform are called.

Binary Options Trader (“BOT”) EA is available through TTFX’s partner brokers – after installation on the terminal, it can be instantly used for trading binary options on MT4 alongside Forex, CFDs and Indices.

The introduction of the new EA is in tune with the growing popularity of binary options trading around the world. TTFX also stresses that the tighter regulatory grip on these instruments in some countries, including the plans for binary options regulation in the UK, add to the credibility and, hence, to the popularity of these financial products.

TTFX has recognized the perspectives of binary options several years ago and integrated binary options into MT4 in 2013. With this latest offering, clients of TTFX can now trade binary options across multiple systems and devices – the BOT EA, FX LITE for MT4, WebTrader, iPhone and Android devices.

The launch of the BOT EA marks another step in the evolution of TTFX’s services for trading binary options on MT4. In March 2015, TTFX announced a partnership with technical analysis company Autochartist that enabled provision of trading alerts for binary options on the popular platform.

To learn more about TradeToolsFX’s offering, you can visit their corporate website .

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Tag Archives: MetaTrader 4 (MT4)

Markets. com is one of the world’s most popular binary options and CFD brokers. This fast-growing broker was founded and owned by a company called SafeCap Ltd. The company prides itself on offering its binary traders a safe, secure, licensed and EU regulated trading environment. Markets. com have also made a commitment to providing their traders with the most advanced Forex trading platforms and support services.

Markets. com Regulatory Information: Markets. com are regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchanges Commission (CySEC). They are also regulated under the European Union Financial Services Law, better recognized as the “Markets in Financial Instruments Directive” (MiFID). As such, they are able to offer all EU based brokers a first class Forex and CFD trading experience. Markets. com is also authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of the UK. They comply with all industry standards and subscribe to a strict code of conduct and ethics.

Markets. com Trading Platforms: There are four different binary options trading platforms available at Markets. com, these are Sirix WebTrader, MetaTrader 4 (MT4), Markets Mobile Trader and Markets MultiTerminal.

1. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) – Markets. com have given their MetaTrader 4 platform a few overhauls over the years. MetaTrader 4 is user friendly for novice traders, yet has advanced features, analytic tools and customizability suited to more experienced binary traders. It’s easy to see why the Markets. com MT4 Platform sets the industry standard for binary options trading.

2. Markets. com MultiTerminal – This is Markets. com solution for operating multiple trading accounts simultaneously. It is primarily designed for money managers but it is a highly effective solution for those that wish to trade across a number of MT4 accounts at the same time. You’ll benefit from rapid news updates, updates on trading events, receive system alerts and internal emails, all from a single interface. Markets. com platform also offers several execution models and predefined values that are perfect for those that require predefined volumes, percentage allocations, equity ratios and/or total volumes per order. You can set per-defined order allocations for performing trade operations or manage open positions and pending orders with this truly sensational platform.

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Note: after you have got hold of Metratrader for free by following the steps I set out below, I would like to recommend the series my buddy Kostasze put together: How To Use Metatrader For Binary Options Trading .

How To Get MetaTrader For Free

Metatrader will be become your powerful binary options charting tool. MT4/MT5 Features include:

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How can I get Metatrader for free?

I get a lot of questions about this but it is actually really simple. You can get the latest version of MetaTrader for free when you sign up at a well known forex broker. You don’t need to make a deposit, you get access to Metatrader just for signing up! For example, you can get free metatrader when you sign up with Markets. com

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MT4 Guide

Metatrader 4 is one of the most popular trading platforms. What type of assets can you have with Metatrader? - Forex pairs - Commodities - Indices - Stocks You can have all the above assets but the most the brokers offer a Metatrader 4 account with Forex pairs, only. Sometimes, they offer Gold and Silver assets with them. On the other hand, some brokers who offer stocks and indices CFDs give you the chance to have these stocks and indices in your Metatrader platform, but this trading platform is best for currencies and not for stocks or indices.

How can you have access to Metatrader 4? It’s very simple. Open a free demo account with a spot Forex Broker. All the big firms in the industry offer free demo accounts and you can register in about 2 minutes. They give you a User ID, a password and a server. After your registration with them you should download for free Metatrader 4 software from their site. After that, you should install the software to your computer and you are ready. You open the platform from the icon in your desktop and fill the details which they gave you before.

The above screenshot is from Alpari. This is the login window. After your first login, check the “Save account information” button and you don’t have to fill your details again and again. You will just open the Metatrader – Alpari from your desktop and you will have access to the charts.

The Metatrader 4 trading platform looks like this. In the main window we have our charts. When you will open the platform for the first time, you will see the above charts with the default settings. From the menu “File” or from the button below the menu “File” you can add new charts.

How to setup your chart?

Look at this chart. It’s a simple naked chart of EURUSD currency pair. (Image 3) (Image 4) Some details. From the big rectangle which I drew above the main chart window you can set your timeframe. 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1H, 4H, 1D, 1W and 1M are the available options. As I said before from the button below the menu “File” you can add a new chart. Now look at the navigator. From the two rectangles which I drew you can add indicator in the chart (Indicators, Custom Indicators). You have to open the whole menu by pushing the “+” to see the indicators.

Now, in this screenshot I drew a new red rectangle to show you some important buttons. From the first three buttons of this rectangle you can change your chart style and I am talking about the price. Bars, Candlesticks and Line are the available options. From the next two buttons you have the options to zoom in or zoom out. From the last button you can change the template of your chart.

With right click in your chart you will see a new menu. Click “Properties” and you will see the above window from which you can change the colors in your chart. In this menu you will see also other options like Print, Save Picture etc.

How to setup your indicators? If you want to add a new indicator in your chart you can go to the navigator window, as I said before, open the indicators’ list, choose your indicator and drop it to the chart. After this, you will see this window which is about the indicator’s settings. In this case I choose MACD. You can change the Inputs, the Colors, the Levels and the Visualization. When you are ready click OK. The chart with MACD, with default settings. I didn’t change anything.

Basic Indicators Set - Ups I am going to show you how to set - Up some basic indicators to your charts. You have to choose the indicators as I said before and drop them to your charts.

RSI In this window you can change RSI’s settings right after you drop it to your chart. From the Inputs menu you can change the RSI’s period. The default period is 14 days. From the levels menu you can add levels. In this case, as you can see I added 30 and 70 levels and I change the color (red). Momentum Here, we have the Momentum indicator. I added level 100 and I change the color (red). From the inputs you can change the period but I will leave as is in this case, 14 days.

Stochastic Here, we have the Stochastic indicator. From the Inputs you can change KPeriod, DPeriod and Slowing. I added 20 and 80 levels from Levels menu and I change the levels’ color (red). In this screenshot you can see the above indicators in our EURUSD chart. I have 1 minute timeframe. I drew a rectangle to show you a button. With this button you can add indicators, too. I am showing this because if you want to add Moving Averages it’s better to do it from this button because you have more choices. Here, we have a Moving Average . You can change the period, the MA method (simple, exponential etc.), Apply to (close, High, Low, etc.) and color.

Drawings Now, I am going to show you how to draw in your chart. I am talking about Support and Resistance lines, trend lines, triangles, Fibonacci etc. Something I forgot to say previously is how to delete the indicators . One way is right click on the indicator and click delete. A second way is right click in your chart main window, click indicators list from the menu. You will see all the indicators and you can delete the indicator you don’t need any more.

Trend Lines and Triangles With the same way you can add trend lines. Choose trend line find two tops or bottoms and link them with the trend line. If you have two trend lines like the chart below, you can create a triangle. From the menu Insert, go to Shapes and choose triangle. After this, you should click three times, one in every corner of the triangle.

Fibonacci In the chart above you can see that I drew Fibonacci levels. From the menu Insert, go to Fibonacci and choose Retracement. After this you should find a trend or a movement anyway. For a downtrend drag from top to the bottom and you will see the above chart. For an uptrend you should do the opposite. Drag from the bottom to top.

In this window you can see how to change Fibonacci Settings. Right click in the main chart window and choose Object List. Find your Fibonacci levels and you will see the above window. You can add levels, change color etc.

How to add Custom Indicators Now, I am going to show you how to add new custom indicators to your trading platform. Metrader 4 supports MQL4 and ex4 files for the indicators and tpl files for the templates. The easiest way to add new indicators (you must have the indicator’s files, MQL4 or ex4) is to copy the files and paste them in the indicators folder.

How to find this folder? (C): - Program files – Metratrader – Experts – Indicators

The other way is to open the Meta Editor from the “Tools” menu, create a new indicator and copy paste the code. You can see Meta Editor window below.

Expert Advisors and Backtest With Expert Advisors you can have automated signals to your trading platform. Like the indicators you should add them to the particular folder. Another important choice you have with Metatrader 4 trading plarform is the automated backtest.

In this screen shot you can see an automated backtest. I chose the MT4’s Moving Average Expert Advisor, I set 6 days for backtesting for long and short positions. After the backtest you can see the results, reports, success % etc. To do this you should drag an expert advisor to your chart from the navigator window (Expert Advisors) and after this right click in the main chart, find Expert Advisors from the menu and choose Strategy Tester.

As you realize Metatrader 4 is a solid trading platform and give you many choices and advantages. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Binary Options on any TradersWay MT4 Live account

Now Binary Options trading is available for all clients who have live MT4 accounts with TradersWay.

September 8, 2014. TradersWay, a prime on-line FOREX and CFD broker. is pleased to announce a great extension to our product range – Binary Options Trading. The Binary TradersWay platform is integrated with TradersWay MetaTrader 4, providing our clients with great opportunity to trade binary options on the same MT4 Live account as they use to trade Forex and CFDs.

Following our mission to provide the widest trading opportunities, TradersWay added Binary Options trading platform to its product line. The platform offers a great range of trading instruments including traditional binary options, Pairs, Long Term and 60 Seconds on all major currency pairs, commodities and stocks.

Binary options trading is one of the easiest and most profitable ways to earn money today. With binary options, all you need is a basic understanding of price direction, and you can trade. The trader never purchases an asset, he just predicts if the price will rise or fall.

The main benefits are the following:

Controlled Risk – Binary Options are actually have the lowest risk involved, because you know exactly how much you stand to lose, and how much you can profit. Your loss can never exceed your initial deposit.

Simplicity – What is easier than up or down? You don’t need any previous experience to successfully trade – just a general sense of market movement.

Profitability – Standard binary options give you up to 85% return on your investment. However, with products such as One Touch, you can even earn 550%.

Availability – Binary Options are issued around-the-clock.

Hedging opportunities – You can hedge other positions that you have in currencies or stocks, to eliminate further loss.

TradersWay Binary platform is web-based meaning you can login to your account and trade on any device that has an internet connection. Moreover, thanks to the platform integration with TradersWay MetaTrader 4, our clients can trade binary options from any live MT4 account, with no hassle mixing multiple products on one account.

If you already have a live TradersWay MT4 account with at least 5USD on it, you can login to Binary TradersWay with your account credentials and start trading straight away.

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TradeToolsFX MT4 Binary Options Launch Part Two

Brokers News

TradoLogic integrates its binary options platform with MT4 and MT5

The leading Binary Options trading platform provider has incorporated MetaTrader 4 and 5 into its platform in order to deliver outstanding trading experience.

TradoLogic, the world’s pioneer in binary options platform providing and the founder of the binary trading industry, has integrated the electronic trading software MetaTrader 4 and 5 with the TradoLogic platform.

MetaTrader 4 is an analytical trading platform which is used for online FOREX trading. MetaTrader 5 is the newer and more advanced version of the trading software platform. It possesses increased functionality and an enlarged set of tools.

The integration with MetaTrader possesses a number of advantages for both FOREX traders and brokers. It is fitted with a seamless share wallet which allows a client that deposits money at a certain broker to invest in binary options through the same broker. Also, FOREX traders can use all the advantages of MetaTrader for binary options trading and can trade binary options directly from the MetaTrader. All of these advantages are applicable not only to FOREX traders who want to trade binary options but also vice versa – to binary options traders who wish to invest in FOREX as well.

With this step TradoLogic has gone even further in delivering superior trading experience and better opportunities for FOREX-oriented operators who wish to expand their markets.

TradoLogic’s technology has been constructed specifically for the binary options trading market. It is created with the vision of a product that seamlessly integrates a robust and efficient platform, providing maximum entertainment for the end user, while ensuring top performance for platform operators.

TradoLogic is the world’s leading binary options trading platform provider, who offers innovative solutions to the financial trading industry. TradoLogic’s success is based on our commitment to excellence through full collaboration and goal-oriented interaction with our clients.

We are constantly looking to design and offer creative products and services that maximize our client’s profit potential. We do this by providing the appropriate tools required to strengthen the operator’s brand in the global market, expanding both their customer base and wallet share. TradoLogic’s turnkey solution provides premium features and support tailored to meet the ever-changing demands of the dynamic financial trading market.

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Metatrader 4 for Binary Options – Download Guide [MAC]

Ok so your a Mac user and you have been moaning about not having the same resources as PC/Windows Binary Traders. Well not anymore. In fact I am a Mac user and I love Crossover, it is easy to use has great support and is not expensive.

You can even get started with a free trial for 14 days, they dont even want payment details just your email address, you can in fact uninstall after 14 days and get the trial again with a different email address. Though to be honest I dont think $39 bucks is a lot to to scoff at. They also do lots of other Windows program even games. Check them out by clicking on there free trial banner below.

If you are a windows user we covered that earlier. to get the low down on installing on a PC visit Here

Now I scoured youtube and found a great install video from codeweavers, They make Crossover. As I said there support is awesome.

Watch the video below and get MT4 up and running on your Mac.

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Recently, TradoLogic – a binary options trading platform provider – has implemented two new updates that will assist online traders in both Forex and binary options either from a single account or directly from charts. Both of these changes will improve the service quality of TradoLogic brokers significantly.

TradoLogic Integrates MetaTrader 4

The first new update from TradoLogic was that this broker integrated the popular MetaTrader 4 platform into its premium digital options trading services. In a press release, TradoLogic stated that with this decision made, the venture has taken one more step to delivering a first-class trading experience as well as better opportunities to operators who want to use the platforms developed by TradoLogic.

This update has brought some benefit to both en-traders and brokers. Brokers will be able to provide forex and binary option services to their customers at the same time via the integrated MetaTrader 4 platform. Furthermore, in case they want to trade, traders do not need to sign up to both the forex and binary options branches of a company.

In addition, thanks to the MetaTrader 4 integration, traders just need to deposit one time only in case they want to trade both forex and binary options. Traders can switch between forex and binary options trading mode at their own will. Although TradoLogic claimed that this change has been made primarily for binary options market, Forex traders still benefit from this. In fact, the new feature is as useful to Forex traders as it is to binary options traders.

TradoLogic Introduces New Trading Form Charts

The second update from TradoLogic was that traders now can trade binary options directly from charts. Apparently, TradoLogic is the only broker on the market that offers this feature which is also unique in online trading and the binary options business.

ChartPlus feature, which is also a recent addition to the portfolio of the venture, will generate the charts. This feature, using technology developed by TradoLogic, enables traders to make useful and detailed charts for the binary options that are offered by the brokers.

In another press release, TradoLogic proudly claimed that this technology is unique on the market at the moment. This venture also stated that they would keep being devoted to innovation and brought benefit to both brokers and traders by releasing new software and platform solutions.

About TradoLogic

TradoLogic is among the biggest global binary options trading platform providers. This venture is famous for its cutting-edge and revolutionary technology. Brokers and traders who register at these ventures will have the opportunity to try some of the most modern technology available on the market right now. TradoLogic provides binary options service to brokers like Optionbit and OptionXP .

This company mainly targets the binary options market. The newly introduce MetaTrader 4 integrated platform will enable binary brokers to bridge the gap between forex and binary options, the 2 primary online trading segments.

The second new feature is even better. It allows binary options traders to directly trade from their charts and not having to open new windows.

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hello, i am new here, so please excuse if i have posted in the wrong place or anything stupid like that But, would it be possible for someone to Once you subscribe, you will get free access to real cutting-edge Trading Systems (automated and not), Indicators, Signals, Articles, etc. that will help and guide you … News and Information on Forex Signals … Enter the video embed code here. Remember to change the size to 310 x 250 in the embed code. Hi, i’m looking for a MACD alert (in the pop-up MT4 alert window) that will show the Price and Time when the MACD line crosses the zero line (intrer-candle).

Binary Options Indicators – Download Instructions

NewMACD is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) indicator and the essence of the forex indicator is to transform the accumulated history data.

NewMACD provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.

Sobre la base de esta información, los comerciantes pueden asumir más movimiento de precios y ajustar su estrategia en consecuencia.

How to install NewMACD. mq4?

Download NewMACD. mq4

Copy NewMACD. mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / experts / indicators /

Start or restart your Metatrader Client

Select Chart and Timeframe where you want to test your indicator

Search “Custom Indicators” in your Navigator mostly left in your Metatrader Client

Right click on NewMACD. mq4

Attach to a chart

Modify settings or press ok

Indicator NewMACD. mq4 is available on your Chart

How to remove NewMACD. mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?

Select the Chart where is the Indicator running in your Metatrader Client

Right click into the Chart

“Indicators list”

Select the Indicator and delete

Click here below to download the Binary Options Indicators:

MarketsPulse Introduces Binary Options within MetaTrader 4

MarketsPulse, a provider of solutions for binary options, now allows brokers to offer binary options from within MetaTrader 4.

LONDON–MarketsPulse, the leading Binary Options enterprise solution provider, now gives brokers the option to diversify by adding binary options to their tradable products. MarketsPulse delivers a suite of technology focused on the needs of regulated companies with an existing customer base that are interested in offering binary options.

With this enhancement, MarketsPulse allows brokers to offer binary options in the MetaTrader4 platform, providing the latest in binary options technology and integrating everything on the back-end for a more seamless overall trading experience. MT4 allows traders to trade Binary Options with their existing account with the familiarity of using their extensive knowledge in trading forex, CFD and other products.

“We are pleased to make binary options more accessible for more brokers and traders with this new option and to continue to use our sophisticated technology to create better, more intuitive trading experiences,” said Rachely Esman, CEO of MarketsPulse. “With an exclusive focus on binary options, MarketsPulse offers the latest in technology, s

About Author

Yohay Elam – Founder, Writer and Editor

I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Binary Options on MT4 Version 3

While the sands of the Forex world continue to shift and third party developers, brokers and traders all wait on MetaQuotes’ next move; TradeTools FX has taken the preemptive move of releasing v.3 of our Binary Options solution for MT4. Our latest version is a standalone client-side program that interacts with MT4 without using DLL/EXE files in the MT4 client terminal. As with v.1 and v.2, traders are still able to access all the features of MT4 including Expert Advisors, Custom Indicators and Scripts to analyze and trade Binary Options right alongside Forex, Metals, CFDs and other instruments.

To recap how v.3 came to be, MetaQuotes first claimed that TTFX was in violation of their license agreement when we released v.1 of our Binary Options program on March 20th. The claim made by someone named “MetaQuotes” claimed that “TradeTools FX directly violates MetaTrader license agreements, modifies programs and is prohibited for use. ” While some speculated that this comment and others were posted by competitors, the news that came out over the weekend leads one to believe that these comments were certainly from mother MetaQuotes. While we disagreed with this claim and could prove otherwise, we decided to focus our energy on designing an alternate method for displaying Binary Options information within MT4.

This post led us to create v.2 which utilizes an Expert Advisor to offer Binary Options trading on MT4. We released this on March 29th and Forex Magnates posted the story on the same day. We received zero comments on this release from MetaQuotes compared to three posts on the first article. While we might have begun to think their silence meant acceptance, this myth was shattered this past weekend when MetaQuotes sent a warning notice to licensees about implementing third-party components to the terminals and modifying distribution packages. Again, we believe our solution is compliant with the MetaQuotes license agreement but we went back to our team with another project and the delivered v.3.

So this brings us to where we are today. While we are slightly concerned with MetaQuotes’ comments as of late, we are committed to offering solutions that help our clients’ run their businesses more efficiently, improve their bottom line and offer innovative trading products to their traders. We hope that MetaQuotes’ shares this same sentiment. If so, we will continue to grow our company and become a leader in the ecosystem of third party developers working together for the benefit of all parties. We develop solutions that the market demands and most of our clients feature MT4 as their main platform. Time will tell if this will remain true and if MT4 can maintain their market dominance. Stay tuned.

Últimas noticias

What are Binary Options?

Binary Options Explained

Binary Options trading is simple and fast – ideal for any level of trading experience – from novice beginners through to experienced and full-fledged traders. Binary Options are trading instruments set to only two proposition outcomes. Based on the performance of a financial market, a Binary Option asks whether a specific event will occur or not over a designated period of time – your answer will simply either be 'yes' or 'no'.

The possibility of whether a particular event will occur by a designated set time is applied to popular financial markets including currencies, stocks, commodities or indices.

How does Binary Options trading differ to Forex trades?

Time Based Binary Options are all expiring trades and hence, time dependent. The trade questions posed to you ask questions such as "Will the EUR/USD close higher or lower than the current price by 14:30 today?" In fact, you can also choose from a range of 'Short Term' Binary Options which expire within 60 seconds, 2 minutes or 5 minutes from the moment you place your trade.

More Price Range With Binary Options you can choose to place your trades based on the current market price, a target or even within a range of prices. We offer High/Low, Above/Below, One Touch and Boundary Binary Options.

Clear Returns Before you even commit to place a trade, your maximum gain or loss is clearly visible. Try out different amounts and compare different assets by their return percentages.

How To Place a Trade

Once you have chosen a Binary type from high/low, one touch, boundary or short term, placing a trade is simple.

Select an asset (E. g. EURUSD)

Select which way (E. g. High or Low)

Enter your trading amount (E. g. $100)

Why Binary Options with MXT Global?

Easy to use, intuitive platform

Wide range of assets – Forex, Indices, Commodities, Stocks

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Manage your risk – know immediately how much you gain or risk on each trade

MXT Global Pty Ltd ACN 157 768 566 AFSL 428901. Trading derivatives and forex carries a high level of risk to your capital and should only be traded with money you can afford to lose. Ensure you read our FSG, PDS and Terms & Conditions, and seek independent advice, to fully understand the risks, before deciding to enter into any transactions with MXT Global. The general information on this website is not directed at residents in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would contravene local law or regulation.

The information in this website is of a general nature only and may contain advice that is not based on your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Accordingly you should consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to those objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice.

The information in this site has been prepared in accordance with Australian law for the supply of goods and services. This notice and the information in this site and all matters relating to either are governed by and are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia (Australian law). The information may not satisfy the laws of any other country. It is not directed at people in any other country and should not be relied on by people in any country other than Australia. The information in this site is current at the date of publication but may be subject to change. Please ensure you read the full terms of use of this website, available by visiting the web page http://www. mxtglobal. com/terms-of-use/.

Please be advised, the services and products offered by MXT Global Pty Ltd are not being offered within the United States and are not offered to US residents or citizens. MXT Global Pty Ltd is not registered with any US regulator including the National Futures Association (NFA) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Binary Options MT4

Posted By admin on March 22, 2015

As of today, binary options trading is littered with trading platform of all kinds. Some are completely online while some necessitate the download of trading software. Some brokers even offer two trading platforms; one must be downloaded and the other one is completely online, depending on a trader’s preference. Today we are going to review the MetaTrader 4 trading platform which goes by the abbreviation MT4.

MT4 is an innovative trading platform which has evolved over the years thanks to MetaQuotes. The MT4 trading is coded in such a way that it facilitates easy binary options trading as well as charting. MT4 can be downloaded from their official website or from the brokers offering the MT4 trading platforms. With the MT4 trading platform, a trader can choose to use the various financial indicators available to perform analysis. Although this trading platform is downloadable software, trading is always in real time.

Install and Navigation

After successfully downloading the software, the rest is a piece cake, you just have to click the ‘install’ button and the rest will be done by your computer. After a successful install, you can open your trading platform but you have to ensure you have an internet connection in place. After opening the MT4 platform, one thing that will attract your attention is the striking user interface and segmentation of the trading window into four default times. This means that when using the MT4 trading platform, a trader can place multiple trades. Another thing that you will obviously notice is a window from which you can watch live price quotes of various assets in real time.

The Mt4 trading platform comes with several indicators but it also leaves space for a trader to customize his/her own. If you know a little about programming, you can code your preferred indicator to fit your trading style. Actually, if you are a programmer, you can program each and every tool available to suit your preferences. This is the major upside of the MT4 trading platform.

Apart from trade customization, a trader can also customize the charts to his/her own preference. For instance, a trader has the ability to toy around with various properties of a chart like the background color, line colors among other properties. If you find a chart of your dreams, you have an option to save it like a template and you can manipulate it in future to come up with other charts. On top of customizable charts, MT4 trading platform offers several indicators to facilitate strategy trading as well as analysis. You just have to click the button of ‘add indicators” to preview the available trade indicators.

The MT4 trading platform is a premium trading platform made for new and advanced traders. Its use is however bent more towards traders with a firm grasp of charting techniques. The innovative technologies offered by this trading platform allow for very fast trade executions. If used optimally, it can serve as a ladder to binary options trading stardom.


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September 28, 2013

Trading binary options can be quite overwhelming to a novice, especially with all its complexities. For instance, there are several decisions that a trader has to make, some harder than others, especially when it comes to choosing a trading platform. There is a large number of trading platforms and software available to any binary options trader. Nonetheless MetaTrader 4 also known MT4, has emerged as one of the best trading platforms being used by hundreds of brokers nowadays as an excellent and innovative solution to the binary options trading problems. This can be attributed to the following list of benefits offered by this platform.

This is one of the best features in the MT4 feature portfolio. As a matter of fact, traders can trade binary options on this platform and have the ability to enjoy the services of expert advisors. Basically, advisors can allow traders to automate their trades with a customized EA for the best results to suit their needs and expectations.

MT4 has an exceptionally user friendly interface and hence it enables both new and experienced traders to trade with ease and comfort, in spite of the current market complexity and volatility. In fact its seamless integration of a variety of languages has made it even easier for people to use expert advisors directly on MetaTrader 4 in their own language. This means that users around the globe can experience the benefits of this platform and all its data. It is also true to say that the simple and elegant interface of the platform leathers the powerful features offered by MT4 to both the expert and novice trader.

MetaTrader 4 offers the best advanced charting capabilities in addition to its user-friendly trading features. Such charts enable binary options traders to simultaneously execute their trading options while analyzing the technical aspects of the market.

This trading platform is relatively low on resources, unlike several other platforms. This means that it keeps its disruptor effect to your computer as low as possible. Also, this enables MT4 to react faster, and thus this makes it possible for the traders to implement their trades and request instantaneously.

It is quite obvious that when dealing with private and sensitive issues on any trading platform, traders would want to know that they are not susceptible to any form of online threats. Fortunately, MT4 is exceedingly a secure platform that encrypts the data between the traders and server to prevent attacks and hacks on their accounts.

To learn more about binary options in MetaTrader 4 please visit www. clmforex. com

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Anyone wanting to learn more about Forex and Trading

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Anyone wanting to learn How to use Metatrader 4 (MT4) Platform

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MXT Global Pty Ltd ACN 157 768 566 AFSL 428901. Trading derivatives and forex carries a high level of risk to your capital and should only be traded with money you can afford to lose. Ensure you read our FSG, PDS and Terms & Conditions, and seek independent advice, to fully understand the risks, before deciding to enter into any transactions with MXT Global. The general information on this website is not directed at residents in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would contravene local law or regulation.

The information in this website is of a general nature only and may contain advice that is not based on your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Accordingly you should consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to those objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice.

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Good indicator is an important factor in trading. When you are having using a binary option, a good indicator is a must for you to trade well. But it’s a fact that it’s hard to find one that can help you well. If you are still worrying and wondering what to use, then worry no more. Thanks to Trend Indicators. All trend indicators are good.

Often, there are a lot of bar chart signals which made conflict and made it not easy to separate the trend for the noise that surrounds it. Trend indicators will try to attempt to provide a goal and a measure where the trend is going. The price data will be smoothed and the trend is represented by a single line, take for example the the moving average. The cause is the smoothing process the indicators tend to lag price changes and are usually they are called trend following indicators.

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In most cases, trend indicators lose money during a ranging market as fluctuations in a narrow price band and tend to whisaw traders in and out of their positions. that is the importance of identifying whether your market is trending or ranging so that you will be able to know the trending market and faster momentum indicators for ranging markets.

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Binary Option Trading Systems

Uploaded by Lawrence Lemon on April 12, 2015 at 6:47 am

Watch Boss Indicator (Binary Options Signals Indicator For Metatrader 4) &#8211; Metatrader 4 Indicators

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The 3 Main Indicators I Use

This is the second post in my mini series, I recommend that you read my first post here in order to put this article in context. There are 3 main indicators I use as well as 1 complimentary but useful indicator:

1. ValueCharts . This is a detrended price indicator which tries to show the overbought and oversold conditions with detrended extremity levels. This indicator’s settings are default. Value chart basically just calculates the percentage move of the price from the current accumulative median. It has been around under different names since 1970’s.

Click here to download my value chart alerts: one , two .

2. Fibonacci retracements and projections . This is a tool part of every charting software. However, in order to use it with this strategy it has to be customized:

Using the Fibonacci drawing tool on Metatrader 4. we can set the parameters to provide retracement and projection levels at the same time, with just one line. On your toolbar, click Insert . Fibonacci. and select Retracement . Or click the Fib tool icon Draw a Fibo line anywhere on your chart and double left click on the line to make the Grab Points appear. Right click on the line then click Properties .

Enter the additional Values from the table below.

To make changes to existing levels and descriptions double click the number.

MT4 comes with some existing Fibonacci levels (not highlighted), just add the %$ to these where suggested, this will add the level specific price after the fibo value.

3. Center Of Gravity (Regression Channel) . There are many versions out there but none of them can beat the original. The channel is defined by its median (Fibonacci number 100) and 4 extremities (Fibonacci numbers 127 and 161.8 at the top, and -127 and -161.1 at the bottom). Most versions of COG use just 161.8 as outer channels and 0 as median which leaves too much room for price movement.

The indicator name is Regression. mq4 and parameters are default.

4. Fib pivots . Just a useful extra indicator to show the weekly Fibonacci defined SR levels (plot on your chart and watch how the price reacts near one of these levels). Fib pivot indicator .

Now, your chart should look like this (note that the fibo_piv lines had time to readjust to this week and should not be considered in these examples):

This is simple: Arrows and redline represent zigzag with default settings to give us longer price cycles.

Channel Blue Zone: Last chance to exit your position, and get ready for potential reversal.

Channel Red Zone: Reversal Zone, watch for stop hunting.

Bottom indicator window: Value Charts with levels 6 and 8.

Now you got the tools to find your prey. Next article we’ll start stalking and striking it. In the meantime feel free to leave any questions you have below. Read my next article here .

Update 2 June 2013, new links to all files below. Any errors please leave a comment!

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I´m using MT4 to analyse marketsignals and at the moment I made manually binary options trades with my broker on their website. To test the signals if there are correct and brings profit, I would like to automatizethese analysis and in case made automatic binary trades like 60-second-trades. Exists in MT4 any functions to made binary options trades like CALL / PUT setting also an expiration-time? Obviously this is important, expecially when I use 60-second-trades.

If MT4 offers this functions, do you know a broker who provide trading with MT4 and also allows trading with binary options?

And If these functions doesn´t exists, do you think that would be also integrated in the future?

There are no such functions. Mt4 is being phased out for mt5. I'm not aware of any brokers offering binary options on mt4.

ubzen : There are no such functions. Mt4 is being phased out for mt5. I'm not aware of any brokers offering binary options on mt4.

Is there also the possibility that MT5 will offer there options in the near future?

No mind readers here and you are off topic ( Any discussions except of concerning MetaQuotes Language 4 and auto trading are forbidden. )

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archaeopteryx4 2013.09.13 22:16

Is there also the possibility that MT5 will offer there options in the near future?

According to Fivos Georgiades from MetaQuotes, in Traders magazine in April:

Von unserer Seite wird der Handel mit binären Optionen nicht in MetaTrader 4 unterstüzt. Dies dürfte auch in Zukunft weiterhin so bleiben. In MetaTrader 5 ist geplant, den Handel mit normalen Optionen zu ermöglichen. Aber auch in der Version 5 wird es nicht möglich sein, binäre Optionen zu handeln.

In other words, no binary options in MT4 or MT5.

I´m using MT4 to analyse marketsignals and at the moment I made manually binary options trades with my broker on their website. To test the signals if there are correct and brings profit, I would like to automatizethese analysis and in case made automatic binary trades like 60-second-trades. Exists in MT4 any functions to made binary options trades like CALL / PUT setting also an expiration-time? Obviously this is important, expecially when I use 60-second-trades.

If MT4 offers this functions, do you know a broker who provide trading with MT4 and also allows trading with binary options?

And If these functions doesn´t exists, do you think that would be also integrated in the future?

Hi Bino, I also need the auto trading as you mentioned. I know a good broker which is use MT4 EA as the binary bridge (see attachment). What I need is an additional functions as I mentioned in the Notepad in the zip file.

I hope somebody could help us add the function needed.

Note: sorry, I failed to attach a zip file. It did not appear.

I´m using MT4 to analyse marketsignals and at the moment I made manually binary options trades with my broker on their website.

To test the signals if there are correct and brings profit, I would like to automatizethese analysis and in case made automatic binary trades like 60-second-trades. Exists in MT4 any functions to made binary options trades like CALL / PUT setting also an expiration-time?

I use Binary Options as well and, being a former Cprogrammer, I like using MQL to automatize my signals tests. Unfortunately Iwas not able to find a way to use EAs and the Strategy Tester to test myindicators, so I resorted to build an MQL framework to mimic what these toolsdo, but using expiration times instead of TP/SL levels.

To test my Signal Indicator (SI) I build a second indicator - that I call the Backtest Indicator (BI) - callingthe SI via the iCustom function and counting how many signals are ITM and howmany are OTM for a predetermined expiration time: data are then saved in a CSVstats file. Then I use a script to launch the BI with for-cycles of differentsets of input parameters and expiration times to mimic the EA optimizationavailable in MT. The final step is theanalysis of the CSV stats file using Excel looking for the best parameters. When the SI is fully optimized, then I run it in MT4 and use its signals toenter manually BOs in my broker site.

For every SI to test I need some coding effort to adapt the BI and the scriptto the indicator, although the general structure remains the same.

Has anybody tried a similar approach?

i like to run an binary EA at MT4. I don´t know how to change my "normal EA for FX" into an binary EA??

Does anyone has already an EA which runs on the binary-chart at MT4? Iam interested in the order-function (expiry-time. et cetera)

Maybe someone can show the code of an test-EA?!

Thank you in advance!!

i like to run an binary EA at MT4. I don´t know how to change my "normal EA for FX" into an binary EA??

Does anyone has already an EA which runs on the binary-chart at MT4? Iam interested in the order-function (expiry-time. et cetera)

Maybe someone can show the code of an test-EA?!

Thank you in advance!!

Please do not double post, https://forum. please delete your other post.

Im not sure whether its okay to add this as my answer? Moderator, please advise.

Hey all, Im using direct fx dot com, australian I think. They offer binary options inside MT4 and what essentially happens is that the F9 function converts into a Put-Call function. The pairs also turn into. bo instruments. Their website has all the functionality you need. It's from something they are doing with trading tools fx dot com. The latter used to make them as plug-ins until Metaquotes complained. (ref/advice needed here. Coirrect me if Im wrong). It would seem they have found a way to build it in now? All speculatory, but it works for me. Now waiting for trading tools fx to get back on BOEA development.

What is MetaTrader?

What is MetaTrader in binary options trading?

MetaTrader is a trading platform. which is widely used among traders in binary options industry. It is developed by MetaQuotes Corp. and released in 2005. Fourth version is widespread and mostly used and recently, people can also use the latest, fifth version of MetaTrader. MetaTrader software is designed for online trading with CFD, on forex and futures markets.

This platform offers a wide range of opportunities for all types of traders, both beginners and experienced ones. While trading binary options, traders can use flexible trading system, advanced technical and market analysis and many other features.

MetaTrader 4 is the most used version that provides instruments which allow binary options traders to analyze asset prices and place trades, while using these trading techniques. Below in the article, you can read more on MetaTrader software and why is it so popular among traders worldwide who use it during binary options trading process.

MetaTrader 4 platform is consisted of several different key elements. MetaTrader Server is the basis of this software and it is designed to process users requests and order execution. MetaTrader can be easily downloaded.

An excellent feature is the fact that this software can be used mobile, both on mobile phones as well as on tablets. MetaTrader 4 is compatible with iPhone and Android, which allows traders to use this software from anywhere. For Apple devices, it supports iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Free installation is possible through App Store. This program includes 30 technical indicators with trading alerts and graphs.

As mentioned above, MetaTrader is compatible bit Android smartphones and it is possible to download it via Google Play. This program includes all order types, several graphs, timeframes and trading indicators.

& # 8211; MT 4 offers traders 9 possible timeframes to use:

& # 8211; M1 (1 minute)

& # 8211; M5 (5 minutes)

& # 8211; M30 (30 minutes)

& # 8211; H4 (4 hours)

& # 8211; D1 (one day)

& # 8211; W1 (one week)

& # 8211; MN (one month)

To its traders, MetaTrader 4 offers more than 50 technical indicators, which can largely simplify trader’s trading process. This software supports several different execution types, such as immediate and pending orders. This is considered to be very useful among traders because it allows them to place trades directly with the asset layout. With MT4 it is possible to print out the needed info and other useful features for successful binary options trading process.

Free Candlestick Chart-Learn How To Set It Up Using MetaTrader 4

Candlestick chart popularly known as the “Japanese candlestick chart” has been around for years and has been used and is still been used by experienced traders in making trading decisions, due to its easy to understand attribute.

Advantages of the Candlestick Chart

Candlestick chart is the easiest among the various chart types to understand.

Trading decisions can easily be made by just a glance at the candlestick chart

Behaviors and/or sentiments of traders are clearly displayed on a candlestick chart for all to see

It makes technical analysis easier

Disadvantages of the Candlestick Chart

Difficult to understand if you have no knowledge about how it operates

To effectively use it, one must learn about the various candlestick types as well as the patterns it forms during a trading session

Steps involved in Setting up the Candlestick Chart on MetaTrader 4

Download a MetaTrader 4 software from a Forex Broker (to enable you obtain login details for live feed)

After downloading it, install it unto your laptop

Open the MetaTrader 4 application

You will see four different currency pair charts (Enlarge the currency pair chart you will like to work with)

This will be your chart screen more often after enlarging the currency pair chart of your choice. Click on the circled “x” button at the extreme left corner below in order to enlarge the screen

This is how your chart will look after closing the terminal if there is only one indicator on the chart

Close the rates board at the top left hand corner by clicking on the white triangle beside “the currency, chart time, high rate, open rate, close rate and low rate”. Also, delete the indicators on the screen by placing your mouse right on it and right-clicking and choosing delete

This is how your screen will look after deleting the indicators and closing the rate board at the top

Change the time frame for H4 to M5, if you are going to use it for Binary Options trading

This is how the M5 chart will look like

The current chart on the screen is a “bar chart”. To change to a candlestick chart, follow this procedure

Right-click the chart from any place of your choice, and choose “properties”

Change the various aspect colors from the default to what you see below and click on ok

This is how your chat will look like after clicking ok. The chart is currently on “A” so click on “B” to change it from a “Bar chart” to a “Candlestick chart”

This is how your chart will look after changing it to a candlestick chart

Click on the “Zoom” icon in order to enlarge the candlestick to your preference

You can “zoom” it to any size of your choice

To get rid of the “grid lines” at the background, click on “Chart”. when the menu drops down, choose “Grid”

This is how your screen should finally look like.

The above steps show “how to setup a candlestick chart on a MetaTrader 4 for easy technical analysis

Kindly leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions


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12 thoughts on “Free Candlestick Chart-Learn How To Set It Up Using MetaTrader 4”

You have shown your advanced understanding of the candlestick chart to be very impressive. I am only a novice to the binary trading system so there is much I don’t still understand, like by glancing at the chart, what makes you determine when a trade is appropriate and how much? I believe I am going to follow this website more to get a better understanding of how to be successful at binary trading. Thank you for sharing this system.

@Kenneth As to determining when a trade is appropriate to take, will depend solely on the traders trading strategy. As some trade with candlestick patterns, others trade with indicators or a combination of both. You are welcome to follow

Candlestick charts are definitely the most common tool used by traders. I have had a little experience of currency trading, but not very successfully! I think that may have been because I didn’t have the right tools to work with and it also takes a lot to understand patterns.

I also read your page on how to choose a broker and found that interesting too. I didn’t realise that there are unregulated brokers in the marketplace, so that’s a great tip for people who may be considering entering this business.

This article mentions Metatrader 4 – is that a broker or just a charting platform?

@John Metatrader 4 is a charting software or platform depending on what you will like to call it. it isn’t a broker. But rather, it is offered by Forex Brokers to their clients in order for them to execute their Forex trades. Unlike Forex trading, Binary options brokers don’t offer their clients a charting software or platform. So to effectively trade binary options, a binary options trader will have to get a charting software in order to make meaningful trading decisions.

¡Hola! I have to admit that this is all a bit above my current knowledge in the trading business. I have one, maybe stupid question, for you though: Does it matter what country You operate from when using the MetaTrader 4? And if so, is there any way I can customize it so it works for me?

@Katrin First of all, there is nothing like a stupid question….so don’t ever feel your question or questions are one. To answer your question, NO. it doesn’t matter the country you are in. You can operate the Metatrader 4 from any country. The only way you can customize it to work for you, is if you have a trading strategy and set up up the parameters on the Metatrader 4 for easy trading decisions

Hey there, this website has a great clean feel to it! It is well written and organised – albeit the content is not something that I am overly familiar with! The layout of text broken up with bullet points and graphics helps a lot towards making the information much easier to follow and understand. I think it looks both professional and knowledgeable and therefore trustworthy!

Everybody in the trading world prefers the candlestick charts. Especially me, back in the day I use to trade Forex but I learned I needed something with less risk and you never knew where the market direction was going. You could come up with a probability never a for sure thing. I made 1800 dollars in a month and lost 1200 so I came out with 600 dollars but I was trading high impacting news events, and I just stopped liking it after that.

@Brandon Thanks for sharing your trading experince. And just like you pointed out, trading is a very risky venture and it is therefore important to practice proper or good money management strategy when trading.

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Thursday, April 3rd, 2014 by Michael Freeman

There are many different trading approaches, tactics and indicators to assist you with binary options trading. The bright side is that all the complication calculations and formulas are no longer required in order to properly analyze price movement and predict a trend. New and seasoned traders seeking to dive-in deeper and emulate the professional strategies that professional day traders are using, can get access to this information free without paying a single dollar!

As with any product that involves a great deal of demand, there’s always a paid version to every product that’s being offered free and you can bet that online advertisers will leverage on this opportunity and try to sell you binary options indicators for Meta Trader 4, while you can get 100’s of free indicators without paying a dollar to anyone. Quality is not always measured by the price tag, as they say “The best things in life are free!” and it’s definitely the case when in comes to binary options indicators and strategies. Instead of wasting a lot of money and finding yourself paying for something that might not delivery, you can get plenty of valuable information with a quick research and test the “free stuff” before you start buying for paid indicators, training and strategies.

If you are not familiar with MetaTrader 4 and how to setup indicators checkout this video! META TRADER Tutorial Video.

Now that we understand what Meta Trader 4 is and how we can use it to our advantage, we need to learn how to setup the technical analysis indicators on the charts. Some Indicator service providers like Boss Indicator or Binary Reaper will sell you indicators for anywhere between $50-$200 while you can download these indicators free or customize the available indicators that already come with Meta Trader 4.

On MQL4 you can find thousands of trading scripts, signals, indicators on a free peer2peer sharing network. Mt4 is %100 open source which makes it the most powerful advanced charting solution for Forex and Binary Options.

If you are interested to learn how to create your own custom indicators based on your favorite asset and expiry (5,10,15 minutes) you can follow this simplified guide on Investopedia How To Create an Indicator on Meta Trader 4 ?

Checkout the Fence Trading strategy with the Bollinger Bands indicator and a detailed list of binary options indicators !

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Binary Options Indicators

If you are interested in binary trading, then surely you might have heard about forex indicators. These are being used very much for carrying out technical analysis for making predictions related with the trends in stock and patterns of prices. They are used for carrying out the identification of the trends related with currency in the market. Simply it can be said that they receive input and evaluate it to make predictions about different trading scenarios. They are a great source of help for carrying out the identification of opportunities, which are present. It can be said that they are a great gift of modern technology which must be used by traders if they really want to progress.

Long ago traders had to face a huge level of risk because they had to depend upon their instincts to make the final decisions and we can say that because of this reason many traders of the past faced great losses. Things are very different and easy now because tools are available for helping when it is about making the right and profitable choices. If you have forex indicators by your side, then predicting about the movements of currency gets very easy and for this you don’t need any special skill and experience. It is all about using your mind and identifying the singles which indicators present to you and things will take the right direction.

Good thing is that there are a vast majority of indicators present and you can easily make the selection of one, which shows compatibility with your demands and requirements. It is always better to use a combination of indicators because this will help in carrying out a better analysis of the situation. In simple words if traders want to do the right trading every time, then they should try to take benefit from various trading indicators, which are present, this will help you in gaining profit. However, an important aspect which many often neglect is that the end result is all dependent upon the techniques and strategies, which are followed by traders because they have to make the final decision after analyzing the situation. The information supplied by forex indicator tells you about the ongoing trends and helps in making the right predictions.

The experienced and successful traders always suggest that use of indicators should be carried out for the identification of the trends which are prevailing in the market. One can also take benefit from indicators for seeing the reversals of market and most importantly take guidance from the indicator while formulating his or her trading strategy. At the same time it should be kept in mind that indicators can only provide signals it is totally dependent upon the trader that how he views the given predictions. For making a smart choice one has to understand the basics and this is the key to success in all cases. So we recommend that one should proper research and spend some time in learning for getting desired results.

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High accurate Binary Option Metatrader Indicator MT4

High Accurate Binary Option MetaTrader Indicator

Getting into a trade is one of the most challenging decisions and having a strong Binary Option Indicator will make it a lot easier for you. If you are looking for an indicator that will assist you in improving your trade, then this post will appeal to you. Most option traders have difficulty deciding when to pull the trigger and enter into another trade. Binary Option MetaTrader Indicator enables you to forecast the probability of accurate trade options.

Binary option trading is a trading strategy that is based on predicting Call and Put options . which means you have to predict either for the Call option or the Put option. The binary option trading is one of the fastest growing businesses these days. Investors buy the assets and the traders predict the value of the profit or loss of the changing value of the asset. When you predict that the price of the asset is going to rise, it’s called a Call option. The other possibility is that you predict the cost of the asset is going to fall, which is called Put option.

What Does the Binary Option Indicator Offer?

Binary Option Indicator MetaTrader shows the buy and sell entry points and enables you to know about the strengths and weaknesses of the currency pair you want to trade. This is indicated by a 5-minute chart strategy. The insider trading strategy allows you to access the nonpublic information about a company. This is done by computing data on a 5-minute chart, from multiple moving averages applied to a single currency pair. In order to track the bearish and bullish trend, you have to keep an eye on the color of the arrows. There are detailed instructions to guide you when to place a trade and when not to. The binary option indicator is referred to as the best and simplest trading product in the financial sector.

Install the Binary Option MT4

The Binary OptionMT4 has a very simple installation process. You just have to copy the. exe and. tpl files into your MT4 data folder and then restart the MetaTrader 4 platform. The recommended broker for this indicator is Core Liquidity Markets. However, the binary option indicator can work well with any reliable broker.


The MetaTrader 4 Binary Option Indicator is designed to look after your profits and losses and make the trade more predictable for you. This indicator complies with the famous business motto ‘Look after your losses and your profits will take care of themselves’. The indicator monitors long-term trends to detect new trading opportunities. It has a 95% winrate and enables you to trade binary options with just wins. The indicator doesn’t lag and give false or late signals. It gives super accurate call and put signalsand can secure you maximum weekly profits. With the high accurate Binary Option MetaTrader Indicator, you don’t lose trades because it releases signals after sound confirmation. So hurry up and grab a copy of the MetaTrader 4 Binary Option Indicator.

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Binary Options Chart Setup

If you’ve watched my videos you know I use a pretty simple setup on my Metatrader(MT4) charts . This is because I focus on price action. Too some it may appear confusing to look at; when in fact, it is really easy to understand. Once you get everything loaded on the chart you will see exactly what I’m looking at on a day to day basis. The pivot, support, and resistance lines will tell you a story that will help you become a more successful trader.

First, I recommend any MT4 charting package from CashBackForex. It is simple to open an account . All you have to do is fill out the basic details required. Once you have all your information added, you can then pick a broker of choice. If you do decide to trade Forex, they will give you actual rebates on your trading. It’s a nice feature to have.

Download our Chart Settings to Your MetaTrader 4.0 Chart

Make sure you watch the video below once you get the Free downloads. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

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Once you have these downloaded items you can watch the video below to help you get setup on any MT4 chart. Remember I didn’t develop this indicator, so if something doesn’t work properly down the line, I may not be able to help you.

All Forex brokers have different price feeds, so it isn’t uncommon for you to see one price, while others see something different. This is why having the same charting package will make things even cleaner for you to understand the charts in the videos.

Here are some things you should consider on the charts after they are setup.

Although my template is pretty basic, don’t be afraid to make adjustments to your liking.

You can edit the pivot, support and resistance colors in the editing area.

The horizontal lines can also be adjusted size wise. This may make it easier to see for some.

A very important item to discuss is the price differential between the actual binary brokers. It’s a similar scenario as the Forex Brokers price feed. Prices change so fast that you may not see the difference, but there will be those times when you are questioning the broker for slippage. This price movement is just part of trading in general. For example, Banc De Binary and TradeRush will have almost identical feeds because they use the same platform. However, 24option will have a different price then the others because it is on a totally different platform . There may be some kind of arbitrage trading strategy to look at in the future, but for now, be aware of these price differences.

Also, price on the MT4 chart will definitely be different than the price at the binary option broker. This is because price at a Forex broker uses a spread . Some spreads are fixed and other can change at any moment. The price you see on the chart is the bid price. In most trading formats there is a bid and ask price for buyers and sellers. With Binary brokers you see the actual price. This is something you should pick up on relatively quick.

If you are having a hard time understanding candlesticks, here is a course that will give you everything you need to know about charting. Steve Nison is the original western hemisphere guy when it comes to Japanese candlesticks and provides you with sound information which in turn helps you out with price action.

Once you get your chart setup at the particular broker of your choice you can then start watching price action around these lines. Remember these lines won’t always hold in the direction you want. They are guidelines to watch as price moves. You use them to make better educated guesses of what price will do next. Over time you will learn a lot about how price moves throughout the day. Once you’ve spent many hours in front of the charts finding solid binary trade setups will be much easier. The time you put in now, will help you save a lot of time and money down the line.

Another aspect of the MT4 charting package that I like to use are alerts. These alerts can be set to tell you when price has reached a certain level on the chart. This allows you to do other things and not miss a potential trade setup . Their is a tab on the chart that let’s you set these alerts in seconds. These come in handy and also let’s you stay out of the market when conditions aren’t favorable.

It may take you some time to learn all the intricacies of the MetaTrader chart, but over time it will become pretty clear. There are a lot of different things you can do with them. Being a binary trader we use it for price action. If you ever decide to trade spot Forex, knowing these charts will come in hand. It’s better to get the education you need before risking your money. *** Resource Information *** A pivot point calculation looks like this: Pivot(P)=(H+L+C)/3 Basic math will give you the calculation of the pivot. Key = P=Pivot – H=High – L=Low – C=Close

The great thing about the indicator is that it does everything for you on a nightly basis. This means the plotted lines will not have to be calculated by you every night. It is completely automated . It’s a very nice feature to have as a trader.

Here is how you find all the resistance and support levels, using the calculation from above. Resistance(R1) = (2×P)−L R2 = P+H−L R3 = H+2×(P−L) Support(S1) = (2×P)−H S2 = P−H+L S3 = L−2×(H−P)

Should you have any questions about charting package, platforms or anything related to trading binaries, just use the contact form to reach out.

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