Friday, November 25, 2016

Rgr De La Divisa


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Buscando información y análisis sobre RGR. ¡Has venido al lugar correcto!

Value Forum es el mejor foro comunitario de la red para un pensamiento sin barniz, confiable y actualizado, no solo en nuestro panel de mensajes de RGR, sino también sobre cualquier inversión que posea o esté considerando.

I magine caminar en una habitación aislada donde algunos de los más inteligentes, los inversores más exitosos en América se reúnen & mdash; Inversores autogestionados y gestores de fondos de cobertura por igual & mdash; Para compartir ideas de inversión.

En este entorno privado & mdash; Completamente fuera de los límites para el público en general & mdash; Los miembros de este exclusivo grupo son capaces de compartir opiniones honestas e ideas no filtradas sobre acciones, bonos, ETFs, opciones, Forex y más. También hay una cantidad saludable de debate respetuoso, ya que bandy ideas acerca. Y al final, todo el mundo es más rico para ello.

Ese tipo de intercambio es exactamente lo que ocurre todos los días en ValueForum. com, la primera comunidad de inversión de Internet.

La membresía en esta comunidad privada en línea es estrictamente limitada & mdash; Sólo 1500 inversores serán admitidos & mdash; Pero hoy estás en línea para ser uno de ellos.

Antes de que le diga sobre todos los beneficios del miembro que le esperan, quiero dejar una cosa clara: ValueForum. com no es nada como las grandes placas libres de la inversión pública hacia fuera allí.

Comenzamos ValueForum. com para que los inversionistas serios pudieran alejarse del ruido, los shills y los gritos que afectan a los tableros de mensajes públicos de RGR.

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La privacidad es primordial y la confidencialidad estrictamente aplicada. Se prohíbe a los miembros compartir o repostar cualquier contenido de ValueForum. com; Los infractores pierden la membresía.

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Se animan debates sólidos, pero el respeto y la cortesía común se esperan con la lucha y el nombre de llamadas desautorizadas.

Los infractores pierden la membresía.

Y funciona. Como explica uno de nuestros miembros de largo tiempo: "ValueForum te da la oportunidad de aprender de personas que no están tratando de venderte nada, sólo dispuesto a regalar sus pensamientos sinceros. He hecho un montón de dinero de la información sobre VF. & Quot;

Así que si usted está buscando nuevas ideas de acciones o nuevas formas de aumentar sus ingresos de inversión con REITs, BDCs, bonos de alto rendimiento, fondos cerrados, usted estará encantado con el flujo constante de ideas confiables y análisis.

Como otro de nuestros miembros que van por el mango de oldart le dirá. Ningún amigo, ningún libro, ningún corredor, ningún consejero, ningún experto ha proporcionado nunca una décima lo que puedo encontrar aquí. El mejor dinero que he pasado es para la membresía. & Quot;

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Un flujo constante de ideas de inversión de primera categoría.

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Más de 100 temas de mensajes para ayudarte a concentrarte en las áreas que más te interesan.

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El sistema de calificación de valores ValueForum. com con más de 1.000 acciones clasificadas.

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$ 7 por el acceso a una nueva herramienta de inversión que puede ser verdaderamente cambiante. Fue para este miembro, que pasa por "stlbeerman & quot; & Quot; VF realmente ha cambiado mi vida y me ha hecho más rica de lo que esperaba. & Quot;

Es animado y atractivo, pero al igual que Las Vegas, lo que sucede dentro de ValueForum se mantiene dentro de ValueForum. ¡Vea por usted mismo antes de que se reclamen nuestras membresías restantes y es demasiado tarde!

"Value Forum" es, literalmente, el mejor sitio web en Internet para los inversores ninguno. Es una colección en tiempo real de noticias, experiencias, datos compartidos, opiniones que nunca se pueden obtener de sitios más grandes como TheStreet. com o Motley Fool. Le permite reunir múltiples opiniones que nunca puede obtener de hablar con un corredor de bolsa o sus analistas. & Quot; --bonddadddy

Como se ve en: Clasificado: Forbes mejor de la web

Mejor inversión que he hecho. & Quot; --PhillyJoe

He hecho un montón de dinero de las ideas intercambiadas en este foro. Recomendaría VF a cualquier inversionista serio, y nunca estaré sin él. & Quot; --tankerat

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Foro de RGR

RGR tiene una calificación de 2.00 en promedio de 1 miembro (s) en ValueForum. com [sobre una escala de (Compra Fuerte) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell)] en el área de clasificación de valores. La última actualización de la evaluación fue publicada el Mar 29, 2012, 5:53 PM ET. Como comunidad de miembros privados, las discusiones de los foros de discusión de RGR y la información adicional de calificación de las acciones, incluyendo el comentario de los 1 miembros que ingresan las calificaciones, solo están disponibles para los miembros de ValueForum.


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Intraday Datos proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y sujeta a condiciones de uso. Datos históricos y actuales al final del día proporcionados por SIX Financial Information. Datos intradía retrasados ​​por necesidades de intercambio. Índices de S & P / Dow Jones (SM) de Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Todas las cotizaciones están en tiempo de intercambio local. Datos de última venta en tiempo real proporcionados por NASDAQ. Más información sobre los símbolos negociados de NASDAQ y su estado financiero actual. Los datos intradía retrasaron 15 minutos para el Nasdaq, y 20 minutos para otros intercambios. Los índices S & P / Dow Jones (SM) de Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Los datos intradiarios de SEHK son proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y tienen al menos 60 minutos de retraso. Todas las cotizaciones son en tiempo de intercambio local.

Las mejores historias de MarketWatch

A partir de la fecha en la que se estableció el fondo de cálculo de la subvención, el nombre de la empresa se sustituye por el nombre de la empresa. Formację tą zamieściłem na wykresie poniżej.

Żółtym prostokątem oznaczyłem wielkość formacji y jej potencjalny ruch. Pozioma linia wskazuje linie szyi, której przebicie da sygnał do potwierdzenia formacji. Co, ciekawe, gdy spojrzymy na głowę formacji możemy zauważyć kolejną mniejszą formacje RGR, o której pisałem w jednej z poprzednich analiz tygodniowych.

Przy założeniu wzorcowej formacji potencjalny punkt docelowy a 1,3300. Gdy a piszę kurs wynosi 1,3830, więc potencjalny zasięg ma 530 pipsów. Oczywiście idealne formacje zdarzają się rzadko i najczęściej ruch jest albo krótszy albo dłuższy.

W każdym razie sytuacja jest interesująca i tydzień zapowiada si na ciekawy, nawet jeśli formacja zostanie zanegowana.

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GR Equipo profesional de Forex

Muchos comerciantes de divisas pasan su tiempo buscando ese momento perfecto para entrar en los mercados o un letrero que grita "comprar" o "vender". Y mientras la búsqueda puede ser fascinante, el resultado es siempre el mismo. La verdad es que no hay una manera de negociar los mercados de divisas. Como resultado, los comerciantes exitosos deben aprender que hay una variedad de indicadores que pueden ayudar a determinar el mejor momento para comprar o vender una tasa cruzada forex.

Aquí hay cuatro diferentes indicadores de mercado que la mayoría de los comerciantes exitosos de divisas se basan.

Indicador No.1: Una Herramienta de Seguimiento de Tendencias Es posible ganar dinero utilizando un enfoque de tendencia inversa a la negociación. Sin embargo, para la mayoría de los comerciantes el acercamiento más fácil es reconocer la dirección de la tendencia principal e intentar beneficiarse negociando en la dirección de la tendencia. Aquí es donde las herramientas que siguen las tendencias entran en juego. Muchas personas no entienden el propósito de las herramientas que siguen las tendencias y tratan de usarlas como sistemas de comercio independientes. Si bien esto es posible, el verdadero propósito de una herramienta de seguimiento de tendencias es sugerir si usted debe estar buscando para entrar en una posición larga o una posición corta. Así que vamos a considerar uno de los métodos más simples de seguimiento de tendencias & # 8211; El crossover promedio móvil.

Una media móvil simple representa el precio de cierre promedio sobre el número de días en cuestión. Para elaborar, echemos un vistazo a dos ejemplos simples & # 8211; Un plazo más largo, un plazo más corto. (Para obtener información relacionada sobre las medias móviles, consulte Exploración de la media móvil con ponderación exponencial).

La Figura 1 muestra el crossover del promedio móvil de 50 días / 200 días para la cruz euro / yen. La teoría aquí es que la tendencia es favorable cuando la media móvil de 50 días está por encima del promedio de 200 días y desfavorable cuando el 50 días está por debajo de los 200 días. Como muestra el gráfico, esta combinación hace un buen trabajo de identificación de la tendencia principal del mercado - al menos la mayor parte del tiempo. Sin embargo, no importa qué combinación de media móvil que elija utilizar, habrá whipsaws.

Gráfico 1: El euro / yen con promedios móviles de 50 días y 200 días

La figura 2 muestra una combinación diferente. El crossover de 10 días / 30 días. La ventaja de esta combinación es que reaccionará más rápidamente a los cambios en las tendencias de precios que el par anterior. La desventaja es que también será más susceptible a los whipsaws que el crossover a largo plazo de 50 días / 200 días.

Indicadores técnicos para EURUSD

Combinado estos mejores indicadores técnicos tienen el beneficio potencial de ganancia de 40-50 pips por entrada en el par EURUSD. Ahora que ya sabe cómo funcionan algunos de los indicadores de gráfico más habituales, está listo para quedarse y ensuciarse con algunos ejemplos. Mejor aún, vamos a combinar algunos de estos indicadores y ver cómo se despliegan sus señales comerciales. En un mundo perfecto, podríamos tomar sólo uno de estos indicadores y negociar estrictamente por lo que nos indicó ese indicador. El problema es que no vivimos en un mundo perfecto, y cada uno de estos indicadores tiene imperfecciones.

Es por eso que muchos comerciantes combinan diferentes indicadores juntos para que puedan & # 8222; El uno al otro. Pueden tener 3 indicadores diferentes y no ganarán a menos que los 3 indicadores les den la misma señal.

En este primer ejemplo, tenemos las bandas de Bollinger y el estocástico en el gráfico de EUR / USD de 4 horas. Dado que el mercado parece estar variando o moviéndose de lado, mejor que tengamos cuidado con el rebote de Bollinger.

Compruebe que las señales de venta de las bandas de Bollinger y el estocástico. EUR / USD subió hasta la parte superior de la banda, que normalmente actúa como un nivel de resistencia.

Al mismo tiempo, el estocástico llegó a la zona de sobrecompra, lo que sugiere que el precio podría bajar pronto.

Y qué pasó después?

El EUR / USD cayó alrededor de 300 pips y hubieras hecho un gran beneficio si tomaste ese comercio corto.

Posteriormente, el precio entró en contacto con el fondo de la banda, que usualmente sirve como soporte. Esto significa que el par podría rebotar desde allí. Con el estocástico en el área de sobreventa, significa que deberíamos ir mucho tiempo.

¡Si usted tomó ese comercio, usted habría conseguido alrededor 400 pips! ¡No está mal!

Aquí hay otro ejemplo, con el RSI y el MACD esta vez.

Cuando el RSI alcanzó el área de sobrecompra y dio una señal de venta, el MACD pronto siguió con un crossover hacia abajo, que es también una señal de venta. Y, como se puede ver, el precio se movió cuesta abajo desde allí.

Hooray para nuestros indicadores!

Más tarde, el RSI se sumergió en la región de sobreventa y dio una señal de compra. Pocas horas después, el MACD hizo un crossover hacia arriba, que es también una señal de compra. Desde allí, el precio hizo una subida constante. Más pips para nosotros, fantástico!

Usted probablemente notó en este ejemplo que el RSI da señales por delante del MACD. Debido a las diversas propiedades y fórmulas mágicas para los indicadores técnicos, algunos realmente dan señales tempranas, mientras que otros son un poco retrasados.

Usted aprenderá más sobre esto en sexto grado.

A medida que continúe su viaje como comerciante, descubrirá qué indicadores funcionan mejor para usted. Podemos decirle que nos gusta usar MACD, estocástico y RSI, pero puede que tenga una preferencia diferente.


Cada comerciante por ahí ha intentado encontrar la combinación mágica & # 8221; De los indicadores de divisas que les dará las señales correctas todo el tiempo, pero la verdad es que no hay tal cosa.

Le instamos a que estudie cada indicador por sí solo hasta que conozca las tendencias de cómo se comporta en relación con el movimiento de precios y, a continuación, llegar a su propia combinación que usted entienda y que se adapte a su estilo de negociación.

Más adelante en el curso, le mostraremos un ejemplo de un sistema que combina diferentes indicadores para darle una idea de cómo pueden complementarse.

Análisis para el 19 de junio. 2014

USD CAD, Dólar estadounidense vs. Dólar canadiense & # 8221;

En la carta H4 de USDCAD, el cocodrilo está durmiendo, el fractal alcista está terminando, AO está cerca de la línea de balance, AC está en la zona roja. MFI puede mostrar crecimiento, barra de squat puede aparecer. El fractal alcista puede alcanzar la línea de los dientes (rojo uno), después espero la fractura de fractales a la desventaja.

En la carta H1 de USDCAD, Alligator había invertido a la baja, AO y AC están en la zona roja, barra de squat se ve en la IMF. Espero que la angulación se liquidará y fractales se romperá a la baja.

NZD USD, Dólar neozelandés vs Dólar estadounidense & # 8221;

En la carta H4 de NZDUSD, Alligator está ascendiendo. AO y AC están en la zona verde. MFI crece y puede aparecer barra de cuclillas. El fractal bajista puede alcanzar la línea de los dientes del cocodrilo (H4), después espero el desglose del fractal a la parte superior.

En el gráfico H1, Alligator está subiendo, AO y AC están en la zona verde, MFI tiene barra de squat. Se espera que la angulación sea liquidada y que los fractales alcistas exploten al upsde.

Análisis para el 18 de junio. 2014

AUD USD, Dólar Australiano vs Dólar Estadounidense & # 8221;

AUDUSD probablemente continúa consolidándose y comerciando entre líneas de tendencias Super. Pruebas de mercado nivel 6/8, en caso de que vemos un retroceso de este nivel, el crecimiento será posible. Después de que el precio acepte el área sobre CT en H4, planeo agregar a la posición larga.

En el gráfico H1, el precio se encuentra en la parte inferior de la estructura. El precio se está consolidando cerca de 0/8, lo que indica posible comienzo de la corrección. Un crecimiento más significativo puede iniciarse después de la aceptación por encima de 2/8.

GBP JPY, Libra de Gran Bretaña contra Yen Japonés & # 8221;

GBPJPY probablemente regresa al escenario alcista. El precio está estableciendo nuevos máximos, permitió mover paradas y reducir el riesgo. Súper líneas de tendencia proporcionan apoyo. 8/8 se considera un objetivo.

En el gráfico H1, el nivel 8/8 de GBPJPY está dividido y permanece en & # 171; sobrecompra & # 187; zona. Antes de eso, los vendedores no eran lo suficientemente fuertes para empujar el precio a 6/8. No se excluye que podremos ver ruptura de +2/8, puede conducir a formar nueva estructura.

XAG USD (Plata vs Dólar estadounidense)

Plata se ha retirado de 4/8, mercado posterior ha aceptado el área por encima de las líneas de tendencia Super. Han formado una cruz alcista & # 187; antes de que. Si el precio acepta el área sobre 5/8, será una señal al crecimiento a 8/8.

Los niveles son casi iguales en ambos plazos. Súper líneas de tendencia se han formado cruz alcista, que fortalece el poder de los compradores. Una vez que el precio estalle alto, moveré mi parada al breakeven.

He juntado un video que cubre el Aerospace & amp; Defensa Sector y una docena de los componentes individuales con gráficos que se destacó para mí. Como mucho ha sucedido en los mercados en las últimas semanas que ha amortiguado el caso a largo plazo de bajista y fortalecido el caso alcista, un dilema se ha desarrollado últimamente. & # 93;

Recientemente he recibido algunos comentarios sobre la fortaleza del Russell 2000 (small caps), así que hice este video para compartir mis pensamientos sobre el índice. También he cubierto los gráficos de los siguientes componentes de ese índice con el fin de obtener una mejor idea de dónde el índice en sí es probable que vaya & # 91 ;. & # 93;

RGR ha sido un gran comercio. Dos veces en los últimos meses: primero publicado como una entrada corta para los comerciantes agresivos a 57,38 el 2 de mayo, cubierto (alcanzó el objetivo final) a 34,35 un poco más de un mes después el 8 de junio para una ganancia de 40,1%, luego revirtió el comercio De largo en 34.35 para los comerciantes agresivos) ese mismo día y golpeó el objetivo final para otra ganancia de 19.7% exactamente 3 semanas más adelante, para una ganancia acumulada de 59.8%. Es por eso que el swing de comercio corre círculos alrededor de comprar y mantener IMO. & # 91 ;. & # 93;

Rsotc 2012-07-09T00: 27: 42 + 00: 00 Jul 9, 2012 12: 26 am | Categorías: Trabajos terminados - Corto | Etiquetas: RGR | Comentarios desactivados al volver a cargar RGR corto

Todavía conseguir cogido para arriba en la actualización de las operaciones activas. Aquí está el actual gráfico de 60 minutos de la RGR largo demostrando que T1 (objetivo final) fue golpeado en 6/29, exactamente hace una semana hoy, y ha seguido para negociar en torno a ese nivel, todavía ofrece la oportunidad de reservar el 19,7% de ganancia de (Desde el original & # 91 ;. & # 93;

Rsotc 2012-07-06T09: 45: 41 + 00: 00 Jul 6, 2012 9:45 am | Categorías: Trabajos terminados - Larga | Etiquetas: RGR | Comentarios desactivados en el objetivo final de RGR

El recientemente revertido (corto a largo) el comercio RGR recientemente el comercio ligeramente por debajo de la entrada (ruptura de la cuña de 60 minutos de caída), pero todavía parece bien por ahora. Por supuesto, asegúrese de establecer que se detiene proporcional a su propio estilo de negociación y la tolerancia al riesgo si tomó el comercio. Por ejemplo, algunos comerciantes podrían tener & # 91 ;. & # 93;

Rsotc 2012-06-19T14: 15: 10 + 00: 00 12 de junio de 2012 2:48 pm | Categorías: Trabajos terminados - Larga | Etiquetas: RGR | Comentarios desactivados en RGR actualización larga

Si usted tomó RGR en la parte inferior de la cuña (o justo debajo), puede tomar el rápido 6%, 1 hora de ganancia aquí como diría que las probabilidades son buenas para al menos una pequeña reacción de la línea de cuña superior. Si planea mantener o ingresar una nueva posición en una ruptura de & # 91 ;. & # 93;

Rsotc 2012-06-25T14: 11: 28 + 00: 00 Jun 8, 2012 10:58 am | Categorías: Trabajos terminados - Larga | Etiquetas: RGR | Comentarios desactivados en RGR actualización larga

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Amazing Forex Strategy es una de las herramientas más importantes para todos los comerciantes, pero la mayoría de los escritores o comerciantes dijeron que sólo unos pocos comerciantes pueden ganar dinero con el comercio. Es eso cierto. Cómo se puede perder dinero mientras hay tantas herramientas que pueden ayudarle a superar el comercio. Si usted todavía es nuevo en el comercio todavía hay oportunidad para que usted haga un montón de dinero después de leer este artículo. Voy a tratar de explicar aquí la estrategia que siempre y cuando siga la regla. Voy a explicar cómo ganar Forex sin indicadores técnicos. Análisis Técnico es el mayor de los aspectos que influye en la mente del comerciante y la decisión al iniciar el comercio. Miles de indicadores incluso estrategias y trucos se pueden encontrar fácilmente en muchos forex foros, pero sólo unos pocos ganan dinero. Derecha. Por qué no utiliza indicadores técnicos? La respuesta es porque los indicadores técnicos no pueden vencer a NEWS o Análisis Fundamental. Noticias fundamentales pueden hacer que todos sus indicadores técnicos o estrategia no puede funcionar, esto es lo que muchos comerciantes olvidan cuando comienzan a operar. Utilizan indicadores técnicos al no considerar el análisis fundamental. Aquí trataremos de echar un vistazo a fundamental / noticias afecta a su comercio.

Noticias de FTSE Euroft300-Gre

FX Empire - La empresa, los empleados, las subsidiarias y los asociados, no son responsables ni serán responsables conjunta o solidariamente por cualquier pérdida o daño como resultado de la confianza en la información proporcionada en este sitio web. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no necesariamente se proporcionan en tiempo real ni es necesariamente precisa. FX Empire puede recibir compensación de las compañías que aparecen en la red.

Todos los precios son proporcionados por los creadores de mercado y no por los intercambios. Como tales precios pueden no ser exactos y pueden diferir del precio de mercado real. FX Empire no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda incurrir como resultado del uso de cualquier dato dentro del FX Empire.

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El poder del conocimiento y la FORREX ...


A partir del 2 de enero de 2014, el Sr. Saško Despotovski no tiene ninguna otra asociación con FORREX en cualquier capacidad.

El poder del conocimiento y la FORREX ...

FORREX, fundada en 1998, es una agencia de consultoría internacional con la reputación y acreditación de una organización neutral y caritativa. Forrex tiene dos publicaciones asociadas y un equipo de científicos de investigación y especialistas que están estratégicamente ubicados en toda la Columbia Británica y Canadá. FORREX reúne de forma única a investigadores, miembros del público y aquellos con conocimientos empíricos e indígenas con el propósito de:

Proporcionar un análisis científico detallado de los asuntos relacionados con los proyectos de exploración, minería y recursos naturales.

Crear un entorno y procesos neutrales para el análisis y resolución de conflictos que giren alrededor de los sectores industriales antes mencionados

Permitir la publicación de los resultados investigados en nuestras revistas.

FORREX tiene una estructura única con resultados de referencia comprobados y una larga historia de éxito. Nuestros productos, la ciencia y los procesos han dado forma a la formulación de políticas en Columbia Británica y en el extranjero - agradeceríamos una oportunidad de compartir nuestros procesos con usted.

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Nuestro proyecto está desarrollado para los comerciantes de Forex. En este sitio todos los asesores expertos se ofrecen de forma gratuita. Todos los sistemas de negociación en los que se basan los asesores expertos, es el resultado final del trabajo de nuestros empleados y de los comerciantes más exitosos. Nuestros asesores expertos (EA) son fáciles de instalar, no requieren ningún conocimiento especial y son ampliamente utilizados por los principiantes y los comerciantes con experiencia. Lee mas..

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What happened to Custom Indicators in the Navigator window? I'm running build 670 and the Navigator window shows-- Accounts Indicators ExpertAdvisors Scripts

And this is interesting, I opened "Indicators" and found all my custom indicators. So what happened to the default indicators?

They are in the Trend, Oscillators, Volumes and Bill Williams groups. Somebody there thought that it is very smart to do so. According to them standard deviation is a trend indicator

Re: Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

Just a repeated reminder that some others already posted. from August the 1st older builds of metatrader 4 are not going to be supported any more. What does exactly "not going to be supported any more" mean id yet to be discovered, but frm past experiences we are probably going to get a message "you are using old build" and we shall be forced to update. But we shall see

Anyway, get ready for that (just in case)


Re: Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

Nice little dispute on a Russian part - the guys did not like the "broker is guilty for all" answer from metaquotes people It is starting


Re: Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

a quote from renat that answered this question :

Ренат здравствуйте, означает ли остановка поддержки старых билдов, что они перестанут соединяться с сервером? Я обязательно обновлюсь, но до 8.08 не хотел бы прерывать работу советника.

Да, перестанут в зависимости от завершения процесса обновления торговых серверов. В любом случае настоятельно рекомендую завершить все обновления терминалов до 1 сентября (как раз большинство брокеров завершат обновления), чтобы не столкнуться с неожиданностями.

In short. your old builds will stop connecting to servers (the famous "old build") and that we all should transfer all to new builds the latest to September the 1st when the majority f brokers will update (official date of discontinuation of a support for old builds is still August the 1st)

4 pages of bug report and finally deinit problem is fixed with strict tag. And i ask. Why do I use stric tag?

Because they have no idea what is causing the bug(s) They reverted the way how it works again. external parameters with comments added are working the same way as in the first betas. Why the hell did they remove that in the middle then? Or they simply do not know that it is happening and that they have older build code working again (which is 99% sure - they did show more than once that they have no idea what features are working and what are not)



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RGR long update

if you took RGR at the bottom of the wedge (or just below), you can take the quick 6%, 1 hour gain here as i'd say the odds are good for at least a small reaction off that upper wedge line. if you plan to hold or enter a new position on a break-out of the falling wedge, i have added a price target. if you do not already have a long position, or if you are still short and just catching up on the posts, consider waiting until prices make a solid break above the wedge before entering (or stopping out if still short).

rsotc 2012-06-25T14:11:28+00:00 Jun 8, 2012 10:58am | Categories: Completed Trades - Long | Tags: RGR | Comments Off on RGR long update

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Wall Street New 52-Week Peaks – POWR, DPZ, MNOV, ANIK, TFX, RGR, COT, FSLR, SAFM, CPB

PowerSecure International (POWR) posted a new high of 18.59 above a previous 52 week high of 16.94. The company traded at $18.59 + 8.72 (88.35 percent) on 10,090,405 total stock volume.

Dominos Pizza Inc. (DPZ) posted a new high of 133.92 above a previous 52 week high of 119.73. The company traded at $133.34 + 15.73 (13.37 percent) on 4,467,212 total stock volume.

Medicinova Inc (MNOV) posted a new high of 6.82 above a previous 52 week high of 5.90. The company < traded at $6.36 + 0.56 (9.66 percent) on 1,174,555 total stock volume.

Anika Therapeutics Inc. (ANIK) posted a new high of 46.00 above a previous 52 week high of 45.35. The company traded at $43.39 + 3.24 (8.07 percent) on 716,912 total stock volume.

Teleflex Inc. (TFX) posted a new high of 143.24 above a previous 52 week high of 140.50. The company at $143.09 + 10.63 (8.03 percent) on 1,877,370 total stock volume.

Sturm Ruger& Co. Inc. (RGR) posted a new high of 70.00 above a previous 52 week high of 66.93. The company traded at $68.97 + 4.75 (7.40 percent) on 683,342 total stock volume.

Cott Corp. (Quebec) (COT) posted a new high of 12.50 above a previous 52 week high of 11.94. The company traded at $12.46 + 0.68 (5.77 percent) on 1,143,613 total stock volume.

First Solar Inc. (FSLR) posted a new high of 72.52 above a previous 52 week high of 72.12. The company traded at $72.35 + 2.90 (4.18 percent) on 4,707,353 total stock volume.

Sanderson Farms Inc. (SAFM) posted a new high of 89.23 above a previous 52 week high of 87.73. The company traded at $88.69 + 3.52 (4.13 percent) on 611,991 total stock volume.

Campbell Soup Co. (CPB) posted a new high of 62.62 above a previous 52 week high of 61.65. The company traded at $62.57 + 2.04 (3.37 percent) on 2,011,799 total stock volume.

NOTE: Information with regards the market’s new 52-week highs as shown on this page have been generated on share prices 30 minutes prior to the posting of this update.

Currently Being Moderated

I found an accounting document created by invoice posting. it seemed that the exchange rate is different between the date of IR posting and GR posting. therefore, there was a difference between amount of Vendor account and GR/IR recount account in local currency. and apparently the difference was distributed to both inventory account and material reval-Forex account.

Dr. GR/IR recon-account 1800000

Dr. Inventory 140000

Dr. material reval-FOREX 60000

anybody know how to get the calculation? is there any config of it?

thanks a million..

Currently Being Moderated

Check the GR/IR credit in GR accounting document and also check the exchange rate at time of GR by click header in accouting document.

Then check the accouting document in IV in local currecy. GR/IR credit should be same as GR/IR debit in GR. Note the exchange rate here. The difference between above and this exchange rate will be calculated with respect to total inventory value and will be credited/debited to stock and if there is no stock it will go to revalution account.

Currently Being Moderated

thanks for the comment.

But what i'm confuse about is how to distribute the difference to the inventory and forex account. i knew that the GR/IR amount in IV is exactly the same with the amount in GR. but i wonder how SAP distributes the difference made by exchange rate to both inventory and forex account. because as u could see in my example, both of inventory and forex account, got some amount from the difference.

Currently Being Moderated

SAP distributes the difference made by exchange rate to both inventory and forex account Based on the total stcok coverage and the transaction event key KDM defines that

KDM - Exchange rate rounding differences for open items (invoice posting with a different exch. rate than the GR/due to Std price difference/insufficient stock coverage

both inventory and forex account got the amount because their would not be enough stock coverage for the excahnge rate difference value

Currently Being Moderated

check the stock availability at time invoice posting date. The stock quantity with value in document currency multiplied by exchange rate difference will be posted to inventory account and residue will be to exchange rate (KDM) account.

l have an issue which is, when l fix the exchange rate in my PO, at the point of goods receipt, differences are generated. that is,

at date 01.02.09, exchange rate on PO is fixed.

at date 11.02.09, goods receipt is done and when the accounting document is checked

it post a difference between the fixed PO rate and what's maintained on the exchange rate table

to the forex account. So l get this:

Dr Stock account

Dr Price diff account

Cr GI/IR account

Cr Forex account

Note: that IV is not yet carried out here at all. Price control is moving average.

My understanding is that differences arise between the time of GR and IV, if PO is not fixed.

In this innovative trading tutorial we take a look at harmonic trading, which is even more unknown in regards to generalized popularity in the market. Harmonic trading utilizes various Fibonacci retracements in mix with one another in order to identify where the turnaround point is likely to unfold.

One of the advantages of harmonic trading is the fact that it allows traders to structure positions with very tight stop losses. On the unfavorable side, this means the marketplace does not have to move far to stop out your trade. However on the positive side, it indicates that you will have the ability to restrict your losing trades so that they will have an extremely little impact on your total trading account. The majority of professional traders concur that this advantage far surpasses the possible unfavorable of getting stopped out in the losing trades.

Unlike the main Elliott Wave structure, harmonic patterns have a number of various structures. The chart graphics below outline some of the most typically used harmonic patterns:

These images show various reforms of the bullish harmonic pattern. In order to envision the bearish reforms of these patterns we would need to just turn these patterns upside down. All the calculations and Fibonacci retracements involved would be precisely the very same.

Each of these patterns unfolds using a series of four points: A-B-C-D. The D-point represents the reversal zone and this is where you purchasing or selling entries would be taking place when making use of these patterns. The above graphic shows 4 of the most typical structures: the Gartley, the Crab, the Butterfly, and the Bat. Each structure makes use of various Fibonacci calculations but the methods for trading these patterns is basically the exact same.

Trading Structure

Traders are waiting for the leg structure to unfold prior to placing a trade based on the presumption a reversal is imminent. Reversal patterns are normally excellent for risk and reward ratios however it is important to understand that you will be fighting against the dominant momentum in the market in order to get the better prices for your trade.

Just like anything, there is a give and take to these kinds of trades. But specialist traders have actually invested years perfecting both of these trading methods and the strong performance record tied to each technique is evidence of their overall effectiveness. It is typically a good idea to begin trading these patterns making use of a demo account up until you feel you have actually improved the procedure.

Small company owners searching for included financial investment chances may think about Forex trading to improve income and offer a little enjoyable and thrilled to the day-to-day grind. It is possible to earn from dealing Forex, nevertheless, many new investors are trying to find a fast fix “win” and can quickly get their fingers burnt when trading currencies. The currency market is busy, causing adrenaline highs and emotional reactions in many individuals, trading Forex requires to be researched thoroughly prior to any money trades happening, with strategies and methods in place to assist ensure success.

When you run a small business it’s most likely that danger management is dealt with on an everyday basis, ultimately your own capital is tied up within the business and at risk if your business fails. It’s the exact same when it comes to dealing Forex, leverage of trades makes it possible to handle sums of cash far in excess of the capital deposited with your Forex broker. The temptation with take advantage of is to ponder the greater gains to be made from effective trading, nevertheless greater losses must also figure in any thoughts of this nature.

Sustainable Forex trading methods to assist create pleased, effective currency dealerships consist of:

Setting up a demonstration account and looking into Forex ideas and strategies prior to investing any capital

Keeping a careful eye on financial and political markets in locations where currency pair trading is conducted

Just investing your very own capital

Restricting each trade to no greater than 5 to 10 percent of overall funds with the broker

Setting set up stop loss orders on each trade, you will leave any trade when a particular price is hit but it likewise restricts most likely losses

Not risking large amounts of capital with automatic trading systems, potential losses can rack up really quickly and these programs often crash

Have strategies and strategies in location before establishing any trades

Keep emotions under control at all times

Discovering an excellent broker offering education and research for new traders, with lower charges and a demonstration account service to trial out Forex dealing is great guidance for any brand-new Forex trader to take. It’s typically much easier to start trading your own national currency within any paired level, especially if it’s one of the popular currency trades. You’re more acquainted with news and the economy in your country of origin and most likely to be much quicker at identifying elements that will affect upon exchange rates, resulting in more successful deals.

When you have actually established the looked into technique that helps keep your Forex trading account in favorable credit, do not be tempted to risk more capital to accomplish greater gains. Goal for organic growth to fund any Forex account. CMC Markets offer helpful charting and graphing tools, as well as demo accounts. Their dealing platforms feature extremely high in customer awareness and satisfaction surveys.

The foreign exchange market is utilized to trade currency from the different nations of the world. Many individuals think trading in the foreign exchange market is hard, but that is only true if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the marketplace. The short article below will showcase details about the forex market.

Don’t get caught up in believing that you know a currency so well that you don’t take a look at others. Currencies move laterally more often than they trend, and locking yourself into trading a couple of favorite currencies can stagnate your development. Always watch for a current opportunity to profit.

Think about getting e-mail or perhaps mobile alerts from your forex trading account. These signals can let you know when a potentially profitable trade is happening. Some forex brokers even have applications that enable you to trade through your forex account, using your phone. This ensures that you never ever miss out on a chance to revenue.

Consider the Forex trade a high-end sport and enter all the training possible. Never jump in and start investing cash till you have a full understanding and grasp of the strategies. Wait until you see that you have the ability to develop a consistent and trusted profit through simulation then you will be less most likely to lose cash once you begin trading genuine funds.

When making use of forex to create cash and form a legitimate trading business, it is essential that you do not utilize the market to sustain any desire you have for risk-taking. A lot of financiers merely trade on this platform because they such as the excitement. This will lead to you losing the money in your account in a rush.

Among the most typical errors that new or periodic Forex traders make is to see the market as revolving solely around a single currency. In truth, the whole facility of the foreign market exchange is the relationship in between BOTH currencies – how does one currency perform relative to the other?

Exercise new forex methods on a simulator system before attempting them out for real. Stop pricey errors from ever taking place. There are websites available that let individuals replicate actually trading. Before investing huge amounts of cash, pretend to invest the money and see if the deal would have turned out effective.

Do your homework when selecting a Forex broker, not all are legitimate. See to it any broker you deal with is signed up by the National Futures Association (NFA). And if handling a broker in the Bahamas or offshore, beware, none are NFA signed up. The most fraud associated to Forex comes from outside the UNITED STATE, South California, Boca Raton, Florida, and Russia. Remember if it sounds to great to be true, it probably is.

As stated in the intro for this short article, the currency of the countries of the world are traded in the forex market. Trading in the forex market can be quite financially rewarding, if you have adequate details about the marketplace. Making use of the information from the post above, you can trade in the marketplace.

The second amendment to the United States Constitutions states as follows:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There have been heated debates as to how the government should regulate this amendment which have at one time included:

Banning Hollow Point Bullets capable of penetrating bulletproof vests

Waiting periods imposed for the sale of handguns in order to complete background checks

Ban on the sale of specific assault weapons

Concealed weapons bans

and many others

However, the trouble remains as America contends with mass shootings. As we recently witnessed last Friday, a gunmen entered a school killing more than 20 innocent children and adults as well as injuring a few others. Gun companies such as Smith & Wesson (SWHC), Sturm Ruger (RGR) and Alliant Techsystems (ATK) take some of the blame as their stock’s price declines. The fear for investors in these companies is increased regulation thus inhibiting the fluid transaction of gun sales. Below we take a look at how these companies have fared after the horrific shootings over the past decade.

(Click to Enlarge)

*Red indicates shootings with 10 or greater deaths while yellow includes deaths of 8 or greater. **All statistics do not include the gunmen if they killed themselves after the fact.

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Choosing or purchasing software like Forex Robot is one feat included in Forex Robot Trading. For those not well aware of it, a Forex robot is software designed for the investors in a foreign exchange market. This software helps the investor make profitable outcomes by making analyses and deciding on what investments to make to

September 24, 2014 Forex

A Forex robot trader is a person, a company or a group of companies providing an investor or consumer with the best Forex robot for the business needs of those involved in the foreign exchange market. Usually a Forex robot trader advertises the services via the internet. A lot of brands of Forex Robot exist

If you want to make money in your forex trading business, then it will be very important for you to learn what the best Forex robot of the present days is. By doing so, you will be able to come up with the best software program which is intended to help a Forex trader to

Amidst the recessions and the economic difficulties worldwide, the foreign exchange market proves that it still stands strong, despite the hurdles experienced by economies among countries worldwide. This sparks an unending interest to people who has a dream of a good profit or income. But this market, like any other fields in business and economy

Forex robots are selling like hotcakes on the internet that it has become a mandatory tool for everyone intending to get into the world of forex trading. Forex robots have been employed due to its ability to do a day’s task in minimal time. It is utilized mainly for a faster access to opening and

FXCM Hellas

FXCM Hellas is an online forex site also offering mobile forex using FXCM. MetaQuotes. NinjaTrader. Tradency. and ZuluTrade software licensed in Greece. It is one of 8 online sites owned by FXCM Holdings, LLC. The site's primary language is Greek. It supports both downloadable software and the ability to open a position without a download.

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Forex trading market can likewise be termed as the largest financial market of the world and thus likewise offers the most profitable options also. Likewise, with technological innovations, forex trading signals can be accessed online. It is the intro of these forex signals that have actually enhanced its appeal substantially, as it is easily easily accessible at the comfort of the home of various investors. There are various business that supply forex trading signals over the Internet. For this, a person first has to sign himself up with the website of that company and send a yearly or monthly fee as these services are made available on paid basis just. Many websites that offer a trading platform makes available the forex signal trading system. This involves sending out of newsletters about the day-to-day market trends by a professional broker, trader or a market analyst to its members. These are extremely practical as the basic purpose of every trader is to provide lucrative deals in forex by utilizing all the information that is made available to him. There are different prices that are charged for these forex signals services and the services are likewise provided accordingly. While a few of them will send out the e-mail, others will keep you upgraded by its forex notifies by means of cellular phone. Live charts are another function that is made available in some greater subscription services. Typically the minimum amount of subscription is a minimum of $100.

Though forex is an extremely rewarding market, still it has actually equivalent risk included, so it is necessary to have forex technique system to ensure that you are not losing more than earning. Optimization of danger in accordance to your reward is essential to make certain that you into effective trading. Every forex trading strategy have to follow a disciplined method together with taking risks. That is to state, limiting the danger, while making the very best and the most positive market moves possible is essential to end up being an effective trader.

Another technical analysis or forex trading technique is the one that includes obtaining “resistance” and “support” levels. The base for this is that forex market will generally trade below its level of resistance and also above its levels of support. In case the resistance or support level is wrecked, the market is also expected to follow the exact same direction at that time. These levels can be decided by examining the resistance in previous years, unbroken support in the market and by examining its chart. For this reason, to end up being an effective trader it is much better to follow forex approach system.

Forex or FX, no matter how you might call it, it all describes foreign exchange. Forex generally handles trading of currencies, or in other words currency trading that is provided at the ongoing rate in market. It includes investing money in the international currencies and making profit by offering them at the greater rate. That is to say, that you are extending the one you are holding, just to buy the other one for a lower price.

Modifications in the Forex market typically take place rapidly therefore it is necessary for traders to monitor the marketplace. Political and economic events can affect the modifications in the Forex market. If you wish to identify whether you’re gaining or losing in Forex trading, this article can help you with the computations.

Did you know that you can discover a market that is open 24 hours a day? The market is called Forex market and if you go there, you can’t find services, commodities and items. The Forex market is the place where various type of currencies are traded. In every trade, 2 currencies are included. For instance, you can offer your Canadian dollars for Euros; or you can pay Japanese Yen for US dollars. Forex rates or exchange rates can alter suddenly. You have to keep track of these currency exchange rate in order to identify if the cost of a specific currency enhanced or reduced.

The Forex financial investment is greatly influenced by the currency exchange rate and in order to understand the relationship in between the two, you should also be familiar with Forex quotes. Like the currency pairs, Forex quotes can be discovered in pairs too. Here is a very good example:

1. Expect the currency pair is USD (US dollar) and CAD (Canadian dollar).

The Forex quote for this pair is USD/CAD=170.50; this is interpreted as ‘each US dollar is equivalent to 170.50 CAD. The currency discovered at the left side is called the base currency and it is constantly comparable to 1. The currency found at the best side is called counter currency. The more powerful currency is constantly the base currency and in this case, the USD. The Forex quote’s central currency is USD therefore you can find it in many Forex quotes.

2. This time use EUR to USD. Presuming that the Forex rate is 1.0857; in this example, the USD is the weak currency. If you purchased 1,000 Euros, you will certainly need to pay $1,085.70. After a year, the Forex rate was at 1.2083 and this suggests that the Euro’s value enhanced. If you choose to sell the 1,000 Euros now, you will certainly get $1,208.30; now, in this deal, you acquired $122.60. What if the Forex rate a year after was 1.0576? This suggests that the Euro’s value weakened. If you still choose to offer the 1,000 Euros, you will just receive $1,057.60 meanings that that you lost $28.10; did you get it?

Forex trading includes a great deal of risks similar to mutual funds and stocks. The fluctuations in the exchange market are responsible for such risks. Low level dangers like government bonds in the long-term can provide returns but are fairly low. If you wish to get higher returns, you have to buy Forex trading but you have to deal with greater level threats.

You have to set monetary goals for the short term. in addition to for the long term. By doing so, it will certainly be much easier to balance the risks included and the security. You will have the ability to perform your trades with ease and convenience. Use all the readily available Forex trading tools so that you can make smart and lucrative trades. After reading this article, you can already calculate if you’re gaining earnings or not.

An excellent suggestion for novices aiming to become a successful forex trader is to set up a demo account. These demo accounts assist the individual to have a feel for the user interface of the software application as well as get valuable practice in trading. These are free and are easy to set up.

Reading charts are the most significant part of Forex trading that you will need to find out. You need to have the ability to discern rate patterns, prior to the signs that measure the signal. It will take some time to find out ways to do this well but once you are great at it, you will surely reap the rewards.

Forex trading information is easy to find online. You can even browse by language, area or currency. This is to help those who are aiming to get associated with currency trading, discover all they have to comprehend and get invested. You can find devices, brokers, banks and other details that you will need.

Evaluate each trading loss. Learn as much as you can from your forex trading losses– you have actually already paid a huge rate for them, so don’t let the lessons go to waste. Numerous traders hate considering their losses. This means, however, that they’re not gaining from them and run the risk of making the exact same errors over and over.

Lots of people wonder about how they can trade forex to enhance their monetary well being. Like anything else, you truly need to be educated about the proper way to trade forex in order to be successful in the forex market. This short article contains a variety of ideas to aid you be successful in forex.

As the start of this short article has discussed, trading forex can be extremely rewarding, but can be extremely tough for someone who does not have the correct understanding or education. If you understand properly to trade forex, it becomes a lot easier. Apply this short article’s suggestions and be on your way to trading forex with ease.

Do not make the error of doing your trades by following Forex robotics. Succeding in Forex is all about learning the market and following the trends. These robots are not able to understand the actual psychology behind trading in Forex. Utilize them at your own risk and you’ll most likely view your money disappear.

If you see a Forex trade going south, go out before you lose too much cash. It’s finest to get out when it’s bad and after that return in when it’s much better than to let your cash stagnate in a trade you’re really hoping might improve at some point. Use that cash for a trend you view as a winner instead.

To trade on the Forex market hang around learning about the countries currencies you are trading with. Understanding the political activities of a country will certainly assist you to identify your next trade step.

Ensure that you have the threat tolerance needed to trade in forex. The marketplace can be really unstable, and there can be amount of times when you lose cash. However, if you become scared of the down-market, you will lose out on financial investment chances. So prior to you decide to venture into forex, ensure that you can endure the danger.

Foreign exchange trading includes purchasing and selling various currencies. It deals with the theory that is similar with share market. As we know that to make the revenue, you need to buy at lower price and sell at greater rate, or we can likewise sell at higher cost first and buy at lower rate. But its not as simple as it sounds. By studying specific market conditions, you can in fact make profits in forex. All you have to do is to analyze the forex in a right way and do the great trade. Why to opt for Foreign exchange trading? There is an option to buy stock market likewise however here are a few crucial advantages of currency trading over stock exchange.

24-hour Trading Forex trading is done on 24-hours basis. This market is open throughout day and night as someplace on the planet, there should be this buy and sell trading is going on. Traders associated with forex trading technique can constantly get that first hand details and can act appropriately. The currency rate is in fact run through telecommunication all over the network of banks 24 hours a day from 00:00 GMT on Monday to 10:00 pm GMT on Friday. There are ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks) which combine buyers and sellers. Greater Liquidity

There is a remarkable liquidity in the market as there are always purchasers and sellers to purchase and offer international currencies. Forex trading market size is 50 times larger than the New York Stock Exchange and liquidity of such large market makes sure cost stability. Forex trading stop orders could be carried out more merely. This makes Forex trading signal more liquid and permits Forex traders to take advantage of trading chances as they take place rather than awaiting the marketplace to open the next day.

100:1 High Leverage in forex trading 100 to 1 take advantage of is frequently offered from online forex dealerships, which significantly goes beyond the typical 2:1 margin offered by equity brokers. This provides them a big leverage in their trading and provides the capacity for extraordinary earnings with relative little financial investments. Take advantage of can also go the opposite way and may result in big losses if you are not cautious.

Forex trading transactions have no commissions. Forex Brokers can earn money by fixing their own speculation between exactly what a currency could be bought at and exactly what it could be cost. In distinction, Forex traders need to pay a commission fee or brokerage cost for every single futures deal they are available in to the view. The forex market is so large that no one individual, bank, fund or government body can influence it for a long period of time. In forex trading technique, you can trade in between seven currencies but not everybody trade in all.

There are particular trading signals that offer indicators to the trade. These forex signals are delivered by e-mail, instantaneous messenger or direct to your desktop. Some services even provide auto-trading, enabling you to auto-execute their trading signals direct into your broker account. For more about these forex, forex trading approach, forex signal, see: www. connection2forex. com

The FOREX market is constantly changing, with drops and increasings in currencies, 24 hours a day. The technique is to predict these trends before they happen, so you can buy currencies low and sell them when it is higher than the initial cost. In some cases, this means buying a dropping currency, and awaiting that currency to handle an upward trend. This forces you to maintain to date on the FOREX market conditions.

Stay notified to stay on top of your game; your FOREX profits rely on it. By continuing to be watchful, you’ll have the ability to pull in fantastic revenues through the FOREX market.

Fortunately is that you have the chance to practice with play money before you put any of your hard-earned cash through the FOREX market. When you register with a brokerage company that provides the alternative to trade online, you can use play money to test and comprehend the software. You can utilize this valuable chance to put your research study to the test by checking out different trading methods to see if your predictions and analyses are proper. While the money might not be actual, the conditions are, which allow you a steady play area to discover and adjust to the FOREX market.

Just like the stock market, the FOREX market includes those who invest a percentage along with those with millions to invest. Any individuals with any capital can take part on the action. Because of the variety of FOREX brokers offered today, you can become a FOREX trader with as low as 2 or three hundred dollars.

Well, the FOREX market works in the same way, other than you are not buying shares of a corporation. Rather, you are buying and selling currencies. The aim is the purchase a currency and sell it when the currency increasings. thus making a revenue when the currency is better.

Investing Methods To much better understand the FOREX market, you can compare this investing technique to trading stocks. In the stock exchange, you can purchase shares of many different corporations in the hope that stocks will rise, earning you a profit.

Online Trading To become a FOREX participant, you must a minimum of check out a book, if not take a course. Due to the fact that genuine cash is included right here, you have to proceed with utmost caution. Numerous FOREX investors sign up with FOREX associated websites to get newsletters, suggestions, and to stay up to date with currency trends. Some financiers even register to receive trends on their phones and PDA’s to stay in the game.

Numerous countless individuals have currently signed up with the FOREX market. If you have an interest in a method to invest your cash with quicker returns, FOREX may be best for you. However prior to you can start earning money, you need to completely understand the FOREX market.

Forecasting Results But like the stock exchange, the FOREX market is full of dangers. When you are investing any money there is always a danger of some loss. To reduce loss, many FOREX traders completely educate themselves through classes, online courses, books, and other products. There are numerous type of trading techniques that will certainly help you assess current conditions and enable you to anticipate results.

admin February 15, 2015

Recently, FOREX trading has gotten significant interest from the masses. In other words, FOREX is the forex market where participants have the ability to buy and sell currencies when conditions are fafvorable. In doing this, they get a fantastic return on their efforts. As with stock, you would buy when it is low and sell when it is high.

Getting Started in FOREX With the presence of the internet, it is simple to get started in FOREX trading. There are lots of brokerage firms that offer online trading so you can browse the web from your home computer at any time of the day or night. All you require is software application, which is offered through the brokerage firm.

By understanding everything there is to understand about FOREX, your chances of success is good. Nevertheless, it will certainly take practice and time to perfect your trading techniques, so begin with a percentage. Take full advantage of the demonstration software and utilize it up until you feel comfortable with FOREX trading.

Learning FOREX. It may take some time to discover the concepts and reasoning behind FOREX trading. When should you purchase currency? At what point should you sell? The unpredictability of the FOREX market keeps some individuals from becoming active traders.

It is best to get begun with a demo. The demonstration will walk you through and teach you the best ways to make use of the software. However the higher benefit right here is that you will certainly have an opportunity to test the software making use of funny money. Not only will this help you get a grasp of using the software application, it can likewise assist you test trading approaches and put your research study into practice.

It appears to see that discovering FOREX is a have to if you mean on ending up being an effective FOREX trader. If you have the time or money, you can attend classes or take online courses to better understand FOREX Nevertheless, even if your time or resources are restricted, you can still find out about forex on your own time with little cash.

There are various trading approaches involved with FOREX. Nobody approach is ideal, however each approach or technique can show you how to analyze trends and better predict changes in currency based on current market conditions. You should look into comprehending pips, or Price Interest Points. FOREX works in increments called pips, and some methods will certainly reveal you when it is best to offer, based on pips.

There are books, tutorials, and software readily available to train you in the methods and strategies of FOREX trading. It is suggested that you pick up a how-to or novices book to at least comprehend the basics. At the least, you need to read a couple of posts and discover some trading methods.

FOREX Boom Naturally, if it were that basic, everybody would take part on the FOREX boom. Nevertheless, much time, research study, and research will certainly enter into comprehending FOREX and its nature. To prosper as a FOREX trader, you have to understand ways to anticipate changes, assess trends, and stay up to date with rising and falling currencies.

admin February 12, 2015

The contemporary world is extremely various from that of long ago. Many of today’s fundamental jobs are now handled automatically. If you want an automated Forex system, you can make use of the Forex robotic. Hurry and search for this system online; if you desire, you can also examine Richard Donchian to find more information about it. You will greatly gain from this system over the long run. Don’t overexert yourself in studying the Forex market because with the help of the automatic system, you can go a long way.

Observe today’s market trends. If you believe that the Forex robotic will certainly work for you, considering the existing trends in the Forex market, you can use it because it is rational, really easy, and continuously works. the automated trading system can be gotten for free online just case you want to see how it works. If you think that the Forex robotic is another junk like all other systems, check its background. Try to evaluate ratings and testimonials to learn more about this outstanding and effective system.

For example, if you believe that a specific currency is going to maintain 4 weeks high standing, buy it. If you have a low-standing currency, you can sell it prior to the rate decreases additionally. This system is likewise called breakout in which all your moves within the Forex market is based on the low and high. Quickly, you will have the ability to permeate the marketplace’s huge trends.

For novices in the Forex trade, be alerted that most of the trading systems offered or offered online are thought about scrap and pointless. Often, these systems provide checked simulations and cleverly hyped marketing techniques that do not work. By utilizing ‘scrap’ trading systems, you can lose your financial investment.

Effective Forex traders spend sufficient time and effort to make educated trading choices. As a smart trader, you must not rush things. Allow the system to work. Do not believe in the myth that complex and costly systems are more reliable. If you’re significant in Forex trading, you can earn great deals of revenues with very little effort.

Big trends typically last for several weeks, months, or even years. Have a look at the Forex chart and study it. The whole system is automatic and the policies are rather objective. This system is also called a Forex robotic and it can run fifteen minutes everyday. The developer of this Forex robotic was Richard Donchian. a Forex trader.

Are you a regimented person? According to professional Forex traders, the only ones who prosper in the Forex market are those individuals who remain regimented in spite of their success or failure. Automated Forex trading has actually altered the way traders make their deals. If you’re a wise Forex trader, you can absolutely benefit from utilizing these automated systems.

If you desire an easy system, the Forex robotic might work for you. Traders who choose intricate trading systems commonly expect more from this system and so they would rather choose another system which can encounter their expectations. The Forex robotic is not fussy and it can help you in identifying the leading picks and all-time low choices.

There are simple trading systems offered online which can yield greater returns when used effectively and consistently. The easier the automated trading system, the simpler it is to use; you see, complicated systems do not guarantee success at all times so be really mindful when picking the appropriate Forex system.

admin February 7, 2015

As a Forex trader, you need to have your own technique or trading system. Numerous individuals discover it difficult to follow policies and standards and if you’re like that, the Forex market is not the place for you. You need to be extremely rigorous in following your created strategies or trading system. This is the only method to earn more earnings.

Now that you know something about Forex trading, don’t you believe it’s time that you likewise trade in the market? If you’re eager to take some dangers, you can certainly make huge earnings.

Successful traders understand how to handle their cash or effort. You need to make sure that the trading account is adequately funded and you should not enter into any transaction blindly.

Education is essential if you wish to be successful as a Forex trader. You need to have adequate knowledge about the marketplace and every detail you can learn is crucial. You can likewise discover numerous things in Forex trading. In fact, in every transaction you make, you’re bound to discover something that you can use in your future exchanges.

The buying or selling choices of traders are frequently affected by mental issues. Not all traders are reasonably believing in every deal they make and you can use this understanding to your advantage. That way, you can quickly decide when to go into or exit.

A lot of individuals are interested to understand more about FOREX trading. Do you want to know why? Well, Forex trading can help you make lots of money as long as you have the best approaches and trading details. Nevertheless, with one false move, you can also lose big cash. To be a successful trader, you need to be significant with all your trading transactions.

According to the expert traders, it’s simple to sell the Forex market but for the newbies, it might be a bit challenging. You see, there are some things that you need to consider.

Many traders lose their capital and according to data, these traders make up 90 % of the overall number of traders in the Forex market. The other 10 % is still divided into two in which the 5 % are the breakeven traders and other 5 % are those traders that achieve useful outcomes. The percentage of effective Forex traders is indeed extremely small as compared to the unsuccessful ones; because of this reality, lots of individuals are scared to invest in the Forex market.

Aside from having your very own trading system and methods, you need to be able to assess and study the price behavior in the Forex market. Rates have the tendency to alter rather quickly and so you have to be prepared at all times. Surprises in the Forex market is natural and you should be gotten ready for them.

Prior to, only the world’s biggest banks were enabled to trade freely. Things have actually altered greatly because the introduction of the web. If you have an internet connection, you can currently take part Forex trading. Lots of people are now actively associated with Forex trading since the market is extremely liquid.

Exchanges in the Forex market occur instantly. Even the professional traders and lenders are challenged to make excellent and educated trades. A single Forex trade ought to be done after thoroughly thinking about some elements.

If you wish to make big profits, one method to do that is to join Forex trading. However, to regularly make money, you need to enhance the probabilities associated with trading.

admin January 27, 2015

Do you value your money and time? If yes, then Forex is an easy source that will certainly assist you to multiply your revenue of your business. Forex currency trading is the modus operandi where you can have higher return on your effort. There is no doubt that Forex is considered to be the primary gamer in the financial market. It is the hassle-free method where one can trade International Currency.

Internet Forex trading

Web has made the online monetary marketing especially the Forex Trading technique is among the most convenient way for the traders. The forex market has actually expanded tremendously during the year time. Today you can complete the Forex trading technique by simply sitting at one place or home. In fact, trading in this global market suggests that one should have knowledge about the present situation of the forex market. In such cases, the forex signals plays a vital role by providing info about the time that will be suitable for investing cash in the Foreign exchange market which in return would be earnings producing the traders.

Señal de comercio de divisas

Forex currency trading requires a lot of understanding, knowledge time and self restraint that will certainly help a forex trader to make big profits by using right trading techniques. In Forex currency trading, you can avoid the traditional media of marketing and advertising. Forex currency trading is much better choice available in the monetary market than any other stock market. If you are interested in starting any type of new venture, then forex currency trading will be an excellent option as it is reasonable. For more details on Forex, Forex signal, Forex strategy system, Forex trading signal, Forex trading strategy, Forex informs and Currency trading, log onto www. official-forex-trading-system. com

In forex approach system, the dealing of international currencies are actually in pair that indicates exchanging one currency over the other. For instance, the Forex trading approach happens amongst the 4 foremost currency pairs i. e. British Pound and USD ( GBP /USD), Euro and USD (EUR/USD), Japanese Yen (USD/ JPY ) and Swiss Frank (USD/ CHF ) USD.

In fact, there is a requirement for Forex trading approach in order to control the worldwide market. Forex aletrs is among the important forex trading approaches that are being used in the international market. By taking the aid of Forex trading technique you can have a lucrative venture and safe a lot of cash.

Forex signals are usually the suggestions from the skilled professionals of forex strategy system that will certainly offer you real-time recommendations. This Forex signals will certainly help you to obtain the records of the present forex market. Forex trading signals will certainly likewise help to contrive through the valleys, hillsides and other breakdown that can take place at any second of time. Forex trading signal will certainly supply Forex signals that will certainly update you about the changes that have actually occurred in the forex trading system. They will certainly sends out forex informs through the assistance of emails, phone or messages. However the service of Forex method system is not free of cost your need to pay a specific amount or small subscription charge for reliable performance

admin January 15, 2015

Prior to you start forex trading, invest a substantial quantity of time into researching forex. Find out what forex is and is not. Know how the system works. Similar to other brand-new venture, knowledge can yield power. Research all the terms used in forex trading and investing and understand exactly what each term implies. By performing a web search, you can find all this details plus attend totally free webinars on the “ins and outs” of forex.

One of the most vital points to remember when trading forex is to pick a quality broker. This is very important because you are entitling your trust and your money into this person. Inspect evaluations as well as compose your very own interviews to ensure that they will certainly match your needs and wants with trading.

Don’t forget to live your life. Trading Forex can be interesting and you can find yourself up at all hours investigating, watch markets and considering new goals. However Forex ought to be an activity you carry out in your life, not your life’s focus. Re-evaluate your priorities at any time you see Forex taking more time in your life than it should.

When finding out Forex trading, there may be a lot info to handle that it is best to limit yourself to a couple of excellent sources. Try to depend upon quality rather than quantity in identifying what your eventual method will be. Then practice your picked technique for numerous months.

Find out about support and resistance. They are the reason for the cost moves and when you have a great understanding of support and resistance, you will better understand the reasoning behind the motions that rates make and will certainly much better be able to evaluate where they are going to go. This will certainly permit you to make better trade choices.

If you’re thinking about getting into forex but are feeling frightened by exactly what you have to do then look no further. When it comes to forex you need to discover as much as you can and use that knowledge to the best of your capability, understanding like that here in this short article.

Now that you have a good idea of exactly what you have to do to be successful with forex you must already be considering strategies you wish to use in the direction of your objectives. With forex you need to take a chance and begin someplace, the only method you’re visiting success is if you do just that.

As a Forex investor, you have to keep in mind one easy and undeniable fact: No one is bigger than the marketplace. The Foreign Exchange Market exchanges over $2 trillion every day. If you think your measly account matters in the grand scheme of the overall marketplace, you’ll learn rapidly simply how unimportant and expendable you are.

If you are interested in trading forex successfully, you need to start trading with a demonstration account first. Many forex brokerages offer a demo account and this beneficial device will certainly permit you to experience the gains and losses of forex trading without losing actual money. This will certainly assist you get experience and feel more comfy trading forex.

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Fix reporting errors tradin. On the higher side major resistance is around 123. The Binary options CFTC was created to protect investors in the United States during 1975 and were responsible for the shutdown of several unethical forex online brokers. Use the Fibonacci levels as a further indicator of the potential pullback. Set and Forget forex trading signals and start to profit instantly. But when bps trading system limit your investments to the stock of any onepany, that's really risky behavior.

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Forex Books

Thanks to the popularity that has taken the Forex market in recent years and it’s intends to earn more and more users to invest in the international market, Forex have created new auxiliary tools to help the users to have a better understanding of the market and become investors in a successful way. One of the most used tools are the Forex books . which have increased in number, so the users have a wide variety of reading options on this complex but also an effective system of investment.

One of the best Forex Books created to understand a little bit more about the market and the different types of investors that are there is “Trade in the area” by the writer Mark Douglas. The author tries to determine how the inexperienced investors think, what are the behaviors that they can have during the operation and what is the way we should use your mind if you want to be successful in this market where the patience and the accuracy are skills that you must have in a mandatory way.

“Seven winning strategies for Forex” by Grace Cheng is ideal for those inexperienced investors who are just learning about the system book. As the title says, the book offers various strategies to be successful in the Forex market as well as to certain details that may be important to achieve a better understanding about how the price of a certain product moves.

“Lions against gazelles” is one of the most popular Forex books as they try to explain how the market operates through brokers and own several financial experts experiences. The book was written by José Luis Carpathians, told in first career as a trader, and then explains how they have been the biggest financial mistakes of history, finally giving a lecture on the different forms of analysis of the Forex market.

“The Witches Market” is another important book known for offering in detail the way of how the Forex market operates and act as investor and invest to avoid the risk of being swept away by this system that has the investment market, written by Jack D. Schwager witch has bankrupted more than one person.

“The disciplined trader: how to develop winning attitudes” by the writer Mark Douglas, is a text that explains how it should be the modus operandi of a successful investor and what are the psychological tools that can be used to avoid falling into despair, regarded as the greatest enemy is any investor or trader.

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Real Trade is a Forex broker company specialising in providing reliable and competitive services on the Foreign Exchange Market to clients worldwide.

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Real Trade History

The 19th Forex Demo Contest was held. Results

The Company Real Trade took part as a Sponsor at the "FOREX EXPO 2012" held in Moscow.

A new deposit/withdrawal method via the Liberty Reserve payment system was introduced.

The Company Real Trade took part as a Sponsor at the "FOREX EXPO 2011" held in Moscow. Review

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EURGBP - próba wybicia szczytów

Z artykułu dowiesz się: - Jak wygląda obecna sytuacja na rynku EURGBP

Na rynku EURGPB doszło do wybicia formacji flagi. Jak na razie rynek zatrzymał się na poziomie szczytów z 25 lutego. Jeśli te zostaną wybite to możliwa będzie realizacja zasięgu formacji.

Na wykresie interwału H1 widzimy bardzo dobrze ukształtowaną formację chorągiewki, która powstała po wybiciu odwróconej formacji RGR. Do wyznaczenia zasięgu chorągiewki posłużył nam odcinek dynamicznego ruchu wzrostowego, który nastąpił przed krótką konsolidacją. Jak widzimy na ten moment wzrosty zostały skutecznie powstrzymane przez opór na poziomie 0,7925, co oznacza, że dotychczas zrealizowane zostało niecałe 40% potencjalnego zasięgu formacji. Wybicie poziomu 0,7925 może nie tylko skutkować ruchem w kierunku 0,797, który jest poziomem docelowym dla formacji, ale także znacznie dalszym ruchem, gdyż poziom 0,7925 wyznaczony jest przez maksymalne poziomy w obecnym trendzie wzrostowym.

Autor artykułu:

Jakub Wilk

Absolwent Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Pasjonat geometrii rynkowej i formacji harmonicznych. Szczególną uwagę poświęca behawioralnym aspektom inwestowania.

Moving averages are one of the oldest technical analysis techniques and the most widespread, and are mainly used as a tool to hunt down trend (Trend Following).

Type Indicator: directional indicators (Trend Indicators).

Moving averages are calculated for the average price movement in a specified period of time, where a set of data taken price for a specified period (such as closing prices, for example) and combine these prices and divided by the number is produced of which the number is the moving average.

There are more than one type of moving averages and best known are: SMA (Simple Moving Average) or (SMA). EMA (Exponential Moving Average) or (EMA).

SMA (Simple Moving Average): Is an average of the prices in a specified period of time, and can be calculated on the basis of the closing prices of the opening or minimum and maximum price, but preferably calculated on the closing prices due to its importance. To calculate the simple moving average closing prices are taken for a certain period (50 days for example) then these prices are collected and divided by the period (50). In general, all you have to do is choose the time period for the moving average in the graphics program you have, the average will be listed on the chart automatically.

EMA (Exponential Moving Average): Because moving averages delayed largely on the price movement, analysts sometimes used the exponential moving average, which gives more importance to modern rates through a set of equations to overcome delays in the movement of the Mediterranean. It should be noted that the difference between the two averages is not very large, but the average exponential closer to the price movement for the simple average, there are analysts prefer to use average exponential on the grounds that its signals faster and more compatible with the price, and there are those who prefer the simple average on the grounds that his references more credibility and does not give a lot of false signals such as the exponential average. And use any of them in general should be based on the extent of the market reaction to the average user, if the simple average of the best performance with an average price of exponential you can to use Simple Almtosatt. And vice versa.

Uses moving averages: 1 - break the moving average price. Is used to break the price moving average as a signal to buy and sell, when breaking the moving average price of the top of the signal to buy, and vice versa in the case of breakage down be a sell signal, note the following example:

It is noted that the longer moving average, the lower and increased accuracy of signals and vice versa in the averages with a short duration, and longer-month averages, which are used for this purpose, 20, 50, 89, 150 and 200

2 - a medium-sized moving averages cross. You can use the intersection medium-sized moving averages to generate buy and sell signals are as follows: Buy signals: when intersects the average short-term with the long-term average is higher. Selling signals: when intersects the average short-term with the long-term average down. The month averages, which are used for this purpose are (5, 20) and (10, 50), note the following example:

3 - the intersection of three moving averages: You can use the intersection of three moving averages to generate buy and sell signals, the most famous applications use intersection of averages (5, 10, 20).

Buy signals: the intersection of 5 with 10 of the top, then the intersection of 10 with 20 of the top so that it is the most advanced is 5 followed by 10 and then 20.

Selling signals: the intersection of 5 with 10 down, then the intersection of 10 with 20 down so that it is the most advanced is 20 followed by 10 and 5, note the following example:

Bandas de Bollinger

Creator of the index is "John Bollinger" (John Bollinger) at the beginning of the eighties, and was "Bollinger" has built assumption is that the market is in constant motion and remains constant and therefore must be a support and resistance levels moving besieging the price and can predict areas rebound rather than levels fixed.

Type cursor: pointer as it is directional indicators to measure market liquidity.

The index consists of:

Min Middle: It is a simple moving average.

Min loft: a positive standard deviation for the simple average.

Lower limit: a standard deviation negative for the simple average.

1 - Using Bollinger as an indicator of the degree of price volatility (Volatility):

Lines Bollinger shows dramatically degrees of price volatility in the market if the lines are moving in the scope of accidental tight, it means that there is a weakness in the degree of price volatility, and is often followed by the movement of forming strong in one direction, so you should be careful if you find the index moving in a narrow range and must that is preparing for a strong movement in one direction, and technical gadgets used to enter with their direction.

Note the strong movement after the narrow limits of the index.

In the case of a high degree of price volatility, the distance between the borders of the index increases, and the price has reached the peak of the movement and then more likely to reflection, and reflection areas unpredictable combining Bollinger borders with momentum indicators.

2 - Using Bollinger lines as targets.

Although you can be considered the upper limit of the index as a resistance and the bottom as support and use it as a point to enter the trades, but it is preferably used as targets and not be relied upon as a point of entry in order to avoid signals false, you can rely on access to break the limit East (simple average) and the goal after breaking either the upper or the bottom as the example below:


The idea of ​​the index and how to use it:

● is a technical indicator measures the rate of change (momentum) in the movement of prices, if the trading range for a given time period is higher than in the period of time the former is considered that an increase in the rate of change (momentum) and then index to rise, and vice versa If the trading range for the time period less the scope of the previous time period is considered that a decrease in the rate of change (momentum) This leads to a lower reading on the index.

● due to the method of calculating the index (rate of change) is the commander of the price index. For example, if the price moves of 2 to 6 to 9 to 11, this rise in price but lower change rate (loss of momentum), and this leads to the reflection of the momentum indicators before the actual reflection of the price.

● momentum indicators work perfectly when the market is moving sideways and fail to anticipate the reversal points when the market price in the case of directional movement.

● up to momentum indicators overbought condition when they reach a high level compared to previous peaks and this means that the market is ready for landing.

● up oversold condition when they arrive to a low level compared to previous Bakien and this means that the market is ready to rise.

Momentum oscillator is the same index rate of change (Rate of change), but differs from the halfway line instead of the zero line in the rate of change becomes 100 in the momentum indicator that the different calculation method.

As is evident, the indicators reflect the same thing, but the Central Line (Central Line) in the index (Momentum 100) In a sign (ROC) and this is due to the difference in the way the self-employed.

The objective of the index:

- In the directional movement

Buy when the trend is to the upside and down cursor down the center line and back to the top of glory. And vice versa

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